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81. American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee: Education ADC s education Department Arab Americans, Muslims, and south activists members, including many parents of school and former senator from south dakota, is a http://www.adc.org/index.php?id=203 |
82. MATR News: South Dakota Offers Web Resources For Students, Parents And Educators one website bring together the best educational content on by a review team of south dakota parents and educators, include the following resources. http://www.matr.net/article-4916.html | |
83. South Dakota State Library:Â Research Domestic Assistance (CFDA); south dakota Nonprofit Management Awareness \ Voices of education; OBGYN.net Children s Health Parenting Information; Pediatric http://www.sdstatelibrary.com/research/ | |
84. South Dakota Speech-Language-Hearing Association south dakota SpeechLanguage-Hearing Association. Velo-Cardio-Facial Syndrome Educational Foundation - self helping parents parent to parent Support Information http://www.sdslha.org/links.html |
85. Listings South Dakota: USA : South Dakota : Rapid City Region : Lawrence County a Changing World Welcome to Spearfish, south dakota! School (Spearfish) Welcome to south Shore School School Elementary School WRSD Educational Philosophy The http://listingsus.com/South-Dakota/Rapid-City-Region/Lawrence-County/Education/ | |
86. CLC -- Services literacy program funded by the south dakota Department of as a Second Language (ESL) Adult education and Family Parenting Birth to 3 Connections Black Hills http://www.clcbh.org/services/default.htm | |
87. NEA: NEA's Read Across America - Home stars, politicians, businesspeople, teachers, parents, librarians, school Cat in the Hat, south dakota First Lady Clay Aiken, a special education teacher from http://www.nea.org/readacross/ | |
88. South Dakota Parenting Speaker - Referrals To Local Parenting Eating Disorder Speaker south dakota education Speaker south Cities Nearby Complete south dakota Event Planning choosing a professional Parenting Speaker for http://www.alltimefavorites.com/local/speakers/Speaker-Parenting/South-Dakota/ci | |
89. Useful Links Guide a guide to Internet resources for parents and teachers of visually impaired children. OnLine Braille Literacy Course sponsored by US Dept of education. http://www.spedex.com/napvi/links.html | |
90. Hearing Exchange - For People With Hearing Loss, Parents And Professionals! parent training and information projects. http://www.hearingexchange.com/parents-resources/states.htm | |
91. Learning Disabilities OnLine: Finding Help: North Dakota State Resources information on learning disabilities, learning disorders, attention deficit disorder, ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dysnomia, speech http://www.ldonline.org/finding_help/local_org/ndakota.html | |
92. Division Of Education 912 For Teachers in grades 9th through 12th; Post Secondary For Teachers or Parents of students in Higher education; Administrators http://www.state.sd.us/deca/Education/Index.htm | |
93. PBS Parents | PBS parent Helper Boredom Busters Get rid of the I To Learn US Department of EducationThe PBS http://pbsparents.org/ | |
94. USD - Anthropology Home information for Alumni. Current Students. Employment. Faculty Staff. Parents. Press. Prospective Students. Home ». Academics ». Arts Sciences ». Anthropology ». Home ». About the U ». Academics. Arts Sciences. Business http://www.usd.edu/anth | |
95. Adopt An International Or US Child Baby Infant Kid Siblings, Adoption Informatio thousands of books on adoption, parenting more and services Adoption Professionals online resource center site is designed for educational purposes only. http://adopt.adoption.com/ | |
96. Mountain Plains Regional Resource Center http://www.usu.edu/mprrc/sitemap.cfm | |
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