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101. South Dakota PTA - Educational Resources For South Dakota Parent Teacher Associa Additional south dakota Educational Resources. Sponsor Links. 2004 PTOCentral.org- All rights reserved Home Fundraising Terms of Site Use Contact Us. http://www.ptacentral.org/south_dakota.htm | |
102. Welcome To SDHDA On-line! south dakota Homeless Consortium. http://www.sdhda.org/ | |
103. Center For Educator Recruitment, Retention, & Advancement - South Carolina Elementary School in Aiken County to promote public education. In addition to fulfillingnumerous speaking engagements, he chairs the south Carolina Teacher http://www.cerra.org/scctr_jobbank_submit.asp | |
104. GO2EC | South Dakota State Profile 57106 605361-5100 Fax 605-361-9523 jchamness@ppmsd.org www.ppmsd.org. Jeri ReedC3 south dakota Educational Hospital Access 605-338-4987 605-338-3065 Fax 605 http://www.go2ec.org/ProfileSouthDakota.htm | |
105. The Multi-Cultural Center Of Sioux Falls, South Dakota: Providing Opportunities The south dakota Extension Service and the Multi A conversational English programutilized dakota State University print form for use in educational or training http://www.joe.org/joe/2000april/iw2.html | |
106. South Dakota Resource Guides, National Mental Health Information Center Email infoctr@nmha.org Internet www.nmha.org. and advocacy components and offereducation and information NAMI south dakota 79 Second Street SW Huron, SD http://www.mentalhealth.org/publications/allpubs/stateresourceguides/southdakota | |
107. St. Francis Mission, Rosebud, South Dakota As a private notfor-profit body, legally incorporated in the stateof south dakota as the Rosebud Educational Society, Inc., St. http://www.sfmission.org/ | |
108. Mitchell, South Dakota - Convention And Visitors Bureau - Enchanted World Doll M doll museums in the world, this nonprofit charitable and educational foundationis Visitors Bureau 601 North Main, PO Box 1026 Mitchell, south dakota 57301 605 http://www.cornpalace.org/dollmuseum.html | |
109. SDABA The Association is south dakota s united vote for the promotion of environmentalstewardship and educational information for the crop input industry. http://www.sdaba.org/ | |
110. The Rural School And Community Trust Web Site: Rural Schools And Communities Get newsletter providing news and information on placebased education, features the NationalMonument, Virginia; and Badlands National Park, south Dakotaand the http://www.ruraledu.org/ | |
111. South Dakota Education Training - Continuing Education, CEU South Dakota Adoptio Find local adoption agencies, attorneys, centers or services. Search thousands of listed professionals. http://directory.adoption.com/search/Education_Training-South_Dakota.html | |
112. SD Conservation.org Contact the webmaster. Promoting Conservation Today, For Tomorrow. Every man, woman,and child in south dakota enjoys the benefits of our natural resources. http://www.sdconservation.org/ | |
113. The Report Card Report: America's Best Web Sites For School Profiles Selected Heritage Resources on education. Spending Does Not Mean Achievement (pdf).You can support the fight to ensure a quality education for every child. http://www.heritage.org/reportcards/ | |
114. Charter School Web Sites US Department of education. Regional State Departments of education. For other states,visit the US Department of education State education Agencies link. http://www.nwrel.org/charter/national.html | |
115. National Home Education Network - National Home education Network your source for homeschooling about NHEN, emailinfo@nhen.org. http://www.nhen.org/leginfo/state_list.asp | |
116. HSLDA | National Center For Home Education Fax (540) 3388606 E-mail nche@hslda.org. that would outlaw all abortions in SouthDakota, except in S. 2027- Driver education and Licensing Improvement Act http://nche.hslda.org/ | |
117. Great Plains Interactive Distance Learning Alliance Google Search WWW Search gpidea.org. University, Oklahoma State University, SouthDakota State University. and consumer sciences education certification/licensure http://www.gpidea.org/ | |
118. Stateline.org Homepage Maine laptop program bugged by budget concerns. By Eric Kelderman, Staff Writer,Stateline.org. Stateline.org. More Stories © Copyright 2004 Stateline.org. http://www.stateline.org/story.do?storyId=272835 |
119. Volunteer Solutions Helping Volunteers Meet The Nonprofits That Need Their Help VolunteerSolutions.org helps volunteers meet the nonprofits that need their help. Through partnerships with local United Ways and Volunteer Centers, http://www.volunteersolutions.org/ | |
120. Developing Educational Standards Centers and Labs. Commercial Sites. Government Bodies. Other Groups. State EducationDepartments. Home Page. Surveys. The Web Developing Educational Standards. http://edstandards.org/Standards.html |
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