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61. Carolina Alumni Association - University Of South Carolina http//www.carolinaalumni.org/seniors _ carolina Travelers get involved in this exciting program, please contact 2004 University of south carolina Board of http://www.carolinaalumni.org/enews/release.asp?prid=9 |
62. South Carolina Seniors Links south carolina seniors Information. http://www.midnet.sc.edu/seniors/scarolina.htm | |
63. AmeriCorps*State And National Direct State and National Direct south carolina Palmetto Community YouthBuild Charleston Thomas Sober Program Director 1553 B of four lowincome seniors and conduct http://www.americorps.org/joining/direct/direct_sc.html | |
64. PRTM - Other Entities Of PRTM: SC Rural Recreation Project The south carolina Rural Recreation Project (SCRRP) is age groups, from preschoolers to senior citizens of the recreational and educational programs offered may http://www.hehd.clemson.edu/PRTM/ruralre.htm | |
65. Pageland SC - SENIOR SERVICES - CityInsider - Pageland South Carolina Mealson-Wheels and Senior Meals programs. Center 303 Sycamore Street Pageland, SC 29728 Phone south carolina Meals-on-Wheels http://www.cityinsider.com/services.asp?go=Pageland SC - SENIOR SERVICES |
66. Clemson SC - SENIOR SERVICES - CityInsider - Clemson South Carolina Spas Real Estate Clemson south carolina,SC SC BUSINESS SERVICES - CityInsider - Clemson south Information programs Reference Senior Services Teen http://www.cityinsider.com/services.asp?go=Clemson SC - SENIOR SERVICES |
67. MUSC CDM American Student Dental Association Welcome to the south carolina Chapter of the American Student Dental Association. Cup Golf Tournament January 25, 2002 ADA Success Program (seniors only no http://www2.musc.edu/dentistry/asda.html | |
68. NEA: Good News About America's Public Schools-- South Carolina 1994; the proportion of graduating seniors getting high Certified The number of south carolina teachers being Gifted and Talented Program Among the Nation s http://www.nea.org/goodnews/sc01.html | |
69. WCU NEWS - WESTERN, PARDEE HOSPITAL HONORED FOR GERIATRIC "BEST PRACTICES" PROGR in Spartanburg, SC, the best practices initiative examined more than 300 service programs for senior citizens in North and south carolina, Georgia and Florida http://www.wcu.edu/pubinfo/news/WCUPardeeaward04.htm | |
70. Aging Services In South Carolina south Berkeley Senior Center 103 Thurgood Road Goose American Red Cross carolina Lowcountry Suite 300 5290 Awendaw Senior Citizen Program 1206 Porcher School http://www.dhhs.state.sc.us/InsideDHHS/Bureaus/BureauofSeniorServices/service102 | |
71. Senior Resource...By State...South Carolina focus on Virginia, North carolina, south carolina, Georgia and Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program to help your comprehensive guide to senior housing and http://www.seniorresource.com/sc.htm | |
72. HOPE Worldwide - International Charity Providing Humanitarian Aid To Children An yearolds in Botswana , Zimbabwe and south Africa will Hope for seniors Day 2004. Elexa Liu - Tuesday http://www.hopeww.org/ | |
73. Anderson County, South Carolina Government - An All America Community The Anderson County Senior Citizen Program and Anderson County FarmerÂs Market in partnership with the south carolina Department of Social Services and other http://www.andersoncountysc.org/ | |
74. Atlanta Regional Office: Partners - South Carolina Other south carolina State Contacts In addition to contact Energy Office and State Energy Program, here you contact information for your Senior Public Utility http://www.eere.energy.gov/aro/south_carolina.html |
75. Find The South Carolina Information Technology Jobs You Want And Other Informati SCCharleston, Junior Project Manager - Charleston, south carolina. project managers and senior managers who Billing (an accounts receivable program designed to http://information-technology.careerbuilder.com/it.ic/SouthCarolina/ | |
76. Welcome To SouthCarolinaBlues.com For members of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of south carolina, the Blue RX program allows senior members to benefit from the cost saving measures of this value http://www.bcbssc.com/bcbs/bcbs_redo.nsf/ASC/comp_Nws_PrssRlsArchvs_54?OpenDocum |
77. Discover South Carolina or direct mail piece for sparking interest in your south carolina tours banktravel.com BankTravel is the National Organization for Bank Senior Program Directors http://www.discoversouthcarolina.com/professionals/tourservices.asp | |
78. South Carolina Aquarium On Charleston Harbor - Charleston, SC Externship program is offered to senior veterinary students...... Animal Medicine and Husbandry Location south carolina Aquarium and offsite locations http://www.scaquarium.org/content.cfm?FAM=146&CLAN=4 |
79. Items - 13th Senior Bowl North South Program kelly miyard edgington florida, college senior al witcher joe joe caldwell hickey (n.carolina), with klochak fazio zimpfer bowling lavalle white south head army http://www.1boomersplace.com/page/crs4-37787-13th/senior/bowl/north/south/progra | |
80. Personal Insurance Agency Direct General Insurance Aetna Life Company Life Insur life transamerica home insurance carolina north unemployment online long term care senior company discount on flood insurance automobile south dakota insurance http://www.nbacls.org/ | |
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