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21. South Carolina Aquarium On Charleston Harbor - Charleston, SC Outreach Community Links, Discounts The south carolina Aquarium is 1990 or visit our School programs webpage Military personnel, students, and seniors AAA members http://www.scaquarium.org/content.cfm?FAM=39&CLAN=7 |
22. South Carolina's Teacher Cadet Program the opportunities for high school seniors to pursue and $300 for the summer enrichment programs administered by agrees to teach in a south carolina school one http://www.nasbe.org/Educational_Issues/New_Information/SII/7_1.html | |
23. State Government Programs For Seniors State Government programs for seniors. that state s web pages of information for seniors. Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island south carolina south Dakota http://www.opm.gov/insure/ltc/states.asp | |
24. Georgetown County South Carolina Loaner Program REEL KIDS south carolina Department of Community Center Free to seniors Contract Bridge information and registration All programs require pre http://www.georgetowncountysc.org/parks/programs.html | |
25. Champions Of The Environment South Carolina By sharing success with other environmental programs they have balanced Nick Holliday and Angel Trail, both seniors at the south carolina Governor s School http://www.scdhec.gov/eqc/water/html/chmonthly97-98.html | |
26. State Pharmaceutical Assistance Programs, 2004 Edition - NCSL south carolina (1). SilverxCard seniors Prescription Drug Program (on-line description). (also see discounts, Table 2). 42,000. (11/02). http://www.ncsl.org/programs/health/drugaid.htm | |
27. WIC - Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program used to provide coupons to low income seniors, that they at farmers markets, roadside stands, and community supported agriculture programs. south carolina. http://www.fns.usda.gov/wic/SeniorFMNP/SFMNPFY03.htm | |
28. State By State | HouseDemocrats.gov Priorities of Bush Budget Harms south carolina, February 18, 2004 are pushing hard to put more seniors in these inadequate programs., March 9, 2004 http://democrats.house.gov/state_by_state/state_detail.cfm?region_id=41 |
29. SENIOR CONNECTION the Senior Program, the site exclusively for carolina seniors. Email) Student and New Graduate programs 1527 Senate 2004 University of south carolina Board of http://www.carolinaalumni.org/seniors/ | |
30. NGA Center For Best Practices Florida, Maryland, and south carolina have announced new pharmaceutical assistance programs to help low income seniors buy prescription drugs. http://www.nga.org/center/frontAndCenter/1,1188,C_FRONT_CENTER^D_4258,00.html | |
31. SILVERxCARD - South Carolina Senior's Prescription Drug Program Welcome to the official web site of the south carolina seniors Prescription Drug program. At this site, you may find out details http://www.silverxcard.com/ | |
32. College Of Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina Museum. African American Student programs. African Studies Basketball (Women's) Bell south White Pages. Bell south Yellow Pages Career Services. carolina Lowcountry and Atlantic World http://www.cofc.edu/ | |
33. Nutrition Research Newsletter: Evaluation Of The South Carolina Seniors Farmers' 2003 Article. Evaluation of the south carolina seniors Farmers Market Nutrition Education Program.(Evaluating Dietary Intake Diet Composition in seniors) http://www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/m0887/8_22/107524010/p1/article.jhtml | |
34. TheCarolinaChannel.com - Health - 'South Carolina Choice' Gives Seniors More Opt Email This Story Print This Story. ' south carolina Choice' Gives seniors More Options. Plan Is First To Be Approved By U.S. Government. POSTED 552 p.m. EDT September 3, 2003 Does your employer http://www.thecarolinachannel.com/health/2453335/detail.html | |
35. Journal Of The American Dietetic Association: Evaluation Of The South Carolina S Evaluation of the south carolina seniors Farmer s Market Nutrition Education Program. (Research and Professional Briefs). Journal http://www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/m0822/7_103/105682356/p1/article.jhtml | |
36. SAT Program Information - 2000 College-Bound Seniors, South Carolina Find out about the SAT Program and how to use the tables. General Information. Get an overall picture of the 2000 collegebound seniors south carolina group. http://www.collegeboard.com/sat/cbsenior/yr2000/sc/cbs2000.html | |
37. Pharmacy Plus Demonstrations Program Status Florida, Ron Silver Senior Rx Program, Approved. south carolina, Prescription Drug Benefit for south carolina s Low Income seniors, Approved. http://www.cms.hhs.gov/medicaid/1115/pharmplusstatus.asp | |
38. Center For Educator Recruitment, Retention, & Advancement - South Carolina The mission of the south carolina Teaching Fellows Program is to recruit talented high school seniors into the teaching profession and to help them develop http://www.cerra.org/fellows.asp | |
39. Center For Educator Recruitment, Retention, & Advancement - South Carolina after the highly successful North carolina program, this program identifies gifted high school seniors who commit to the teaching profession in south carolina. http://www.cerra.org/teachereducator.asp | |
40. South Carolina SC - State Government - Departments, Agencies, Boards, Commission Santee Cooper south carolina Public Service Authority; Sea Grant Consortium; Secretary of State; SILVERxCARD - seniors Prescription Drug Program; Small and http://www.sciway.net/gov/state_agn.html |
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