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1. Welcome To The South Carolina Department Of Health And Human Services Directory Housing options for seniors in south carolina. Communities; Special Care Units; Senior Centers and Prescription Drug and Other Assistance programs. http://www.dhhs.state.sc.us/ | |
2. Welcome To The South Carolina Department Of Social Services Web Site 1520 Columbia, SC 292021520. Home. programs and Services. Contact Information The south carolina Department of Social Services is conducting the seniors Farmers' Market Nutrition http://www.state.sc.us/dss | |
3. HHS APPROVES EXPANDING PHARMACY BENEFITS TO SOUTH CAROLINA SENIORS. - MedicalNew coverage for those south carolina seniors most in need " Secretary approved similar programs in Michigan and Wisconsin. south carolina's program targets those seniors with incomes http://www.medicalnewsservice.com/ARCHIVE/MNS1190.cfm | |
4. 2002.07.30:HHS Approves Expanding Pharmacy Benefits To South Carolina Seniors coverage for those south carolina seniors most in need " Secretary approved similar programs in Illinois and Wisconsin. south carolina's program targets those seniors with incomes http://www.os.dhhs.gov/news/press/2002pres/20020730.html | |
6. South Carolina Governor's School For Science & Mathematics Building at the University of south carolina in Columbia, south carolina. Special programs. Summer Science and Math Camp , Gear UP! Research Program for SC High School Rising seniors http://www.gssm.k12.sc.us/ | |
7. State Profiles : Introduction Senior Corps More than 5,800 seniors in south carolina contribute their time and talents in one of three programs Foster Grandparents, who serve oneon-one http://www.nationalservice.org/stateprofiles/sc_intro.html | |
8. South Carolina Financial Aid Programs south carolina Financial Aid programs. Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship. Eligible high school seniors must be in the top 10% of their class with a 1200 or higher SAT. Recipients may receive up to $1 500 per year, totaling $6 000 for 4 years. http://www.erskine.edu/admissions/financialaid/programs.html |
9. Investing In South Carolina's Seniors Investing in south carolina's seniors Statistics about seniors in south carolina. programs AND SERVICES http://www.dhhs.state.sc.us/NR/exeres/A10D90E0-880F-4A91-980F-4340AC59D287.htm | |
10. South Carolina Waiver Programs And Demonstrations Name/Program Expiration, Initial Date of Approval. Pharmacy Demonstrations Under 1115 Authority. Prescription Drug Benefit for south carolina s Low Income seniors, http://www.cms.hhs.gov/medicaid/waivers/SCwaiver.asp?state=SC |
11. South Carolina, Alcohol & Drug, Treatment Centers & Programs chemical dependency treatment for adolescents, adults and seniors. New Mexico, Rhode Island, south carolina and Utah. for Drug and Alcohol programs (CDAP) A http://theagapecenter.com/Treatment-Centers/South-Carolina.htm | |
12. Regional Senior Health to innovative types of geriatric services to seniors in all parts of south carolina and by providing resources to link the public to programs and practices http://www.spartanburgregional.com/sen_health/sage_institute.htm | |
13. AHIRC and Advocacy for LowIncome Individuals and Families south carolina State and Insurance programs for Children Medical and dental programs for children seniors. http://www.actorsfund.org/ahirc/state_indx.cfm?st=SC |
14. AHIRC Resource Listings AHIRC HOME south carolina - Special Health Care programs for seniors. seniors. Brochure Medicare and Your Mental Health Benefits http://www.actorsfund.org/ahirc/cat_list.cfm?cat=248&st=SC |
15. High Schools That Work The south carolina Teaching Fellows Program is designed to recruit high school seniors into the teaching profession and to help them develop leadership http://www.sreb.org/programs/hstw/career/ExemplaryPractices.asp | |
16. The President's Budget And South Carolina - Meeting The Goals Of Our Time charitable giving; and increases funds for programs to mentor in grants to help lowincome seniors all across America and south carolina find affordable http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/usbudget/states2002/sc.html | |
17. President Bush's Budget And South Carolina $1 billion for special education programs (for a As a result of the President s budget, south carolina would receive Starting this year, seniors can choose to http://www.whitehouse.gov/infocus/budget/states/sc.html | |
18. Resppite Sites New York, The Community programs Center of Long Island, Edgewood, 1999. south carolina, Berkeley seniors, Inc, Moncks Corner, 1998. http://www.brookdalefoundation.org/resp_lst.html | |
19. South Carolina Silver RX Card , A program to help seniors obtain medications. Program Address, ACS PBMS......Program Name, south carolina Silver RX Card. Brief http://www.needymeds.com/stateprograms/programs/27.html | |
20. Department Of Social Services - Family Nutrition Programs farmers. south carolina is one of 37 states that received funds from USDA to operate the seniors Farmers Market Nutrition Program. http://www.healthyhelpings.org/farmers.html | |
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