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61. DISCUS - South Carolina's Virtual Library DISCUS south carolina s Virtual Library gives all south Caroliniansfree online access to the best subscription library resources. http://www.scdiscus.org/ | |
62. USCS - University Of South Carolina Spartanburg | Library Virtual Reference Desk as a Web directory, find Library Subject Guides Universityof south carolina Spartanburg, 800 University Way, Spartanburg, SC 29303 Tel. http://www.uscs.edu/academics/library/ | |
63. USCS - University Of South Carolina Spartanburg | Academics Internet resources, course reserves, distance education support, and library instruction. Crosland,Ph.D., English, University of south carolina; acrosland@gw http://www.uscs.edu/academics/ | |
64. South Carolina State And Local Government (Library Of Congress) An institute established to facilitate resource and information sharing between SouthCarolina local and state governments. Go to Library of Congress Library http://www.loc.gov/global/state/sc-gov.html | |
65. South Carolina Library Jobs For Information Professionals And Librarians south carolina Library Jobs. Additions to or comments on this page? Job BanksLook at positions from the south carolina Library Association. http://www.lisjobs.com/states/southcarolina.htm | |
66. Cyndi's List - U.S. - South Carolina - Localities operation. Family History Library Catalog south carolina; GenealogyResources on the Internet - south carolina Mailing Lists; Geographic http://www.cyndislist.com/sc-local.htm | |
67. Coker Library Homepage Coker College 300 East College Avenue Hartsville, south carolina 29550 843383-8125(phone) 843-383-8129 (fax), On display in the library Favorite books of http://www.coker.edu/library/ | |
68. South Carolina Maps - Perry-Castañeda Map Collection - UT Library Online PerryCastañeda Library Map Collection. south carolina Maps. StateMaps. south carolina original scale 12,500,000 USGS 1972 limited http://www.lib.utexas.edu/Libs/PCL/Map_collection/south_carolina.html | |
69. CCPL - Charleston County Public Library - South Carolina we ll do the rest. Check this space often for the latest news and informationon upcoming events. John s Island Library Fast Facts. Coming Fall 2004! http://www.ccpl.org/ | |
70. The University Of South Carolina Platinum Visa® Card Whenever you use your University of south carolina Platinum Visa® card, you ll ApplyOnline To apply for the Caroliniana Library Card, just fill out our http://www.firstusa.com/cgi-bin/webcgi/webserve.cgi?partner_dir_name=u_sc_alu&pa |
71. Documenting The American South: A Digitized Library Of Southern Literature, Begi from the Academic Affairs Library of the University of North carolina at ChapelHill, and the Editorial Board for Documenting the American south guides its http://docsouth.unc.edu/southlit/southlit.html | |
72. Internet Public Library: United States Library Internet Public Library Internet Public Library. New Mexico New York Northcarolina North Dakota Pennsylvania Rhode Island south carolina south Dakota http://www.ipl.org/div/news/browse/US/ | |
73. MySCGov.com Teacher Certification. Teacher Training Programs. Department of Education. southcarolina Arts Commission. Copyright © 2000, south carolina Access Network . http://www.myscgov.com/SCSGPortal/static/education_tem1.html | |
74. South Carolina Maps. South Carolina Digital Map Library. Table Of Contents. Unit south carolina Digital Map Library State Map Coordinator Available. Thefollowing maps of south carolina and the surrounding territories http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/maps/southcarolina/ | |
75. South Carolina Research Resources under States LegalUS, south carolina library has files covering primary andsecondary material, as well as directories, public records, newspapers, etc. http://www.ll.georgetown.edu/states/southcarolina.cfm | |
76. Huguenot Society Of South Carolina the genealogy or history of the Huguenots of America in general, and to those ofSouth carolina in particular. Fourthly, To gather by degrees a library for the http://www.huguenotsociety.org/ | |
77. South Carolina Library Colleges And Universities south carolina Library Colleges and Universities. Our Database CurrentlyIncludes 1 south carolina Library Colleges and Universities. http://www.uscollegesearch.org/south_carolina_library_colleges.html | |
78. Library Main Page In addition, the Library contains an area devoted to Archives and Special specialcollections dealing with the history of south carolina and Presbyterianism http://www.presby.edu/library/default.htm | |
79. South Carolina Web And Internet Guide - The World Wide Beat in Greenville; south carolina Library Jobs; south carolina State Jobson the World Wide Web; south carolina Lawyer Magazine; south carolina http://regional.searchbeat.com/southcarolina.htm | |
80. HYTELNET - Library Catalogs:USA:South Carolina carolina); south carolina State Library; Spartanburg County Public Library(south carolina); Spartanburg Technical College (south carolina); http://www.lights.com/hytelnet/usa/SC.html | |
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