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South Carolina K-12 Schools: more detail | ||||
41. KinderArt - K12 (For Teachers & Homeschoolers) Oregon, USA. Greenway Elementary Beaverton, Oregon USA. south carolina, USA. south Salem Elementary School Salem, VA USA. Back to KinderArt k12. http://www.kinderart.com/teachers/schools.shtml | |
43. 11/1/03: Habitat Extravaganza :: South Carolina Wildlife Federation Habitat Extravaganza and GLOBE training Presented By The south carolina Wildlife Federation with more than 140 colleges and universities, k12 schools, and non http://www.scwf.org/articles/index.php?view=187 |
44. Achieving Success With SASIxp: South Carolina Department Of Education Beginning in 1985, all south carolina k12 school districts except one used SASIxpÂs remedies, or corrective actions for school districts and schools at risk http://www.pearsondigital.com/successes/sasixp/southcarolina.cfm | |
45. South Carolina Virtual Campuses, Virtual Libraries In SREB States their branches, higher education institutions, public school districts, and public and private k12 schools. It is managed by the south carolina State Library. http://www.sreb.org/main/Publications/VirtualLibraries/scarolinavirtual.html | |
46. Center For Education Reform upheld the legality of regional charter schools Groups Contacts in south carolina k12 Teachers September 25, 2003 Teach for America Teach For America is http://edreform.com/index.cfm?fuseAction=states§ionID=58&stateID=20&altCol=2 |
47. South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford consistently advocated spending additional lottery dollars on k12 where the all sources of state funding for south carolina public schools would be http://www.scgovernor.com/interior.asp?sitecontentid=7&newsid=249 |
48. Www.cisnet.org/cissc Introducing TECH CORPS south carolina Bringing volunteers with technological expertise into south carolinaÂs schools to promote k12 technology initiatives. http://www.cisnet.org/cissc/default.asp?.=163 |
49. Learning Partnerships:Improving Learning In Schools With Arts Partners In The Co 2) the development of the south carolina Visual and ABC Sites, particularly the elementary schools, enjoyed an classes included more children (k12) taught by http://aep-arts.org/LP/SC.html | |
50. Learning In Deed: (PPDP) South Carolina Overview The south carolina k12 education system encourages strong system-wide support for effective schools and the integration of service-learning into state policy. http://www.learningindeed.org/ppp/sc/ | |
51. NEA: Good News About America's Public Schools-- South Carolina Thirtythree percent (33%) of south carolina schools lack adequate In south carolina, just 78% of 4th-grade parents Rankings 2002-2003 Pre k-12 Education in http://www.nea.org/goodnews/sc01.html | |
52. PalmOne - Education - Snapshots District This innovative south carolina school district is playing a major role in exploring and evaluating the use of palmOne handhelds in k12 schools. http://www.palmone.com/us/education/studies/ | |
53. WebJunction to double the allocation from the south carolina Education Lottery them along side more Âtraditional education entities (k12 schools, technical colleges http://webjunction.org/do/DisplayContent?id=1485 |
54. September 1997- North Carolina State Constructs TV Network and money and connecting people through the south carolina Educational Television devoted to education and training resources for k12 schools, higher education http://www.govtech.net/magazine/gt/1997/sept/feature1/feature1.phtml | |
55. SDPC - Welcome To The School District Of Pickens County McKissick Named Red Carpet schools 5/13/2004 Edwards Middle School and McKissick Elementary School are among the 78 south carolina schools named Red Carpet http://www.pickens.k12.sc.us/ | |
56. South Carolina Education south carolina Education. k12. Technical Colleges. Public Colleges and Universities. Independent Colleges and Universities of south carolina. south carolina Commission on Higher Education. south carolina Tuition Grants Program http://www.state.sc.us/edu | |
57. South Carolina SC Web Sites - K-12 School Web Sites - By County south carolina SC k-12 School Web Sites - By County. south carolina Information Highway, SC Picture. south carolina  k-12 School Web Sites  By County http://www.sciway.net/edu/k12/counties.html | |
58. District Five Schools Of Spartanburg, South Carolina Information, school links, and services provided by this school board serving Duncan, Moore, and the http://www.spart5.k12.sc.us/ | |
59. Laurens School District 55 State scores well on technology report card, wins good marks for access at highpoverty schools. south carolinaÂs educational technology program continues to http://www.laurens55.k12.sc.us/ | |
60. Greenwood School District 50 State Testing Begins For Students 4/19/04 Statewide testing will begin in south carolina schools the week of April 19. The following http://www.gwd50.k12.sc.us/ | |
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