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South Carolina Education Parent Resources: more detail | ||||
81. CHASE SC Home School Association - The Homeschool Resource For South Carolina! Many homeschooling parents have lots of or homeschooling related workshops across south carolina. Charlotte Mason, Classical education, Deschooling, Eclectic http://www.chasesc.com/ | |
82. Charleston.BabyZone.com -- Your Local Guide To Pregnancy And Parenting Resources com News and information from the south carolina Department of education. http://charleston.babyzone.com/parentresources.asp?type=Education |
83. Resources, Bullying, Safe & Responsive Schools Project, Indiana Education Policy in Society, University of south carolina, carolina Plaza, Columbia Information The National Resource Center for strategies for educators, parents, and students http://www.indiana.edu/~safeschl/resources_bullying.html | |
84. NGA Center For Best Practices statewide early childhood education initiative designed to ensure that south carolina children arrive Provide parents with access to the support they http://www.nga.org/center/divisions/1,1188,C_ISSUE_BRIEF^D_1605,00.html | |
85. HSLDA | South Carolina Legislation 2004ÂHouse Bill 4908: Tax Credits For Homesc vote for House Bill 4908, the south carolina Put Parents the double tax burden on parents who choose 2004 Â Calls Needed Help Pass education Tax Credits. http://www.hslda.org/Legislation/State/sc/2004/SCHB4908/default.asp | |
86. INEW Math Grade K-6 Math Worksheet librarians, counselors, administrators, parents, and anyone interested in education throughout the of south Eastern south carolina) The Homeschooling http://www.inew.com/info/resource.htm | |
87. Career Service Department Career Service State Apply Canadian Apply Research Car executivejobcareer-summary-jobcareer - carolina-federal-job center dakota in one south stop canadian for career changes and technical education career changes http://www.astrianism.org/ | |
88. Information For Parents And Students south carolina Higher education Institutions. Independent Colleges and Universities in south carolina. Campus safety guide for parents of college students. http://www.che400.state.sc.us/web/Parents.htm | |
89. ERIC/OSEP Directory Of Projects: Parent Training And Resource Center strengthen the role of parents and caretakers in obtaining appropriate educational services for regions of southeastern south carolina, specifically Charleston http://www.cec.sped.org/osep/database/detailView.html?masterID=569 |
90. South Carolina Homeschooling Laws - A To Z Home's Cool Return to south carolina homeschooling information. Source Book The Essential Resource Guide for Homeschoolers, Parents, and Educators Covering Every http://homeschooling.gomilpitas.com/laws/blSC.htm | |
91. Parent Resources about the GEM Project, new resources, and features Teachers, parents, and administrators can search or and find high quality educational materials, including http://www.gcsd.k12.sc.us/relatedsites/parent_info.htm | |
92. Untitled Document However, you the parent or guardian- are your child s best advocate. The more informed you are about the resources available to your child, the better you http://www.coc.state.sc.us/Home/Parents/Resources/resrc.htm | |
93. South Carolina C.A.Use to a campaign directed to parents scheduled to physician colleagues through educational presentations at to our 1329 primary care physicians in south carolina. http://www.scdhec.net/HS/diseasecont/acuteepi/sccause/Epinotes.htm | |
94. Smoky Mountain Internet Services, Inc. - Franklin, North Carolina - Education Network http//www.tnpc.com/ National Parenting Center. Macon County Board of education 1202 Old Murphy Rd Western carolina University www.wcu.edu Hwy 64 West http://www.smnet.net/html/education.html | |
95. College Cost Central resources FOR STUDENTS AND PARENTS. Facts on College Costs The Skyrocketing Cost of Higher education October 10, 2003. The Federal http://edworkforce.house.gov/issues/108th/education/highereducation/collegecostc | |
96. Learning Disabilities OnLine: Finding Help: South Dakota State Resources information on learning disabilities, learning disorders, attention deficit disorder, ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dysnomia, speech http://www.ldonline.org/finding_help/local_org/sdakota.html | |
97. Adopt An International Or US Child Baby Infant Kid Siblings, Adoption Informatio thousands of books on adoption, parenting more and services Adoption Professionals online resource center site is designed for educational purposes only. http://adopt.adoption.com/ | |
98. PBS Parents | PBS Ready To Learn US Department of EducationThe PBS Parents http://pbsparents.org/ | |
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