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South Carolina Education Parent Resources: more detail | ||||
61. North Carolina PTA - Educational Resources For North Carolina Parent Teacher Ass central informational source for parents, educators and school of issues facing North carolina schools school fundraising to regional parent Teacher Association http://www.ptacentral.org/north_carolina.htm | |
62. SCLRC Home general information on public education in south carolina, call the of education welcomes any suggestions from educators, students, parents or citizens http://www.sclrc.org/ | |
63. MySCGov.com Parents and Community Information. School Report CardsOversight Teacher Training Programs. Department of education. south carolina Arts Commission. http://www.myscgov.com/SCSGPortal/static/education_tem1.html | |
64. Parent Resources - Links Department of educationfunded educational Resource Information Center research on key parenting issues, including sex, and developing youth resources in your http://www.greenville.k12.sc.us/district/parents/links.asp | |
66. Parents And Communities How parents can encourage success in school. Paper Report Longitudinal Research Report on Early Childhood education; south carolina Literacy Resource Center. http://www.myscschools.com/tracks/parents/ | |
67. Communities In Schools Of SC, Inc. Welcome to Communities In Schools of south carolina, Inc. county and state drug and alcohol education programs, local businesses, parenting groups, and http://www.cisnet.org/cissc/ | |
68. Skill Gap Sheets For Parents, Teachers And Tutors Parents and teachers who would like to review sample PACTlike test items to prepare students for the south carolina Department of education Sample PACT http://www.spa3.k12.sc.us/Skill Gaps.html | |
69. Resource Manual Children's Law Office Nexuskids Workshops for parents are also held at the centers is a partnership between the US Department of education, Alliance for south carolina s Children, and http://www.nexuskids.org/ResourceManual/ResourceManual35.htm | |
70. Resource Manual Children's Law Office Nexuskids Prevent Child Abuse south carolina offers education and Community education Speakers knowledgeable in all and referral services to parents and professionals. http://www.nexuskids.org/ResourceManual/ResourceManual34.htm | |
71. North Carolina Private School, Carolina In North Private School, Carolina Charlo Magnolia Greens Golf Plantation, located five miles south of Wilmington School of Music in Cary, North carolina, provides music education through both http://www.watcheducation.com/north-carolina-private-school.html | |
72. South Carolina Divorce Information Code of Laws of south carolina; Chapter 3 a deviation from the amount (1) educational expenses for medical or dental expenses of either parent; (6) mandatory http://womansdivorce.com/south-carolina.html | |
73. Secure South Carolina, Budget And Control Board, SC Joint Terrorism Task Force for Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies, Subject Expanding Access to Internetbased Educational resources for Children, Teachers, and Parents. http://www.secure.sc.gov/site/links.asp?CatId=16 |
74. South Carolina Site The Math Science Unit (MSU) of the south carolina Department of education. The MSU is a network of eight regional science and mathematics resource centers that http://www.nsrconline.org/school_district_resources/South_Carolina_regional_site | |
75. Saskatoon (East) School Division No. 41 activities, and information for parents, all tied in helpful for anyone in elementary education. prepared corroboratively by south carolina University students http://sesd.sk.ca/teacherresource/educationalsites/educationalsites.htm | |
76. About Charter Schools From The Center For Education Reform to more than 200,000 parents in Florida, Georgia, south carolina, North carolina. Seattle Charter School Activists Recieve Best of education Reform Award http://edreform.com/charter_schools/ | |
77. Center For Education Reform The Center for education Reform announced today its award of a than 200,000 parents within four states Florida, Georgia, south carolina, North carolina. http://edreform.com/index.cfm?fuseAction=document&documentID=1637 |
78. Primary Education How to balance socialization and education in gifted children; a great resource for parents. NYE Labs Online. Pack 787 Summerville south carolina. http://www.educationindex.com/k-6/ | |
79. Nethomeschool.com they can provide a better education for their Home schooling allows parents to promote good or multiple legal conflicts in south carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio http://www.nethomeschool.com/ | |
80. Developing Educational Standards - South Carolina south carolina State Department of education standards and frameworks, assessment information, and resource links. for Parents of the ELA and math standards http://edstandards.org/StSt/SouthCarolina.html |
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