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81. WELCOME TO THE SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL MUSEUM OF MILITARY HISTORY The south african National Museum of Military history, situated in Johannesburg in the Province of Gauteng, is the only museum of its kind in south africa. http://www.militarymuseum.co.za/welcome.html | |
82. Geo-Expeditions - Geo-ecological Tourism In South Africa GeoExpeditions specialises in the organisation of excursions and tours with a special ecotourism focus on south africaÂs history, both from an earth history http://www.geotoursafrica.com/ | |
83. South African Christianity: A History Of The Christian Church In South Africa african Christianity Homepage. south african Christianity. A history of the Christian Church in south africa. http://www.bethel.edu/~letnie/AfricanChristianity/SouthAfricaHomepage.html | |
84. History @ UND Extensive online resources on the research and teaching of history at the University of Natal, Durban, south africa. This page uses http://www.history.und.ac.za/ |
85. Sub-Saharan African History Sources africa south of the Sahara Selected Internet Resources Site maintained by the Berkeley of primary and secondary sources dealing with the history of africa. http://www.lib.washington.edu/subject/History/tm/africa.html | |
86. GlobalEDGE (TM) | Country Insights - Overview Of South Africa Includes statistics, history, economy and government. http://globaledge.msu.edu/ibrd/countryintro.asp?CountryID=134 |
87. NPR : 'Mandela: An Audio History' Mandela An Audio history Series, Web Site Mark south africa s 10 Years as a Democracy. http://www.npr.org/features/feature.php?wfId=1851882 |
88. Africa And South African News, Information continent s largest economy, south africa, important african achievers, african history, african information, african facts with our maps of africa. http://www.africaalmanac.com/ | |
89. Freediving South Africa - It Will Take Your Breath Away. Freediving Rules and regulations for static apnea, dynamic, and constant weight freediving. Pictures and results of FSA league events. Also includes records, history, and related links. http://www.freediving.co.za | |
90. African Studies Gateway HLuso-africa Lusophone african Studies Sources H-Safrica south african history H-West-africa West africa history Culture. Recent Messages. H-africa http://www.h-net.msu.edu/gateways/africa/ | |
91. History Of South Africa -- Encyclopædia Britannica continued. south africa, history of Encyclopædia Britannica Article. history of south africa. MLA style history of south africa. Encyclopædia Britannica. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=117926&tocid=44064&query=matopo hills |
92. Unisa Online - History history university call centre +27 12 429 4111 technikon call centre +27 11 670 9000. terms and conditions , legislation © university of south africa. http://www.unisa.ac.za/Default.asp?Cmd=ViewContent&ContentID=157 |
93. Secret Cuban Documents On History Of Africa Involvement Using Cuban and US documents, as well as the semiofficial history of south africa s 1975 covert operation in Angola (available only in Afrikaans), this book http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB67/ | |
94. CNS - South Africa's Nuclear Weapons Program: An Annotated Chronology, 1969-1994 This chronology includes presents selected entries from Michael Barletta, Christina Ellington, and Zondi Masiza, south africa s Nuclear history An Annotated http://cns.miis.edu/research/safrica/chron.htm | |
95. About Microsoft South Africa - History decade in south africa Since the launch of the south african subsidiary in Johannesburg in 1992 we have been privileged to work with south africaÂs brightest http://www.microsoft.com/southafrica/corp/aboutmssa.mspx | |
96. Carnegie Corporation Of New York A hush falls over the students as they are led into the museum for a threehour examination of apartheid history. Âsouth africa is not a complete country http://www.carnegie.org/reporter/08/southafrica/ | |
97. Internext Interactive Gateway To South Africa A south African web directory and search engine covering a variety of topics. http://minotaur.marques.co.za/ | |
98. Safari, Ecotourism & Adventure Travel In Africa, Tailor-made By Classic Africa Safari and photographic tours to south africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, and Namibia are tailor-made for you. http://classicafrica.com/ | |
99. Internet Real Estate - South Africa For sale by owner, and agency real estate and home listings in south africa. List your home for sale. http://www.internet-real-estate.com/homes/safrica/ | |
100. Occupational Therapy Association Of South Africa: OTASA Committed to the support and development of its members, as well as ensuring the occupational therapy is provided for all those who need the service. http://www.otasa.org.za/ |
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