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61. History Of Africa: AD 1 To 1994 HOME history of africa. AD 1. 1652, Dutch found Cape Town in south africa. 1660s, Mawlayal-Rashid restores sultanate of Morocco. 1670s, French settle in Senegal. http://home.vicnet.net.au/~neils/africa/africa-history.htm | |
62. South Africa Cultural & Historical Interests Route the famous battle sites of the Anglo-Boer Anglo_Zulu wars - the south African history comes alive when travelling through its cities and towns. http://www.places.co.za/html/culture.html | |
63. Diamonds | American Museum Of Natural History The 1867 discovery of diamonds in the Cape Colony, now a province in south africa, radically modified not only the world s supply of diamonds but also its http://www.amnh.org/exhibitions/diamonds/africa.html | |
64. The Zulu Nation Of South Africa The Zulu of KwaZuluNatal in south africa belong to the larger Nguni linguistic group whose origin is lost in an oral tradition that precedes recorded history. http://minotaur.marques.co.za/clients/zulu/indexorg.htm | |
65. Africa's Science And Indigenous Knowledge Systems n.Medical University of south africa. o.Nigerian Institute for Policy Studies, Kuru. M. a.africa World Press. c.Pacifica Radio Archives. d.history Notes Digest. e. http://members.aol.com/Afsci/africana.htm | |
66. WWW-VL History Index: South Africa Click Here for WWWVL Main Catalogue WWW-VL history south africa. Khoisan; south african Genealogy. Timelines africa south of the Sahara; Capsule history; http://vlib.iue.it/history/africa/south_africa.html | |
67. South African Languages | Afrikaans history The language Afrikaans has its roots in seventeenth century Dutch but it has According to Act 8 of 1925 of south africa it became the official language http://www.cyberserv.co.za/users/~jako/lang/afr.htm | |
68. South Africa SAEL logo SA Labyrinth south africa A Brief history. CHOOSE YOUR TOPIC INTERNET BOOK A Very Brief history of south africa. A http://www.ecape.school.za/sael/s4home.htm | |
69. History - Study Abroad In South Africa beginning of a long history of conflict between the settlers and the indigenous people. In 1795, almost two hundred years before south africa would eventually http://www.studysa.co.za/about/history.html | |
70. South Africa: Military History Rhodesia and south africa Military history. south africa Military history. SADF Symposium programmeSADF Symposium and Reunion 30 http://home.wanadoo.nl/rhodesia/samilhis.htm | |
71. Rhodesia And South Africa: Military History Rhod. Army badge Rhodesian Military history Website Rhodesian Aviation site. Working document for Repatriation to africa. Working Document on Blackness Studies. http://home.wanadoo.nl/rhodesia/Exile/ | |
72. African History Homepage This Webpage is maintained by Dr. Jim Jones of the West Chester University Department of history. Send email to Dr. Jones. century south africa. COLONIAL africa. http://courses.wcupa.edu/jones/his311.htm | |
73. Bibliography On South African History And Politics Davenport, TRH south africa. A Modern history. Toronto 1978. HammondTooke, WD (ed.). The Bantu-speaking Peoples of southern africa. A history of south africa. http://africa.wisc.edu/outreach/units/sa-history.html | |
74. AllRefer Reference - Country Study For South Africa | South African Information Reference Country Study Country Guide - south africa, allRefer Reference and Encyclopedia Resource.  Earth Environment  history  Literature Arts http://reference.allrefer.com/country-guide-study/south-africa/ | |
75. History Of Africa The True Story history of slaves at the Cape, south africa (1658 1807) The first slaves at the Cape. south africa - The history and creation of an apartheid society 1910. http://www.rebirth.co.za/history_of_africa.htm | |
76. Modern History Sourcebook: Bish. Tutu: The Question Of S. Africa Back to Modern history SourceBook. Modern history Sourcebook Desmond Tutu The Question of south africa, 1984. Bishop Desmond Tutu http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/1984tutu.html | |
77. HistoryWiz: South Africa Exhibit The history of south africa by Leonard Monteath Thompson cover newly revised 3rd edition A history that is both accurate and authentic, written in a http://www.historywiz.com/southafrica-mm.htm | |
78. The Blue Train - South Africa - History And Pedigree The Blue Train south africa. The World s Leading Luxury Train. history and Pedigree. King George VI accompanied by General Smuts, alights http://www.bluedtravel.com/bluetrain/sa18re51.htm | |
79. Banknotes.com - Image Gallery - Banknotes Of South Africa - Suid Afrika P127a, 200 Rand ND(1994) (leopard, bridge, antenna), Obverse Reverse. Country Info Views of south africa history of south africa. http://www.banknotes.com/za.htm | |
80. African Studies: South Africa - Culture Department home. south africa Culture and history. Feature story on a project in south africa of the Oral history Research Office of Columbia University. http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/indiv/africa/cuvl/SAfrcult.html | |
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