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61. Atlas - South Africa Map Overview of culture, history, economy, currency, government, people, education and languages. http://www.map.freegk.com/south_africa/south_africa.php | |
62. CNN.com - Economics Strain South African Government, Union, Communist Alliance - CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/WORLD/africa/09/20/safrica.alliance.ap/index.html | |
63. African Studies Center | South Africa Page south african government of National Unity south africa s government of National Unity (GNU) is a constitutionallydefined multi-party government consisting of http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/Country_Specific/S_Africa.html | |
64. South African Government Ousts Head Of Arms Probe CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/africa/01/29/safrica.arms.reut/index.html |
65. The History Of Apartheid In South Africa states to which each african was assigned by the government according to would be citizens of the homeland, losing their citizenship in south africa and any http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~cale/cs201/apartheid.hist.html | |
66. The Tourism Business Council Of South Africa Representing travel, accommodation and other tourism enterprises in south africa. Training, education, entrepreneurial opportunities, liaison with role players and government. http://www.tbcsa.org.za/ |
67. South African Government Departments Hit By Sasser, Sophos Reports I imagine questions will be asked at the highest level as to why so many government departments in south africa were not properly defended from http://www.sophos.com/virusinfo/articles/sasserza.html | |
68. South African Local Government Association - SALGA SALGA is mandated by the Constitution to assist in the wholesale transformation of local government in south africa. http://www.salga.org.za/ | |
69. Sudan Denies It Bombed South CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/africa/12/02/sudan.government.reut/index.html |
70. ABC Country Book Of South Africa - Government Flag, Map, Economy, Geography, Cli south africa Interactive Factbook GEOGRAPHY, Flag, Map,Geography, People, government, Economy, Transportation, Communications. http://www.theodora.com/wfb/south_africa_government.html | |
71. ORT South Africa : Jewish Education And Training Charity. Nonprofit, non-government organisation which specialises in technology education and vocational training. http://www.ortsa.org.za/ | |
72. WorldLII - Categories - Countries - South Africa LawOnline Search Provides links related to law, banking, arbitration, business, international trade and government of south africa. http://www.worldlii.org/catalog/259.html | |
73. Arthur's South Africa Cerebral Palsy Home Cerebral palsy in south africa, including listings of institutions, schools, societies, government departments, cerebral palsy centres, support groups and toy libraries. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/1820 | |
74. Â -- IGD -- Institute For Global Dialogue Independent south african nongovernmental organisation that provides analysis on the changing global environment and its impact on south africa for the benefit of government and civil society. http://www.igd.org.za/ | |
75. Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality The local authority and government for Gauteng, south africa's former East Rand area. Offers news, tourism and municipal information. http://www.ekurhuleni.com/ | |
76. South Africa (06/03) south africa s government is deeply concerned about managing the country s rich and varied natural resources in a responsible and sustainable manner. http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/2898.htm | |
77. Welcome To APSO Aims to represent members in their dealings with the government and promote and ensure for the benefit of both workseekers and clients adherence to high ethical standards of business. http://www.apso.co.za/ | |
78. Background Notes: South Africa south africa is to help government and civil society build and share solutions to the challenges of local governance; poverty reduction; energy http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/southafrica_0004_bgn.html | |
79. Independent Electoral Commission The Independent Electoral Commission is a permanent body created by the constitution to promote and safeguard representative democracy in south africa. Although publicly funded and accountable to Parliament, the commission is independent of the government. Its immediate task is the impartial management of free and fair elections at all government levels. http://www.elections.org.za | |
80. SANGONeT - South Africa's Nonprofit ISP Information and communications network for development and human rights workers. This means networking the key players in nongovernmental organisations, community based organisations, government and the private sector and providing them with the information they need. http://www.sangonet.co.za |
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