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41. GOVZA: Elections In Zimbabwe government of south africa Key Issues 2002 Statements by the south african government, Statements by the SADC. http://www.gov.za/issues/zimobserver.htm | |
42. Canadian High Commission In South Africa / Haut-commissariat Du Canada En Afriqu High Commission located in Pretoria and accredited to south africa, Lesotho, Mauritius, Namibia and Swaziland. Includes news, visa and immigration information, intergovernment relations, and business development. In English and French. http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/southafrica/ | |
43. ETHEKWINI ONLINE: The Official Site Of Durban, South Africa - Welcome To EThekwi OverviewKey ContactsInvestment PromotionSmall Business. JobsPressRFPs And TendersInternational and government RelationsSiyakhana RosterCity Managers Newsletter. http://www.durban.gov.za/eThekwini/ | |
44. Embassy Of South Africa, Stockholm Includes details about south africa, its government, business and tourism, visa information, related links. http://www.southafricanemb.se/ |
45. South Africa Local Government Council Web Sites Index Index of municipal web sites in south africa using clickable maps and lists. http://www.oultwood.com/localgov/southafrica.htm | |
46. THE INNOVATION HUB - A Community For Creators Of The Future High technology business incubator partnership between south africa's Gauteng provincial government and the southern Education and Research Alliance. News, programmes, events, staff profiles, studies, and contact information. http://www.theinnovationhub.com/ | |
47. The Green Party Of South Africa Beach Nature Resort, Cape Town also of The Green Party of south africa  also known as The government by the People Green Party, south africa Phone +27 21 http://www.greenparty.org.za/ | |
48. CNN.com - South African Government Declares War On Muslim Vigilante Group - Sept CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/WORLD/africa/09/13/safrica.urbanterrorists.ap/index.html | |
49. - SouthAfrica.info Thabo Mbeki opened SA s third democratic parliament with a pledge to move on implementing government policy, promising to Welcome to the south africa gateway! http://www.safrica.info/ | |
50. National Cheetah Management Program - South Africa A nongovernment organisation focusing on the conservation of cheetah outside of protected areas in south africa http://ncmp.tripod.com/ncmp/ | |
51. - SouthAfrica.info south africa in your pocket The Pocket Guide to south africa 2003 is the official, fastfact, easy-to-read guide to south africa s government, economy, people http://www.safrica.info/ess_info/sa_glance/ | |
52. Guardian Unlimited | Special Reports | Mandela To Observe Fatah Leader's Trial Describing that former President of south africa Nelson Mandela will observe the trial of Palestinian leader Marwan Barghouti, and his expression that Israel's prosection is comparable to his own prosecution by south africa's Apartheid government. http://www.guardian.co.uk/israel/Story/0,2763,774839,00.html | |
53. Schuklenk / Lott On ESR In RSA south African Medical Journal (2002) article looking at the ethics and politics of government attempts to outlaw embryo stem cell research (therapeutic cloning research). http://www.wits.ac.za/bioethics/samj2002.htm | |
54. Business Day - Home SAA, ACSA options still open Erwin government says it is is still considering the plans for restructuring SAA and the Airports Company of south africa. http://www.bday.co.za/ | |
55. Hunters Vow To Defy Ban SA. Describes the history of the government's hunting bill and its change from regulation to complete ban. south africa. http://www.news24.com/News24/World/News/0,,2-10-1462_1439205,00.html | |
56. South African Government Urges Public To Report Illegal Currency CNN http://cnn.com/2002/WORLD/africa/01/07/safrica.battered.ap/index.html |
57. South African Government Faces Credibility Crisis Over Arms Probe CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/africa/02/01/southafrica.arms.ap/index.html |
58. South African Science Councils The eight science councils of south africa are statutory parastatal organisations established by government. The Councils each fulfill a unique and valuable part in Science and Technology development in south africa. http://www.csir.co.za/ |
59. The National Flag Of South Africa from government document at www.polity.org.za...... http://www.polity.org.za/govdocs/misc/saflag.html |
60. South Africa Profile: Government government type republic. Independence 31 May 1910 (from UK); note south africa became a republic in 1961 following an October 1960 referendum, http://www.nationmaster.com/country/sf/Government | |
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