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21. Council For Geoscience (Geological Survey), South Africa Geological, geophysical and palaeontological research supplying geological information to the government and the public. http://www.geoscience.org.za/ | |
22. Statistics South Africa - Home Statistical releases from the south African government http://www.statssa.gov.za/ | |
23. Flags Of South Africa - Geography; South African Flags, South Africa Map, South National flag GIFs suitable for web pages, with links to map, government, economy, population and other country facts. http://www.theodora.com/wfb/south_africa/south_africa_flags.html | |
24. South African Government Department Of Environmental Affairs And Tourism joint venture with the south african Tourism, unveil both at the Cape africa casualty, preparations a historic agreement between government, organized labour http://www.environment.gov.za/homepage.htm | |
25. Home Page Local government branch of the Department of Provincial and Local government (formerly Consitutional Devt) contains information on Local government in south africa. http://www.local.gov.za/ |
26. CSIR-Textek south africa. Statutory research council of the south african government, providing technology solutions to the industry, establishing ventures, and licensing intellectual property. Research and development activities in fiber, textiles and clothing technologies. http://www.csir.co.za/plsql/ptl0002/PTL0002_PGE057_RESEARCH? |
27. SAUFOR - SOUTH AFRiCa`s UFO RESOURCe!! Collection of information related to UFO`s, for example top secret files, implicated officials, downed and/or recovered craft, military and government involvement, specifically in south africa http://www.geocities.com/saufor/ | |
28. GlobalEDGE (TM) | Country Insights - Overview Of South Africa Includes statistics, history, economy and government. http://globaledge.msu.edu/ibrd/countryintro.asp?CountryID=134 |
29. South African Department Of Health - The Department - National Centre For Occupa This government centre, based in Johannesburg, is primarily concerned with the prevention of workrelated illness in south africa. | |
30. SOUTH AFRICA - ON THE ROAD TO FASCISM Online version of a 1948 south African Communist Party pamphlet arguing against the policies of the apartheid policies of the Afrikaner nationalist Malan government. http://www.sacp.org.za/docs/history/jadwatda.html | |
31. CIA - The World Factbook -- Zambia Privatization of governmentowned copper mines relieved the government from covering Saint Pierre and Miquelon 9.1%, Taiwan 8.5%, south africa 7.8%, Egypt 6.4 http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/za.html | |
32. National Treasury Internet With acts and documents relating to the Budget, local government finances, and such like matters. http://www.finance.gov.za/ | |
33. South Africa Online - Government Business Computers Education Entertainment government Health Lifestyle News Reference SciTech Sports Travel. south africa Online - An http://www.southafrica.co.za/govt/ | |
34. M&M-NML-"National Metrology Laboratory" Offers internationally traceable measuring standards and measurements for the government of south africa. http://www.nml.csir.co.za/ | |
35. South Africa Online, Government - Partys african National Congress The ANC is the majority party in the government of National Unity. It came to power after south africa s first democratic elections http://www.southafrica.co.za/govt/parties.html | |
36. Local Government Project, Community Law Centre The project researches and publishes in the field of local government law in south africa. Site includes free publications, links to relevant sites and extracts of the Local government Law Bulletin. http://communitylawcentre.org.za/localgov/ |
37. National Institute For Economic Policy NIEP is an independent economic research institute in the service of organisations that represent the historically disadvantaged majority in south africa at all levels of government as well as parliament. http://www.niep.org.za/ |
38. South African Embassy - Budapest Contains information about south African government, economy and tourism, visa requirements, news and contact details. http://www.sa-embassy.hu/ | |
39. Slashdot | South Africa Wants SouthAfrica.com An American businessman will have to go to the UN to defend his right to the URL southafrica.com, as the south african government says it has a right to the domain. News and reader comments. Slashdot http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=00/11/03/1333202 |
40. The South African Wind Energy Association SAWEA The south african Wind Energy Association is a nonprofit organisation established to further the use of wind energy in south africa. They lobby government, build links with business and labour organisations, and inform people of the economic and environmental benefits of using wind energy for electricity generation. http://www.icon.co.za/~sawea/ | |
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