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81. Sore Throat In Children - Keep Kids Healthy Symptom Guide A discussion of the common causes of a sore throat in children, including strep, viruses, mono, and herpangina. Main Symptom Guide sore throat. sore throat. http://www.keepkidshealthy.com/symptoms/sorethroat.html | |
82. Sore Throat sore throat. What causes a sore throat? A patient with strep throat might have a sore throat with fever that starts suddenly, without a cough or cold symptoms. http://www.umt.edu/CHC/healthlibrary/hlsore_throat.htm | |
83. Medical Library: Sore Throats sore throats. The terms sore throat, strep throat, and tonsillitis are often used interchangeably, but they don t necessarily mean the same thing. http://www.medem.com/MedLB/article_detaillb.cfm?article_ID=ZZZ4LP9BH4C&sub_cat=1 |
84. Sore Throat IHC KidsCare Online sore throatSymptom description, decision help on when to call your doctor and home care advice for a sore throat in children. Mouth, Teeth, Throat Symptoms / sore throat. http://www.bchealthguide.org/kbase/topic/symptom/sorth/overview.htm | |
85. Acupuncture . Acuxo . Library Results. sore throat. http://www.acuxo.com/library.asp?condition=Sore Throat |
86. Sore Throat Information sore throat information. There is a lot that you can do yourself to ease the discomfort and pain of a sore throat, until the body naturally cures it. http://www.mypharmacy.co.uk/health_information/topics/s/sore-throat/sore_throat_ | |
87. Sore Throat (0-12 Months) Find out what s simply a gardenvariety sore throat and what is an indication of epiglottitis, a potentially serious infection. http://www.babycenter.com/refcap/baby/babyills/12204.html | |
88. HealthWorld Online - Medical Self-Care - Click Here. Childhood sore throat. © American Institute of Preventive Medicine. Take your child to the doctor if they have a bad sore throat. http://www.healthy.net/library/books/healthyself/children/sorethroat.htm |
89. HealthWorld Online - Integrative Medicine -, HealthWorld Online - Natural Health Click Here. sore throat. © Janet Zand L.Ac., OMD (Excerpted with permission from Smart Medicine for a Healthier Child, Avery Publishing Group). http://www.healthy.net/asp/templates/article.asp?pageType=article&Id=1294 |
90. Sore Throat: Topic Overview sore throat. Topic Overview. sore throats can be painful and annoying. Many things can cause a sore throat. A mild sore throat is often caused by http://www.meritcare.com/hwdb/_followLink.asp?sgml_id=SORTH |
91. EMJA: Treatment Of Sore Throat In Light Of The Cochrane Verdict: Is The Jury Sti (Medical Journal of Australia) Treatment of sore throat in light of the Cochrane verdict is the jury still out? Basic Surgical. http://www.mja.com.au/public/issues/177_09_041102/dan10028_fm.html | |
92. Sore Throats - Teen Health Article Does your child s sore throat mean a dose of antibiotics? sore throats. Mar. 28 2001 Does your child s sore throat mean a dose of antibiotics? http://www.theparentreport.com/resources/ages/teen/health/202.html | |
93. Section IÂCommon Health Problems - Sore Throats Sores on the roof of the mouth. You may have other symptoms with the sore throat, too. With a sore throat, do you have any of these problems? http://healthcenter.ucdavis.edu/selfcare/sorethroats.htm | |
94. Hearing Aid sore throat Symptomatic Treatment Pharyngitis Symptomatic Treatment. Book, Home Page. http://www.fpnotebook.com/ENT158.htm | |
95. Sore Throat BRADLEY UNIVERSITY STUDENT HEALTH CENTER RED ALERT sore throat. It may start as a scratchy dryness. Or The Stress sore throat. WHAT http://www.bradley.edu/eddev/health/sorethroat.html | |
96. CARE SoreThroat1 Protocol Data Entry The CAREsore throat Study. a multinational e-mail/web-based study. Copyright ©2002, CARE-sore throat. http://www.carestudy.com/CareStudy/SoreThroat1/Intro.asp | |
97. Sore Throat sore throat 20% to 75% OFF retail from eVitamins. Order sore throat on-line or call toll-free. Email, Go To Home Cold - Flu sore throat From Hyland s, http://www.evitamins.com/product.asp?pid=2514 |
98. Sore Throat Alternative Health Products. The same great brands at great prices WHY PAY MORE? NatureSoothe Honey sore throat Syrup 4 fl oz K All sore throat Spray 4oz. WebVitamins http://www.taoherbfarm.com/herbs/herbs/sorethroat.htm | |
99. Deadly Sore Throat Ailment On Rise In UK Deadly sore throat Ailment On Rise In UK 99-2 The symptoms are a sore throat followed by infection in the lungs and liver and septicaemia (blood poisoning). http://www.rense.com/general29/ailment.htm | |
100. Diagnose A Sore Throat - Men's Health Diagnose a sore throat An easy to swallow checklist, Just a guess Last time you went to a doctor for a sore throat, Mom drove and you missed a day of school. http://www.menshealth.com/cda/article/0,2823,s1-3-0-0-871,00.html | |
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