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41. Map & Graph: Africa:Countries By People: Ethnic Groups who had been slaves), Congo People 2.5% (descendants Mozambique, indigenous tribal groups 99.66% (Shangaan, Chokwe 32%, Sidamo 9%, Shankella 6%, somali 6%, Afar 4 http://www.nationmaster.com/graph-T/peo_eth_gro/AFR | |
42. Map & Graph: Africa:Countries By Language: Languages Djibouti, French (official), Arabic (official), somali, Afar. 29. Mozambique, Portuguese (official), indigenous dialects. the first language of most people is one http://www.nationmaster.com/graph-T/lan_lan/AFR | |
43. Whoseland.com as in the whole of Eastern africa, people who are categorized as indigenous are the and Tanzania, Turkana, Borana, Samburu, Bendille, somali and others. http://www.whoseland.com/paper6.html | |
44. Book Directory A major contribution to knowledge of the pastoral peoples of Ethiopia 1 874209 27 8 HB £19.95 A modern somali history from an indigenous perspective. http://www.haanbooks.co.uk/bkdirectorypg.htm | |
45. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results Philippines Igorots, Kalinga, Ifugao, Hanunoo, Bontoc, Bangsa Moro Ethiopian Highlands Oromo, somali An indigenous world how native peoples can turn http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_thesauru |
46. Human Rights Internet - The Human Rights Databank somali 2 million outside somalia, (Ethiopia, somalia not to recognise their indigenous populations living nomadic and semi-nomadic peoples - Baluch / Pathan. http://www.hri.ca/doccentre/docs/handbook97/tribal.shtml | |
47. Djibouti/People - Encyclopedia Article About Djibouti/People. Free Access, No Re The indigenous population is divided between the majority somalis Issa can refer to the somali ethnic group; All are Cushiticspeaking peoples, and nearly all http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Djibouti/People | |
48. Charities Working In Africa to give education to the somali children in Luke Society An organization supporting indigenous Christian health Conakry SPW SPW trains young people from the http://www.africaguide.com/charity.htm | |
49. Africa the white population, German 32%, indigenous languages Oshivambo somalia, somali (official), Arabic, Italian, English, the first language of most people is one http://www.ethiotrans.com/africa.htm | |
50. Cultural Survival throwing money at the problems of indigenous people does not To win the allegience of these people the government the Horn of africa, Issa somali herders find http://www.culturalsurvival.org/publications/csq/csq_article.cfm?id=00000095-000 |
51. OneWorld Africa - OneWorld Africa Home>In Depth>Human Rights>Indigenous Rights link From First peoples Worldwide Related regions Social exclusion indigenous rights Gender http://africa.oneworld.net/article/archive/573/400 | |
52. OneWorld Africa - OneWorld Africa Home>In Depth>Human Rights>Indigenous Rights America s indigenous peoples secondclass citizens . 12.10 http://africa.oneworld.net/article/archive/573/460 | |
53. Stormfront White Nationalist Community course is legitimated, when a somali arrives Âtheir a point where we, the indigenous people, are threatened years have formed the different peoples that make http://www.stormfront.org/archive/t-119745 | |
54. Primary Goal ongoing support to members of somali Peace Line africa. (DANIDA review of the africa Project in Capacities of Minority and indigenous People s Representatives http://ccrweb.ccr.uct.ac.za/ar/projects_africa.html |
55. FAF - Preamble somalia (United somali Congress and somali National Moverment forlife. Nor are the people excluded from to the precepts of a dictatorship (indigenous africa). http://www.freeafrica.org/president.html | |
56. BLACK PEOPLE; BLACK WORLD: AFRICA, AMERICAS, INDIA, MELANESIA amazingly similar to Australian Aborigines), Galla, somali and others early on and the first people in africa and 100 percent of indigenous africans (and http://community-2.webtv.net/BARNUBIANEMPIRE/BLACKPEOPLEBLACK/ | |
57. Africa Environment Outlook 1971 and 1985 not only eroded indigenous processes of total of about 9.6 million people were either with rapid population growth, forced somali pastoralists to http://www.unep.org/aeo/245.htm | |
58. Toward A New Country In East Africa why in Europe and North America people are so African nation of particular interest, the somali nation nation that returned to its indigenous political tradition http://libertariannation.org/a/f42n1.html | |
59. Somalitalk.com Online Community - Opinion and divission among the continents indigenous people by Europeans Those of you somali s in NorthAmerica seems aim was to nuetralize africa s advancement are http://opinion.somalitalk.com/2000/aragti/75.html | |
60. APPENDIX 3. Protection and Compensation for indigenous peoples and Local The Value of indigenous Knowledge in Development Programs Concerning somali Pastoralists and http://www.kivu.com/CIDA Handbook/cidaliterature.html | |
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