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41. World Facts And Figures - Solomon Islands control. solomon islands, geography, Top of Page. Location Oceania,group of islands in the South Pacific Ocean, east of Papua New Guinea. http://www.worldfactsandfigures.com/countries/solomon_islands.php | |
42. Solomon Islands Information: Facts, Geography, People, Government, Economy, Flag solomon islands information on facts geography people economy flag andsolomon islands map. Friendly geography, solomon islands. Location http://www.mytravelguide.com/guides-and-advice/fact-book/cia/Solomon-Islands.php | |
43. Maps_Of_Solomon_Islands islands A free blank outline map of the country of solomon islands to print outfor educational, school, or classroom use from geography Guide Matt Rosenberg http://www.embassyworld.com/maps/Maps_Of_Solomon_Islands.html | |
44. Solomon Islands, Map And Flag geography, solomon islands. Location Oceania, group of islands in the South PacificOcean, east of Papua New Guinea. Geographic coordinates 8 00 S, 159 00 E. http://www.greatestcities.com/Oceania/Solomon_Islands.html | |
45. Solomon Islands, With Flag, Map And Its People, Economy, Geography, Government, solomon islands information includes Anthems, Defense, Economy, Flags, geography,Government, Maps, News, Weather. geography, solomon islands. http://www.countryreports.org/content/solomon.htm | |
46. Facts About Solomon Islands geography of the solomon islands. Location Oceania, group of islandsin the South Pacific Ocean, east of Papua New Guinea. Geographic http://worldfacts.us/Solomon-Islands.htm | |
47. Solomon Islands Tours | Solomon Islands Tour Guide geography The solomon islands are in Melanesia, a geographic and cultural designationfor about 1,000 islands that extend from New Guinea to Fiji. http://www.iexplore.com/dmap/Solomon Islands/Overview | |
48. Geography - Merriam-Webster's Atlas ocean. The five stars represented the original five districts of theisland. solomon islands. Official name solomon islands. Form http://www.merriam-webster.com/cgi-bin/nytmaps.pl?solomon_islands |
49. LookSmart - Directory - Solomon Islands - Travel solomon islands Tourist Information Supplies detailed tourist information and resourcesfor the solomon islands. Contains the island s geography and history. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317835/us317907/us62972/us10212176/us | |
50. LookSmart - Directory - Guides And Reference For The Solomon Islands allRefer Reference solomon islands Access facts on the solomon islandshistory, geography, people, population, land, economy, and capital. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317916/us559898/us560003/us569942/us2 | |
51. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Solomon Islands CIA World Factbook 2000 solomon islands Basic reference information about thesolomon islands, including details of geography, people, economy, government http://bubl.ac.uk/link/s/solomonislands.htm | |
52. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Australian Geography Austin Subjects australia, australian geography, fiji, kiribati, micronesia, nauru,new zealand, palau, papua new guinea, samoa, solomon islands, tonga, tuvalu http://bubl.ac.uk/link/a/australiangeography.htm | |
53. World Atlas Solomon Islands, Oceania, Information Page Background solomon islands, geography, Location Oceania, group of islandsin the South Pacific Ocean, east of Papua New Guinea. Geographic http://wonderclub.com/Atlas/sbcia.htm | |
54. Freegk.com : Worldatlas : Solomon Islands Map Data And Currency solomon islands (geography), group of islands and atolls, in the southwesternPacific Ocean, extending about 1,450 km (900 mi) between the Bismarck http://www.freegk.com/worldatlas/solomonislands.php | |
55. The World Factbook 2000 -- Solomon Islands Current issues include government deficits, deforestation, and malariacontrol. solomon islands. geography. Top of Page. Location http://www.exportinfo.org/worldfactbook/soloman_WFB.html | |
56. Solomon Islands Choiseul (Lauru); Guadalcanal; Honiara*; Isabel; Makira; Malaita; Rennell/Bellona;Temotu; Western. geography. Main article geography of the solomon islands http://www.fact-index.com/s/so/solomon_islands.html | |
57. Solomon Islands (12/03) geography The solomon islands form an archipelago in the Southwest Pacificabout 1,900 kilometers (1,200 mi.) northeast of Australia. http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/2799.htm | |
58. Solomon Islands - Country Profile - Geography UK Trade Investment. Export Information by Market or by Sector orby Subject Home / solomon islands / geography / solomon islands. http://www.uktradeinvest.gov.uk/text/solomon_islands/profile/04_geography/ |
59. Traveljournals.net - Geography Of Solomon Islands Location Oceania, group of islands in the South Pacific Ocean, east of PapuaNew Guinea. Geographic coordinates 8 00 S, 159 00 E. Map references Oceania. http://www.traveljournals.net/explore/solomon_islands/geography.html | |
60. Solomon Islands Physical geography. The solomon islands archipelago consists of 922 islands witha total land area of 128,446 square kilometres, located to the east of Papua http://www.globaleducation.edna.edu.au/globaled/go/cache/offonce/pid/143 | |
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