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121. The Solar System On The Web The solar system on the Web. This web site is no longer operational.Physics at ANU Last update 26 January 1998. http//www.anu.edu http://www.anu.edu.au/Physics/ssweb/Welcome.html | |
122. Space Interactive Exercises. The solar system Planets The solar system Planets The nineplanets of our solar system formed at regular distance intervals from the sun. http://www.eoascientific.com/campus/space | |
123. Scale In The Solar System Instructions and teacher guides for making scale models of the solar system, Saturn,and comets. Scale in the solar system. Make a Scale Model solar system. http://cosmos.colorado.edu/~urquhart/Scale/ | |
124. A Quest For Creation Answers We do hope that our current research of the EarthMoon system will be ofgreat benefit in furthering your study of a created solar system. http://www.creation-answers.com/ | |
125. Downsize The Solar System In an effort to reduce the NASA budget, a resolution was passed todayto downsize the solar system. According to an unnamed congressional http://www.lhup.edu/~dsimanek/solarsys.htm | |
126. Welcome To Cycle The Solar System. A scale model of the solar system along 10Km of the Sustranscycle track from York to Selby in the north of England. http://www.solar.york.ac.uk/ |
127. Astronomy 121: Schombert Astronomy 121 The Formation and Evolution of the solar system. Administrative InternetResources The Nine Planets Meteor Showers Views of the solar system http://zebu.uoregon.edu/~js/ast121/ | |
128. The Nine Planets A multimedia tour of the Sun and the solar system prepared by the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory at the University of Arizona. http://seds.lpl.arizona.edu/nineplanets/nineplanets/sol.html | |
129. A Scale Model Of The Solar System This applet is the obligatory scale model of the solar system. Distanceis in AUs, velocity in AUs per hour, mass in units of 10 http://burtleburtle.net/bob/physics/solar.html | |
130. Welcome To Nori's Page Java applets and Quicktime movies of physics simulations such as solar system, ideal gas, wave interference, and the Doppler effect. http://www2.biglobe.ne.jp/~norimari/e-sciencenori.html | |
131. World Almanac For Kids The solar system. Nine planets, including Earth, travel around theSun. These planets, together with the Sun, form the solar system. http://www.worldalmanacforkids.com/explore/space.html | |
132. Photodesk: Orrery Powerful solar system simulator, with heliocentric and geocentric viewpoints. http://www.photodesk.ltd.uk/space/orrery/index.html | |
133. JJ Kavelaars References to minor planets and moons of planets that were discovered by JJ Kavelaars. http://pinks.physics.mcmaster.ca | |
134. Solar System Trading Cards Collect solar system trading cards as you answer trivia questions correctly. http://amazing-space.stsci.edu/trading/game.htm |
135. Solar Energy Panels Power Electric And Heating Systems For solar energy system information, panels, products, installation and service we are your solar power expert. http://www.solarexpert.com | |
136. Renewable Energy Multimedia System Data bank from European renewable energy programs on photovoltaics, biomass, wind energy and solar thermal energy. Hosted by Ireland's ICT research centre. http://nmrc.ucc.ie/groups/solar/remshome.html |
137. System For Obtaining Hydrogen And Oxygen From Water Using Solar Energy (US405357 A system for producing and separating hydrogen and oxygen from water in which water is pumped through a preferentially permeable walled vessel heated to a high temperature by a solar energy concentrator. The water dissociates at high temperatures. http://www.delphion.com/details?pn10=US04053576 |
138. CET: The Largest Alternative Energy Dealer In The Northeast Renewable energy product distributor. From starter kits, separate components or entire system kits, including heating, lighting, appliances, water purifiers, water pumping, toilets, tankless water heating and wind generators. http://www.cetsolar.com | |
139. NASA ADS: ADS Home Page Free online abstracts and fulltext papers in astronomy, astrophysics, planetary sciences, and solar physics. http://adswww.harvard.edu/ | |
140. Renewable Hydrogen Energy System The purpose of the paper is to define and analyze a renewable hydrogen energy supply system for household use. The energy system combines solar energy, wind energy, hydrogen production, fuel cell and households energy supply. http://www.lumes.lu.se/thesis/1998/Ma_Junlin_abstract.html | |
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