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101. Java-Based Scale Model Of The Solar System This Java applet gives you an interactive way to explore the sizes and distances involved in our solar system. This applet models a large virtual poster. All of the planets, and the nearest star system, are displayed at the proper size and distance from the Sun. You can zoom in or out (to see more or less of the Universe) or you can scroll from side to side. http://brown-munoz.home.attbi.com/Universe_intro.html |
102. Spacelink - Our Solar System Our solar system consists of the Sun, a family of planets, more than sixty moonsorbiting the planets, millions of asteroids, and billions of comets. http://spacelink.nasa.gov/Instructional.Materials/Curriculum.Support/Space.Scien | |
103. Stargazer Online -- The Solar System Astronomy information with emphasis on the solar system. http://my.voyager.net/stargazer/solar_system.html | |
104. Solar System Theme Unit: Worksheets, Planets, Math Problems, Puzzles, And More! Return to edHelper.com Return to Science Table of Contents, solar systemTheme Unit. Reading Comprehensions Soaring Through Our Solar http://www.edhelper.com/SolarSystem.htm | |
105. Meadow View Observatory A collection of color ccd images of galaxies, nebulae, star clusters and solar system objects. http://www.astroimager.com/ | |
106. Grade Three Science - The Solar System Grade 3 Science Core Unit The solar system Abrams Planetarium Skywatchers Diary{7191239} Earth and Sky {1037398}. Unit overview Nexus solar system. http://www.sasked.gov.sk.ca/docs/elemsci/gr3udesc.html | |
107. Astrophotography By Jeff Ball Film and digital images of our solar system, Milky Way galactic nebulae and star clusters, and galaxies beyond our own. http://www.astro-photography.com/ | |
108. A Collaborative Thematic Unit Theme The solar system and Astronomy. by Catherine Quattlebaum and EvelynPickens. CDROM. Exploring the solar system and Beyond CD-ROM. http://www.libsci.sc.edu/miller/Solar.htm | |
109. Hunt For Planet X Data clearinghouse for this elusive planet. View mankind's search for this unseen member of our solar system. Astronomical records show ancient civilizations held great knowledge of the heavens. http://www.mwt.net/~pt50/index.htm |
110. Education Center Activity: Solar System Adventure solar system Adventure. Science Activity. Writing a science fictionstory is not only fun, but a great way to learn about science. http://www.eduplace.com/rdg/gen_act/advent/solar.html | |
111. 3-D Tour 3D Tour of the solar system Teacher s Guide. AWARDS Selected as a valuableeducational internet resource for Discovery Channel School. http://www.lpi.usra.edu/research/stereo_atlas/SS3D.HTM | |
112. Southern Stars Systems - SkyChart III planetarium program displaying the sky from anywhere on Earth, in the solar system, or in the Milky Way, and for any point in time in the future or past. It supports numerous telescope computer controllers. commercial, demo available Win3.1/95/NT, Mac http://www.southernstars.com/skychart |
113. The Eugene, Oregon Scale Model Solar System scale model solar system planets earth. The Eugene,Oregon. Scale Model solar system. http://garcia.efn.org/~jack_v/ | |
114. PlanetWatch Software A colorful multimedia atlas of the solar system. You can learn about each planet's motions, atmospheres, geology, and internal structure. Colorful photographs, animated maps, and data from Voyager, Galileo, and other space probes are combined in an informative and entertaining program. commercial, demo available DOS, Win3.1/95/NT http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/galen_raben/planetwatch.html | |
115. Our Solar System Grey Olltwit s Freeware Educational. Grey Olltwit s Our solar system . Downloadthis program Click here for loads more freeware from Grey Olltwit. http://www.adders.org/freeware/solarsys.html | |
116. Solar System Screen Saver Grey Olltwit s Freeware Screen Savers. solar system Screen Saver. Downloadthis screen saver Click here for loads more freeware from Grey Olltwit. http://www.adders.org/freeware/solar.html | |
117. The Space Elevator Reference Brought To You By SpaceRef Scientific, engineering, economic and policy challenges inherent in constructing the solar systems first space elevator. http://www.spaceelevator.com/ | |
118. Our Solar System - True To Scale solar system. If you reversed would draw the earth 1 millimeter in diameter youwould need for the whole solar system a sheet of paper of 500 meters length! http://www.panoptikum.net/sonnensystem/solarsystem.htm | |
119. NASA - Goddard Space Flight Center Home to the Nation's largest organization of combined scientists and engineers dedicated to learning and sharing their knowledge of the Earth, solar system, and Universe. http://www.gsfc.nasa.gov/ | |
120. Solar System The Sun. Pluto. Mercury. Neptune. Venus. Uranus. Earth.Mars. Jupiter. Saturn. Type a question and click Ask! . http://users.northnet.com.au/~amcgann/website/Solar_System.htm |
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