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41. PASSPORT TO THE SOLAR SYSTEM Provides an overview of the sun and each of the nine planets. Also includes biographies of researchers. http://www.passporttoknowledge.com/solarsystem/ |
42. Solar System, Science, Teacher Project Elementary, Solar System online project for primary students covering the planets and solar system, includingscience subjects as sun, moon, asteroids, jupiter, pluto, mercury, mars http://www.germantown.k12.il.us/html/solsys.htm | |
43. Welcome To Astronomy Scape Learn some facts about the planets, solar system, and other astronomy topics. http://www.scapecast.com/onworld/AS/ |
44. Solar System Collisions solar system Collisions. Check out other programs in the Astronomy Workshop solar system Collisions written by Dr. Douglas P. Hamilton. http://janus.astro.umd.edu/astro/impact.html | |
45. Jessica's Solar System Page Jessica s solar system Page. Created 02/10/98. I am a student in the Facultyof Education at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada. http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Launchpad/1364/ | |
46. 3D Solar System Simulator: The Planets Explorer A Java applet that shows an interactive 3D representation of the planets and satellites of the solar system. http://www.inicia.es/de/avillanueva | |
47. USGS Astrogeology Program - Browse The Solar System solar system, Missions, Technology, Data Information, Research, HotTopics, Gallery, About Us, Search. Planets Mercury. Pluto. Browse the SolarSystem. http://astrogeology.usgs.gov/Projects/BrowseTheSolarSystem/ | |
48. Mitzi's Space Page Site about our solar system. http://www.expage.com/mitzispace | |
49. Our Solar System Pluto. solar system Formation Asteroids Comets solar system FactsNews Discovery Image Archives solar system Coloring Book. Last http://www.windows.ucar.edu/tour/link=/our_solar_system/solar_system.html | |
50. ORRERY: The Solar System In Action Learn about the solar system and beyond! The amazing planets, theirmoons, asteroids, comets and the sun - our star. Resources http://www.harmsy.freeuk.com/orrery.html | |
51. KidsAstronomy.com - Our Solar System Our solar system. What Would You Like To Learn About? The Sun Mercury Printing)All Moons MakeA-solar system. Links UniverseToday.com. http://www.kidsastronomy.com/solar_system.htm | |
52. Astro Gallery User contributed images of deep sky, solar system, and astronomyrelated. http://astrolink.mclink.it/intl/astrog.htm | |
53. Astrophotography - Iñaki Lizaso Images include deep sky, solar system, expeditions, comets. http://astrosurf.com/ilizaso/ | |
54. SolarSystem.com/.biz/.tv - The Official Online Solar System Welcome to the SolarSystem.com/.biz/.tv! Top solar system Stories. solar system.PLAE DOT Feature Channels Tune in @ PLAE in the solar system Dot Com! http://solarsystem.com/ | |
55. On The True Structure Of The Solar System Understand what has not been said. http://perso.wanadoo.es/30127/ | |
56. Solar System - Celestial Mechanics Presents ideas about the rotation of the sun and planets. http://www.surf2000.de/user/f-heeke/index.html | |
57. The Virtual Solar System A guide to the solar system for visitors of all ages featuring a scale model, interactivequiz, text and images. The Virtual. solar system. Looking for figures? http://www.solarsystem.org.uk/ | |
58. Astronomy Software For PC Windows With FREE Astronomy Software Gifts! Astronomy suite comprising planetarium with scintillation and live tracking, realtime Sky Quiz, observing log and telescope optics, along with an HTML guide to the solar system. The software also integrates a dictionary of 1000 astronomical terms and a booklength primer containing topics like What are the Stars? , Choosing a Telescope , Cosmology , Dark Matter , The History of Astronomy , and others. Uses Microsoft Agent speech technology to correctly pronounce over 300 star names. Shareware - Win95/98/Me/XP/NT/2000 http://www.stella2000.com | |
59. Gander Academy's Solar System Theme Page From Gander Academy, this site is for P and E students/teachers andlists Web resources on the solar system. solar system Theme Page, http://www.stemnet.nf.ca/CITE/solar_system.htm | |
60. The Nine Planets An overview of the history, mythology, and current scientific knowledge of each of the planets and moons in our solar system. Each page has text and images, some have sounds and movies, most provide references to additional related information. online, multimedia http://www.seds.org/billa/tnp/ | |
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