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41. Soils And Soil Management Publications And Videos Tillage Series 3 soil Compaction and conservation Tillage (1996) UC127 conservation Tillage Series 4 Nutrient management in conservation Tillage Systems (1996 http://www.cas.psu.edu/docs/publications/freepubs/soils.html |
42. Courses And ProgramsÂCourse Information Postgraduate Diploma of soil management and conservation. Postgraduate Diploma. Subjects. soil management and conservation;. Entry Requirements. Bachelor degree. http://www.myfuture.edu.au/services/default.asp?FunctionID=5350&CourseID=9899 |
43. Soil Use And Management Topics covered include soilcrop interactions, environmental protection, soil erosion and conservation, pollution control, restoration and reclamation of land, evaluation of soil surveys and development of methodology. Free access for members of the BSSS. http://www.cabi-publishing.org/journals/SUM/Index.asp | |
44. Web Resources - Thegreenpages.ca Recommend a book to us! Return to Directory, Natural Resources management soil management and conservation. There are 9 web resources under this topic. http://www.thegreenpages.ca/web_resources/links.asp?termsID=166 |
45. G1650 Conservation Tillage And Residue Management To Reduce Soil Erosion Agricultural publication G1650 Â Reviewed December 2, 1993. conservation Tillage and Residue management to Reduce soil Erosion. http://muextension.missouri.edu/explore/agguides/agengin/g01650.htm | |
46. Soil Management Following Drought conservation farming practices and the efficient management of fertilisers are two Such measures help you prevent or slow down soil erosion and other soil http://www.agric.nsw.gov.au/reader/pasture-crops-recovery/dpi355.htm | |
47. Soil Water Management Water management (Best management Practices) (Order No. Quality, Supply, Drainage Irrigation; Water Shortages conservation Information; soil Erosion Control. http://www.gov.on.ca/OMAFRA/english/crops/soils/conserve.html | |
48. Soil Management NoTill Making it Work (Best management Practices) (Order No. Suitability of conservation Tillage Systems to Ontario soil Types (Order No. http://www.gov.on.ca/OMAFRA/english/crops/soils/manage.html | |
49. Soil Management Zimbabwe. The proceedings contain a collection of papers on land and soil degradation, conservation, and soil management. In addition http://agrifor.ac.uk/browse/cabi/a2877a67c9b46975beb328812f656182.html | |
50. Soil Conservation agroforestry and alley farming in tropical Africa; soil crusting and sealing; rainfall analyses for tillage management decisions; and conservation tillage for http://agrifor.ac.uk/browse/cabi/21de25a325715708d08c5828f6ca61ed.html | |
51. Manual On Integrated Soil Management And Conservation Practices Title, Manual on integrated soil management and conservation practices. Year, 2000. ISBN, 9251044171. Job Number, X4799/E. Number in series, 8. http://www.fao.org/icatalog/search/dett.asp?aries_id=101154 |
52. FAO Investment Centre - Support To Investment: Land Management, Soil Conservatio Support to Investment Land management, soil conservation and soil Fertility. The FAO Investment Centre is assisting member governments http://www.fao.org/tc/tci/sectors/landcons.htm | |
53. Earthprint.com - Environmental Books And Publications From UNEP And Key Internat soil management and conservation for small farms. Strategies and methods of introduction, technologies and equipment. FAO Year of http://www.earthprint.com/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/ProductDisplay?prrfnbr=312427&prmen |
54. Earthprint.com - Environmental Books And Publications From UNEP And Key Internat Manual on integrated soil management and conservation practices FAO Year of publication 2000 Paperback 230 pages ISBN 9251044171 http://www.earthprint.com/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/ProductDisplay?prrfnbr=312371&prmen |
55. SSSAJ -- Collected Resources : Other Soil Management DIVISION S6 - soil WATER management conservation Flow Interruption Effects on Intake Rate and Rill Erosion in Two soils D. Sirjacobs, I. Shainberg, I. Rapp http://soil.scijournals.org/cgi/collection/other_soil_management?page=7 |
56. SSSAJ -- Collected Resources : Other Soil Management DIVISION S6 - soil WATER management conservation Water Infiltration and Storage affected by Subsoiling and Subsequent Tillage Joseph L. Pikul, Jr. http://soil.scijournals.org/cgi/collection/other_soil_management?page=2 |
57. Livre Manual On Integrated Soil Management And Conservation Practices (fao Land Translate this page Manual on integrated soil management and conservation practices (FAO land and water bulletin n°8). Date de parution 07-2000 Langue ANGLAIS 214p. http://www.lavoisier.fr/notice/fr9251044170.html | |
58. WRC - Land Management - Soil Conservation also manages 3750 hectares of soil conservation reserve forests Wairarapa and requires careful management and repair protect and conserve the soil and minimise http://www.wrc.govt.nz/lm/soil.htm | |
59. WRC - Land Management - Soil Conservation interplanted in scrub, with Acacia and amenity planting in river bed. Pines on surrounding hills. Back to the soil conservation page. http://www.wrc.govt.nz/lm/p-soil3.htm | |
60. Page Not Found Write a report of more than 500 words about the soil and water and A wildlife refuge or a fish or game management area. A conservationmanaged farm or ranch. http://www.meritbadge.com/bsa/mb/106.htm | |
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