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81. CSIRO PUBLISHING - Australian Journal Of Soil Research Especially focussing on land and water management, soil pollution and remediation, and sustainable primary production. Site offers the Index, Abstracts and a sample issue. http://www.publish.csiro.au/nid/84.htm | |
82. Sweet Potato BMP NRCS Code 329) and crop residue management (NRCS Code 344 Tillage practices affectthe way that water moves into and off of the soil (infiltration and http://www.lsuagcenter.com/Subjects/bmp/sweetpotato/soilindex.asp | |
83. Woodland Advisory Consultants UK Woodland management, planning, design, restoration, environmental impact assessments, habitat monitoring, water quality testing and soil sampling. http://www.woodlandadvisoryservice.co.uk |
84. Extension Publications -- Search Results soil water Monitoring and Measurement, PNW0475, $1.00, HTML. Monitoringsoil Nutrients Using a management Unit Approach, PNW0570E, Free, PDF. http://cru84.cahe.wsu.edu/cgi-bin/pubs/scan/co=yes/fi=pub_category/rf=sku/sf=pro | |
85. Ontario Soil And Crop Improvement Association Nonprofit farm organization that promotes the responsible economic management of soil, water and crops. http://www.ontariosoilcrop.org/ | |
86. ASWCD Storm water management; Recreation land planning; Equipment rental including treeplanting bar, soil probe, hand seeder, stream monitoring kits and chemical sets http://www.seorf.ohiou.edu/~aswcd/ | |
87. Bucks County Conservation District Campaigns for the wise use, management and development of the county's soil, water and related water and related natural resources. http://www.bucksconservation.org | |
88. Australian Association Of Natural Resource Management to info@soilwater.org.au with questions or comments about this web site. Copyright© 2003 Australian Association of Natural Resource management WebCraft by http://www.soil-water.org.au/ | |
89. DRL Environmental Services An environmental service provider offering costeffective methods to achieve compliance with air, soil and ground water regulations. Lists management and operations, services, experience, certificates and contact information. requires Flash http://www.drlservices.com/ |
90. EY205A Principles Of Soil And Water Management EY205A Principles of soil and water management. One of the aims of the trip is toexpose the students to current soil and water management issues in Australia. http://sites.uws.edu.au/vip/maheshwb/EY205_Outline_010724.html | |
91. Kamloops Library A large range of topics relevant to forest hydrology, such as streamflow, water quality, snow accumulation and melt, the energy balance, evapotranspiration, interception, soil moisture, fish habitat, climate change, and general watershed management. Many of the papers included here are conference presentations, technical reports, or government reports and are unavailable through university or public libraries. http://foresthydrology.gov.bc.ca/ | |
92. Natural Resources At The University Of Minnesota, Crookston UMC's Natural Resources degree program provides an integrated approach to soil and water conservation, wildlife and fisheries management, forestry, and recreation. As natural resource managers, graduates help balance the needs of people with the ability of ecosystems to support soil, water, forests, wildlife, fish, and recreational resources. http://www.crk.umn.edu/academics/NatR/ | |
93. Cranfield University At Silsoe - Information On Short Course - Soil Plant Water This page gives information on short course soil Plant water management,offered by Cranfield University at Silsoe. soil Plant water management. http://www.silsoe.cranfield.ac.uk/short_courses/spw_man.htm | |
94. College Of Natural Resources Undergraduate degree programs in forestry, conservation science, paper science, resource management, wildlife, soil and waste resources, and water resources. Provides faculty and staff listing, degree program information, and quick facts. http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/ | |
95. Soil Plant Water Management soil Plant water management. water and temperature control in the root zone. Mechanisedsoil management. Plant water demand scenarios, Irrigation scheduling. http://www.silsoe.cranfield.ac.uk/iwe/courses/syllabus/spwm.htm | |
96. Career Opportunities In Soil And Water Management Career Opportunities in soil water management soil and water managementOption College soil water Sci Career soil water management, http://www.squ.edu.om/agr/depts/sws/courses/career-soil-water-management.html | |
97. Master Credits (Soil And Water Management): Master Credits (soil and water management) A student, for Master Degree with specializationin soil and water management, will need 30 Credits as follows http://www.squ.edu.om/agr/depts/sws/courses/course-postgrad-swm-total.html | |
98. Wiley Europe::Soil And Water Management Systems, 4th Edition WileyEurope Geography Earth Science Forestry soil and water management Systems, 4th Edition. http://www.wileyeurope.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0471109738.html | |
99. NMC - Soil And Water Management Program soil and water management Program. Testing of Farm soils in the CNMI. How can afarmer tell how much of what kind of fertilizer is needed to grow a good crop? http://www.nmcnet.edu/community.cfm/compass/crees/are/soil-water/ | |
100. Elements Of Water And Soil Management 1. soil and water management for Agricultural Production Surface water. Usefulto soil and water management professionals and students of soil science. http://www.css.cornell.edu/faculty/hmv1/s&wman/s&wman/Videos produced.html | |
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