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101. The University Of Melbourne - Computer Science & Software Engineering Departments. photo. Now Located in the ICT Building CSSE. photo. Computer Science software engineering. Department Information http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/ | |
102. Faculty Of Informatics - School Of Information And Software Engineering School of Information software engineering, The School of Information and software engineering is structured into three divisions across two campuses. http://www.infc.ulst.ac.uk/informatics/ise/ | |
103. CoCo Software Engineering: CMS * MAM * Consulting * Mobile Agenten * Publikation Translate this page Lösungsorientierte Mitarbeiter gesucht! IT-Spezialisten mit Problemlösungsfähigkeit finden nähere Infos hier. © 1996 - 2003 CoCo software engineering GmbH, http://www.coco.co.at/ | |
104. Software Engineering At Georgia Tech You will be forwarded to the new software engineering page in 3 seconds. If this does not work click here. http://www.cc.gatech.edu/computing/SW_Eng/sw.html | |
105. Untitled Document The development of such software poses increasing challenges for software engineering teams, who are themselves distributed, perhaps mobile, have varied skills http://www.cs.wustl.edu/icse05/ | |
106. ESEC Conference Vienna 2001 Continue Joint 8th European software engineering Conference (ESEC). and. 9th ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of software engineering (FSE9). http://esec.ocg.at/ | |
107. An Algorithmic Approach To English Pluralization Research paper by D.M. Conway of the School of Computer Science and software engineering, Monash University. (1998). http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~damian/papers/HTML/Plurals.html | |
108. Object-Oriented Software Engineering With Eiffel ObjectOriented software engineering with Eiffel. By Jean Contracts This is a book on software engineering the Eiffel s way. Born http://www.irisa.fr/pampa/EPEE/book.html | |
109. Department Of Software Engineering Katedra softwarového inÂenýrstvÃ, Department of software engineering. KSI. clenové kontakt nástenka. Veda. publikace výzkumné skupiny projekty. Výuka. http://kocour.ms.mff.cuni.cz/ | |
110. SWIPe Software Engineering & Project Management GmbH Softwarel¶sungen in den Bereichen Dokumentenmanagement, Workflowmanagement, ECommerce, Web Hosting (Java) und Web Design. Neben Programmbeschreibungen findet man Stellenangebote und einen Rundgang durch die Site. http://www.swipe.de/ | |
111. ExpertControl - Engineering Software Tools for modeling, control design and hydraulics for different development environments such as Mathcad, VisSim, Matlab and MSExcel. http://www.expertcontrol.com | |
112. Internet Marketing Web Hosting Domain Name Registration $6.95 Bandwidth Streamin Development of software, firmware and hardware for realtime embedded or PC based systems from concept through production. Electronic Kits and developer resources. http://www.alta-engineering.com/ | |
113. Bridge Engineering Home Page: Software Specialised directory of both shareware and commercial software especially for design and construction of bridges. http://www.scsolutions.com/bridge.software.html | |
114. Telaterra software development outsourcing services, focusing on Web applications, localization and internationalization, and engineering automation. Features tips, service descriptions, and ISO standards list. http://www.telaterra.com/ |
115. CENTRES OF CAPABILITY - Northern Ireland Knowledge Engineering Laboratory (NIKEL Hosted in the Division of Informatics of the University of Ulster. Helps companies in Northern Ireland and beyond gain competitive advantage through the application of advanced software technology. http://www.nics.gov.uk/irtu/research/comput-1.html | |
116. Energy Conversion Software, Slide Shows, Online Calculators, Textbooks, Educatio Windows based applications dealing with energy conversion systems (power and propulsion). http://members.aol.com/engware |
117. Simulation Software For Engineering And Scientific Analysis And Design Lowcost simulation software for engineering and science. Analysis and design consulting for communication systems. http://www.softanalytics.com | |
118. Intrepid Control Systems, Inc. - Website High technology software and electronics engineering with a focus on automated PC based measurement and control. http://www.intrepidcs.com/ | |
119. Navigation Has Changed, Please Follow The Links Below. Testing training for developers, testers, quality assurance, and management to improve software testing processes and assure quality, bugfree software. http://www.sqe.com/products/seminar/semindex.html | |
120. PBM Engineering Design And Building Services Design consultancy including project management for process design, pipework, electrics, control and instrumentation, software. http://www.iol.ie/~patmoore |
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