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81. Computer Science & Software Engineering At The University Of Western Australia Copyright© 2003, School of Computer Science software engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics, The University of Western Australia. http://www.csse.uwa.edu.au/ | |
82. Willkommen - Welcome Developers of priMioE/Con software for large wholesale and retail enterprise management. priMio-E/Con is based on the relational database ORACLEî. http://www.primio.de | |
83. Software Engineering Laboratory - N.T.U.A. Laboratory History, Location, Activities, Layout facilities Manuals, Administration, Services, User and Hosted Pages Research http://www.softlab.ece.ntua.gr/ | |
84. Intercon Software Engineering Providing software services to diverse clients. Namely, OO, C++, CORBA, systems integration, systems development, client/server solutions. http://www.ise.net.au/ |
85. +1 Software Engineering +1 software engineering supports configuration management Welcome! Starting in 2004, +1 software engineering introduces one new product and four new services. http://www.plus-one.com/ | |
86. IBFI Schloss Dagstuhl - Report Of The Dagstuhl Seminar 9635 The result of a meeting of historians with computer scientists. With links to further articles. http://www.dagstuhl.de/DATA/Reports/9635/report.9635.html | |
87. Software Systems Engineering Group Software Systems Engineering Group. The Group contributes to London Software Systems, a joint software engineering institute with Imperial College London,; http://www.xlinkit.com/ | |
88. CS32: Introduction To Software Engineering Monday, May 10 Check out who s going on DEMO DAY tomorrow. Sunday, April 18 Be sure to check the newsgroup there s important information http://www.cs.brown.edu/courses/cs032/ | |
89. Jungclaus Software Engineering TWAIN toolkits, drivers, utilities and application development tools, and demo software. http://www.twaintools.de/ |
90. Center For Software Engineering Center for software engineering. Mission To advance the state of the art in technology and practice. of software engineering in Industry. http://www.research.ibm.com/softeng/ | |
91. UAT College Of Software Engineering Degrees: Computer Programming, Networking, S The college of software engineering offers degrees with majors in application development, computer programming, database programming, game programming, internet development and administration, network engineering, and network security. Careers, and admissions information. http://www.uat.edu/softwareEngineering/ | |
92. CM Crossroads: Configuration Management Yellow Pages Comprehensive listing of configuration management software, conferences, jobs, consultants. Maintained by Andr© van der Hoek, and sponsored by the software engineering Research Laboratory of the University of Colorado. http://www.cmtoday.com/yp/configuration_management.html | |
93. Excel Software - CASE Tools For Analysis, Design And UML Modeling software engineering for Macintosh, Linux and Windows http://www.excelsoftware.com/ |
94. CSER Homepage A Business, University, Government Collaboration to Advance software engineering in Canada. more about CSER. Copyright @2003 Consortium of software engineering. http://www.cser.ca/ | |
95. FH Hagenberg Translate this page Computer- und Medien-Sicherheit, Mobile Computing, Medientechnik und -design, Hardware/Software Systems Engineering, software engineering, software engineering für http://www.fhs-hagenberg.ac.at/ | |
96. Statistical Software Engineering Statistical software engineering. Panel on Statistical Methods in software engineering Committee on Applied and Theoretical Statistics http://books.nap.edu/html/statsoft/ | |
97. Delft University Of Technology Faculty of Information Technology and Systems. Research areas include information systems design and management, database systems, computer graphics, CAD/CAM, knowledgebased systems, parallel and distributed systems, and software engineering. http://www.twi.tudelft.nl/ |
98. Software Engineering Research Center http://www.serc.net/ | |
99. Software Engineering Academic Genealogy (North America) software engineering Academic Genealogy (North America) Note Feedback. Edsger Dijkstra 19302002 (Technological U. at Eindhoven http://www.cs.washington.edu/homes/taoxie/sefamily.htm | |
100. Oregon Masters Of Software Engineering software engineering means different things to different people. Is it software management? Programming? 2002 Oregon Master of software engineering. http://www.omse.org/ | |
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