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161. Department Of Sociology Home Page, Lancaster University Cartmel College, Lancaster University, LA1 4YL, UK Tel +44 (0) 1524 594172Fax +44 (0) 524 594256 Email sociology@lancaster.ac.uk. Home . http://www.comp.lancs.ac.uk/sociology/ | |
162. Charles Horton Cooley: Reflections Upon The Sociology Of Herbert Spencer Classic 1920 article by Charles Horton Cooley. Sympathetically reviews Spencer's influence. http://spartan.ac.brocku.ca/~lward/cooley/Cooley_1920.html | |
163. World-Wide Web Resources - Sociology Annotated links to sociology information on the web. Gathered by the University of Kentucky. http://www.uky.edu/Subject/socio.html | |
164. The Durkheim Page Assorted brief articles on his thought, targeted to beginning students of his work. http://www.hewett.norfolk.sch.uk/curric/soc/durkheim/durk.htm | |
165. !FOR SALE!~Sociology News @ Sociology-news.net,.com,.org~!FOR SALE! World news article links on sociology. http://sociology-news.net | |
166. Index Of /sosw/ DIR Parent Directory......index of /sosw/. Name Last modified Size http://www.csuchico.edu/sosw/ | |
167. Sociology In Latin America - LANIC SociologÂa en Latinoam©rica. Una enorme colecci³n de enlaces a recursos de sociologÂa. La p¡gina en s est¡ en ingl©s, pero la gran mayorÂa de los sitios listados est¡ en espa±ol. http://www.lanic.utexas.edu/la/region/sociology/ | |
168. Sociology - Graduate Faculty - New School University The sociology department of the Graduate Faculty builds on its historical connectionsto European social science and their development in an American context http://www.newschool.edu/gf/soc/ | |
169. Wadsworth's Virtual Society Site dedicated to the academic world of sociology and social science in general. Site accompanies the book The Practice of Social Research. http://sociology.wadsworth.com/ |
170. Clemson Sociology Department DEPARTMENT OF sociology. at Clemson University. For more informationabout the sociology department, contact Kinly Sturkie, Department http://business.clemson.edu/Socio/ | |
171. School Of Social Sciences And Cultural Studies mainly administrative information. The School brings together the core subjects of Anthropology, Economics, Geography, International Relations and Politics, Media Studies and sociology and interdisciplinary centres such as the Sussex European Institute, the Centre for Culture, Development and Environment, the Centre for Gender Studies. Students can focus their studies on particular subjects, but they will find that these are enriched by the broad interdisciplinary contexts provided by the School. http://www.sussex.ac.uk/soccul/ | |
172. Julian Dierkes' SocioLog Julian Dierkes' comprehensive guide to sociology online http://www.sociolog.com/ | |
173. UOC Sociology And Anthropology Web Site [2001] Glossary Social mobility Social movement Social position Social reproduction Social role Socialstratification Social structure Society sociology sociology of the body http://www.soci.canterbury.ac.nz/glossary/ | |
174. Index Of /research/_feminism A research group at the Department of sociology, Uppsala University. (Bilingual site). http://www.soc.uu.se/research/feminism/ | |
175. Sociologia.de sociology resources in English, German, Spanish and Portuguese. http://www.sociologia.de/ |
176. Manuel Castells Department of sociology, 410 Barrows Hall University of California Berkeley, CA 94720Department of City and Regional Planning, 228 Wurster Hall University of http://sociology.berkeley.edu/faculty/castells/ | |
177. Ryoung001 Explore the world of sociology, discuss issues, and other interesting discoveries. http://ryoung001.homestead.com/ | |
178. 36th WORLD CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SOCIOLOGY Sessions Session List Session Venue Application Form Call for Papers, OrganizersIIS Institute of sociology,CASS. Sponsors sociology Links sociology Links. http://www.iis2003beijing.com.cn/en/ | |
179. Studies In Communication Sciences - Studi Di Scienze Della Comunicazione Multilingual international journal publishing original articles in areas such as linguistics, semiotics, rhetoric, media, mass communication, intercultural communication, and sociology and psychology of communication. Online abstracts. http://www.scoms.ch/ |
180. Communication Theory Research into the theoretical development of communication from across a wide array of disciplines, such as communication studies, sociology, psychology, political science, cultural and gender studies, philosophy, linguistics, and literature. Full text online for ICA members. Oxford University Press. http://ct.oupjournals.org/ | |
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