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1. Lesson Plans the Bank Street College of Education to help teach children the activities for geography, history, citizenship, economics, cultures and general social studies. http://www.csun.edu/~hcedu013/plans.html | |
2. College Of General Studies - The College of general studies at the University of Pennsylvania is the oldest lifelong learning program in the Ivy League. Penn's College of general studies offers flexible part teach courses at the College of general studies. In addition, students have access to the rich academic and social http://www.sas.upenn.edu/CGS | |
3. Social Studies For Kids social studies for Kids gives you articles, fun facts, glossaries, and tons of links for all subjects of social studies, with a focus on what kids and their teachers/parents are learning. This book takes a more general approach and covers women serving in the armed on this site. social studies. for Kids. copyright 20024 Sites for teachers. teach-nology.com http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/ | |
4. Other Resources 1) factual Web pages by students to teach about Life in the features resources for these topics Cultural Perspectives, general social studies, Government http://www.csun.edu/~hcedu013/res.html | |
5. Education World® - *Social Sciences : General Resources teacher Resources. Anthropology. Area studies. Communications / Mass Media. Cultural studies. Economics. Business. Geography experience designed to teach social studies, local history, and http://db.educationworld.com/perl/browse?cat_id=1703 |
6. Socialstudies.org | Teacher Standards - Volume 1 they should possess in order to teach social studies to students appropriately, and (2) Pedagogical Standards, which outline in very general ways the http://www.ncss.org/standards/teachers/vol1/home.shtml | |
7. Social Studies Development Center general social studies. Academy One social studies Curriculum Exchange This site contains the full text teach With Movies This site, intended for parents and teachers, lists movies http://www.indiana.edu/~ssdc/soclinks.htm | |
8. Socialstudies.org | Teacher Standards - Volume 1 licensure (or certification) to teach social studies or any as described above in the general introduction to should be required of social studies teachers and http://www.ncss.org/standards/teachers/vol1/subject.shtml | |
9. Education World® - *Social Sciences : Cultural Studies : General Resources RECENT STORIES. Archives. Administrators. Books in Ed. Curriculum. Great Sites. Lesson Planning. School Issues. Site Reviews. Special Themes. teacher Lessons. Tech In Classroom. The Arts. Foreign Languages Indigenous Peoples. Judaic studies. Latin American. Multicultural studies a convenient CD to teach children about 44 countries http://db.educationworld.com/perl/browse?cat_id=1770 |
10. ASSIGNMENT CODE EXPLANATIONS - What Can I Teach? 46621 Science May teach any science for grades 1-8. May teach general science for grade 9 27-635 Earth/Space Science May teach any Earth or social studies. http://www.dpi.state.wi.us/dpi/dlsis/tel/fqlcode.html | |
11. Methods For Social Studies: How Do I Keep My Ideals And Still Teach? Methods for social studies. How Do I Keep My Ideals and Still teach? ©Rich Gibson 2000 Renaissance Community Press. http//www.pipeline.com/~rgibson ( If you are an educator reading this, and planning to loot the material here, good for you! How about sexism, or inequality in general? * Why have government http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~rgibson/Methods.htm | |
12. OPLIN OH! Teach / INFOhio Curriculum Areas Social Studies teach / INFOhio Curriculum Areas social studies History 2190856-2316 Economics ./index.cfm?ID=19-2190-856-2321 general social studies Connections ./index http://www.oplin.lib.oh.us/index.cfm?ID=19-2190-856 |
13. OPLIN OH! Teach / INFOhio Curriculum Areas Social Studies OH! teach / INFOhio Curriculum Areas social studies History general social studies Connections American Memory http//memory http://www.oplin.lib.oh.us/index.cfm?ID=19-2190-856-2313 |
14. Elementary Education Resources-Social Studies-General Resources general social studies Resources 1stHeadlinesNewsCurrent headlines teachers, students, and general history enthusiasts activities that teach about Congress http://www.pitt.edu/~poole/eledGeneralSS.html | |
15. H-High S Discussion Network general Information. Subscribe! Manage Subscription Related Lists. Hteach. H-HistoryDay. H-Survey. H-World. H-W-Civ involved in teaching history, social studies, and related subjects in http://www.h-net.msu.edu/~highs | |
16. Louisiana area(s) in which they intend to teach. Science, 10070, Chemistry, Physics, general Science, 530. Middle School social studies, 20089, Middle School social studies, http://www.ets.org/praxis/prxla.html | |
17. Sites To Use With Students- Homework Help Online has computer help, general homework help guides for English, mathematics, social studies, science, global on Good Study Habits Personal study tips that http://www.teach-nology.com/teachers/educational_technology/internet_in_class/st | |
18. Lesson Plan, Lesson Plans Collection For K-12 Teachers social studies. Literature. Authors, general Elementary Books,. teachnology - The Art and Science of teaching with Technology is a registered trademark. http://www.teach-nology.com/teachers/lesson_plans/ | |
19. Teachers-preschool, Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle, And Secondary number of qualified teachers include general elementary education, physical education, and social studies. teachers and for those who teach English as http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos069.htm | |
20. Women's Studies: General Or Mixed Categories general, Art, Feminist Theory Criticism skills courses that specifically teach and train critical thinking, women s studies, social and political http://bailiwick.lib.uiowa.edu/wstudies/general.html | |
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