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81. TKI - When Cultures Meet Index [Social Studies Online] When Cultures Meet Unit Plan Unit index Download This Unit Printer Version Feedbackon this Unit. social studies Online Years 910 social studies Units social http://www.tki.org.nz/r/socialscience/curriculum/SSOL/cultures/unit_index_e.php | |
82. Social Studies social studies LESSON PLANS by Dr. Marty Levine. TITLE Rain AUTHOR Robert ClarkFrayser, Commerce, OK GRADE LEVEL/SUBJECT 24, Native American culture PURPOSE http://www.edu-orchard.net/PROFESS/LESSON/HISTORY/ML/ml165.html | |
83. Social Studies social studies LESSON PLANS by Dr. Marty Levine. OBJECTIVES As a result of theseactivities, students will 1. become aware of his/her culture (heritage) 2 http://www.edu-orchard.net/PROFESS/LESSON/HISTORY/ML/ml063.html | |
84. Biblical Studies Aspects of the Mediterranean social World. archeological sites other web sourcesfor the study of classical GrecoRoman culture, including Asia Minor http://religion.rutgers.edu/vri/bible.html | |
85. Robert M. Young Index Of Online Writings Movement 1982 Darwinism is social The Darwin Biology and Psychology The Cultureof British of the Rejected and Psychotherapeutic studies Group Relations http://human-nature.com/rmyoung/papers/ | |
86. American Studies Association Annual Meeting history, literature and literary criticism, ethnic studies, women s studies, materialculture studies, visual culture, popular culture, social science, and http://www.georgetown.edu/crossroads/AmericanStudiesAssn/annualmeeting/ | |
87. Policy, Cultural And Social Studies In Education Policy, Cultural and social studies in Education. The work of thisdepartment centres on political, social and cultural issues in http://edlinked.soe.waikato.ac.nz/departments/index.php?dept_id=6 |
88. Social Studies School Service Geography/Global Studies Index Copyright © 2004 social studies School Service 10200 Jefferson Blvd.,Box 802, Culver City, CA 90232. Powered by Cuesta Technologies, LLC. http://www.socialstudies.com/c/@H7wEUceAboShY/Pages/globalindex.html | |
89. Social Studies School Service Black History Index social studies School Service carries a variety of excellent various different areasof African American studies, including cultural and sociological http://www.socialstudies.com/c/@H7wEUceAboShY/Pages/blackhistory.html | |
90. Wisconsin Educational Communications Board: Classroom Resources Designed for fourth and fifth-grade students. social studies Activities and instructionalresources for learning about history, culture, and geography. http://www.ecb.org/classroom/ | |
91. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Cultural Studies Author Topica Subjects cultural studies DeweyClass 306 ResourceType mailinglistindex discuss representations of popular culture and social theory in http://bubl.ac.uk/link/c/culturalstudies.htm | |
92. Social Studies Sources social studies Sources This site from the University of Indiana is a clearinghouse of contentrelated Web sites for social studies educators and students. Categories include U.S. and world history http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://education.indiana.edu/%7Esocialst/&y |
93. History/Social Studies Web Site For K-12 Teachers Best viewed in. 800 x 600 History/social studies for K12 Teachers. Special Announcements. All of the pages in the History/social studies site that http://www.execpc.com/~dboals/europe.html | |
94. Online Activities Research Starters. Â Scholastic Explorers Native American Cultures. ÂScholastic News. Â social studies Interactives. Â The First Thanksgiving. http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/ | |
95. Crossroads In Cultural Studies. Second International Conference that the topics, themes and issues recently raised by cultural studies researchersare who have been in charge of registrations, bookings, social events and http://www.uta.fi/crossroads/ | |
96. Internet Public Library: Social Sciences social behavior, especially the study of the Topics covered include Archaeology;culture; Disabled; Gay on qualitative approaches to social science research http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/soc00.00.00 | |
97. SCS Homepage Japanese / English. Graduate School of social and Cultural studies. What sNew ? The homepage of the Graduate School has been updated. (15.12.2003) http://www.scs.kyushu-u.ac.jp/ | |
98. Other Resources Includes Economics, Ethnic/Cultural studies/, Geography, History, Law Science, Sociology,and Women s studies. and Curriculum Frameworks for social studies. http://www.csun.edu/~hcedu013/res.html | |
99. Communication Studies Resources - University Of Iowa Rhetorical and Cultural studies Critical Theory; Visual Rhetorics; 11 September2001 Visual collections. social Science Resources; Speeches and Speechmakers; http://www.uiowa.edu/~commstud/resources/ | |
100. French Culture | Education | Studying In France Translate this page can search by field, institution, or level of study (in French in university restaurants,subsidized housing accomodation, social and cultural services, as http://www.frenchculture.org/education/france/ | |
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