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41. Social Studies Links Educational links for social studies (over 800 links in 20 different categories)) social studies Links. Back to Killeen Connections Links to history and culture on Mexico, Panama, Aztec, Mayan Victorian Era events and culture during the 1800s includes literary http://killeenroos.com/links.htm | |
42. PHSchool - Social Studies Practice standardsbased skills and explore geography, culture, government, primarysources, or the lawmaking process. social studies Skills Tutor Passport to http://www.phschool.com/social_studies/ | |
43. Electronic Journal Of Contemporary Japanese Studies social scientific studies of contemporary Japanese society, economy, politics and culture. Peerreviewed. Table of contents and articles will be available on-line. http://www.japanesestudies.org.uk/ | |
44. Skewl Sites - Site Index -SOCIALS STUDIES - Culture SOCIALS studies culture. http://www.skewlsites.com/cult.htm | |
45. WELCOME TO INSTITUTE OF OBJECTIVE STUDIES The Institute of Objective studies promotes empirical and conceptual studies, and conducts research on problems of contemporary relevance to the Indian polity, society, economy, culture and religion. The studies include the problems of development process, community relations, social tensions, and status of women. http://www.iosworld.org/ | |
46. Mr Donn's Pages Site Index Site index Awesome Library Star Rating Free Lesson World Cultures/Western HemisphereMexico, Central South social studies Literature K12 Lesson Plans for http://members.aol.com/donnandlee/SiteIndex.html | |
47. Welcome To The Yerkes National Primate Research Center One of the leading centers for biomedical and biobehavioral research with nonhuman primates, in recent years Yerkes has expanded to include a broad range of science from molecular and cellular studies to investigations of culture and social behavior. http://www.emory.edu/WHSC/YERKES/ | |
48. Mr Donn's Ancient History Page Series of Educational Materials for social studies Teachers Creation Stories frommany ancient cultures. THINKQUEST SITES Ancient Civilizations index of entries http://members.aol.com/donnandlee/ | |
49. USJP.org HOME PAGE The site provides information about education, culture, and society of the United States and Japan in both English and Japanese. http://www.usjp.org/ | |
50. MiddleWeb History And Social Studies Resources Council for social studies group for social studies teachers culture to sports literature, U.S. Civil War history, to teaching U.S. history and social studies. Some social studies http://www.middleweb.com/CurrSocStud.html | |
51. American Studies - School Of Culture, Literature And Society - University Of Can Combines the insights and practices of several branches of knowledge in the arts and social sciences as they bear upon a single topic, the people and culture of the United States of America. Information about what can be done with a degree in AMST, undergraduate and postgraduate courses, faculty research and books relevant to American studies. http://www.amst.canterbury.ac.nz/ | |
52. Winterthur Portfolio Publishes articles on the arts in America and the historical context within which they developed. WP's articles highlight research from America's early colonial period through the twentieth century and present a diversity of innovative perspectives on American material culture with findings from various disciplines such as literature, decorative arts, ethnology, American studies, folk studies, art history, cultural history, archaeology, cultural geography, architecture, anthropology, and social, intellectual, and technological histories. http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/WP/home.html | |
53. Duke University Program In The Study Of Sexualities The Program studies the ways our gender roles (the ways by which we express our biological sex male, female, hermaphroditic, transsexual in society) influence not just our personal but also our social, economic, and political lives. Because expressions of sexuality differ from culture to culture and from time to time, close description and careful analysis of the character and effects of sexualities have provided a major new research instrument for charting and interpreting culture, history, literature, art, and the relations of power. http://www.duke.edu/web/SXL/ | |
54. Rutgers: Institute For Hungarian Studies Promotes Hungarian society, history, culture and language through course and program resources, publications, events, research, social networking and links. http://hi.rutgers.edu/ | |
55. Cultural Studies Central social Text The online version of the journal Spoon Collective The Mother of Allcultural studies mailing lists A splendid praxis of popular culture and theory http://www.culturalstudies.net/ | |
56. African & African-American Studies The AAASP is designed to establish coordinated interdisciplinary study of the history and culture, the social and economic issues, and the political institutions and processes that have shaped the experiences of people of African ancestry. http://www.duke.edu/web/africanameric/ | |
57. Homework Help: Social Studies: World Cultures social studies World culture. Study Web Native American studies Here you ll finda about Canada s first inhabitants, their history, stories, and culture. http://www.oplin.lib.oh.us/products/oks/Homework/socstud/worldcul.htm | |
58. Program In Black Studies: Africa And The Diaspora Explores the African diaspora and its interaction with culture and society in the Americas. T he interdisciplinary program combines humanities courses from literature, music and film together with the social sciences and history to provide students with an understanding of the farreaching impact of race and ethnicity across continents. http://www.fairfield.edu/academic/artsci/majors/black/ugblhome.htm | |
59. Research Index social studies World Cultures. East Asia. English World Literature. Night; CultureThrough Literature. Math - Geometry. Fractals. social studies - World History. http://www.bcpl.net/~sullivan/modules/ | |
60. School Of Social Sciences And Cultural Studies mainly administrative information. The School brings together the core subjects of Anthropology, Economics, Geography, International Relations and Politics, Media studies and Sociology and interdisciplinary centres such as the Sussex European Institute, the Centre for culture, Development and Environment, the Centre for Gender studies. Students can focus their studies on particular subjects, but they will find that these are enriched by the broad interdisciplinary contexts provided by the School. http://www.sussex.ac.uk/soccul/ | |
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