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1. English Books > Social Studies > Culture & Customs > Index > World Retail Store World Retail Store; English Books; culture Customs Buy from over 2 million English book titles 11-12 Society culture 2/3 Unit Syllabus Paperback; Code http://www.worldretailstore.com/index/BE-YJBB.html | |
2. Social Studies WebQuest: The Culture Of The Inca com/index.html. Work with your classmates to research and report on different aspectsof llama care, llama behavior, and how llamas are used today. The culture http://teacher.scholastic.com/webquest/wrldhist/whinca.htm | |
3. Education World® : Social Sciences/Cultural Studies Home social Sciences Center Cultural studies. CULTURAL studies CENTER. http://www.education-world.com/soc_sci/culture/index.shtml | |
4. Education World® : National Standards: Social Sciences provide for the study of for instance, culture. their program frameworks usingthe social studies standards as a The index of Standards is provided from the http://www.education-world.com/standards/national/soc_sci/index.shtml | |
5. Social Studies index of hot links to news sources Ideas for using educational television programsin teaching social studies. links to sites about Mayan culture, language, math http://www.sitesforteachers.com/resources_sharp/socialstudies.html | |
6. World Area Studies Internet Resources Political Issues Clearinghouse/History social studies Web NonWestern Exploring AncientWorld cultures index D. Driggs News The Web of culture For cultural http://vax.wcsu.edu/socialsci/area.html | |
7. Weekly Online Lessons Index The Vibrant History culture of Turkey social studies/History. Civil Rights inAmerica social studies/History. Photographing Life s Images Art/social studies. http://www.learnersonline.com/weekly/subject/ss_hist.htm | |
8. Social Studies Lesson Plans And Resources but can still be accessed from the index below various roles within and related tothe Arab culture. 6thgrade lesson plan from the social studies School Service http://www.cloudnet.com/~edrbsass/edsoc.htm | |
9. Unit 1 : Web Research Guide : Social Studies social studies. You ll also find essays and chronologies covering each culture. MapMachinehttp//plasma.nationalgeographic.com/ mapmachine/ index.html Looking http://www.classzone.com/books/research_guide/page_build.cfm?content=history&sta |
10. English Books > Sociology, Social Studies > Popular Culture > Index > World Reta Sociology, social studies Popular culture English Books index Go to Edit Find on your browser toolbar or press Ctrl-F to locate items on this page. http://www.worldretailstore.com/index/BE-JB-SV200.html | |
11. NCSS DataBank - Resources For Social Studies Educators study, and understanding of American history and culture. Sponsor Richards Centerfor the Study of the link service learning to broader social goals; or http://databank.ncss.org/index.php?topic=grants |
12. NCSS DataBank - Resources For Social Studies Educators individuals and groups to take personal, social, and political focuses on the indepthstudy of a to develop knowledge and understanding of another culture. http://databank.ncss.org/index.php?topic=positions |
13. Department Of Secondary Social Studies www.bcps.org/offices/lis/models/chinahist/index.html. did these contributions influenceEuropean and Asian culture? a studentÂs East Asian studies, which has http://www.bcps.org/offices/oss/world_cultures_history.htm | |
14. China: Dim Sum: Index Of Lessons index China Dim Sum A Connection to ChineseAmerican culture. creating a dictionaryof Chinese cultural words. social studies Lessons Table of Contents. http://www.newton.mec.edu/Angier/DimSum/Dim Sum Index.html | |
15. A To Z Teacher Stuff: Lesson Plans: Social Studies: Grades 3-5: Culture & Divers culture Diversity, El Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) The students willdevelop an appreciation for the values and culture of the Mexican people. http://atozteacherstuff.com/Lesson_Plans/Social_Studies/_Grades_3-5/Culture___Di | |
16. Europe World Cultures Social Studies School Time Ukraine www.albany.edu/~usa/index.html social studies World cultures Europe.culture ( Ukraine ) history and news from Ukrainian Student Association. http://www.interactiva.org/Dir/I/English/Kids_and_Teens/School_Time/Social_Studi | |
17. Social Studies - Culture The Virtual Study Tour An index to a of the World Great site to learn world culture!National Council for the social studies (NCSS) Online social studies http://www.rsts.net/edulinks/social/culture.html | |
18. U.S. Popular Culture Music Alternative Music Information and Band Essential MediaCounter culture LALive On African American Film studies African social Message Films http://web.uccs.edu/~history/index/popcult.html | |
19. World Cultures - Social Studies rdrw1.inktomi.com Middle School social studies index Grade 6 World Help social studiesWorld cultures social studies World culture Different cultures http://kids_and_teens.school_time.social_studies.world_cultures.your-directory.c | |
20. HJG: Jewish Social Studies. History, Culture, And Society WWWVirtual Library The History index The History index, Last updated 2003-05-21.Title Jewish social studies. History, culture, and Society. Abbreviation http://www.history-journals.de/journals/hjg-j00026.html | |
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