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1. Wholesale And Retail Soap Making Supplies And Full Toiletry Supples Everything you need for making Soaps Toiletries. http://www.soapcrafters.com/ | |
2. The Soap Making Home Page The way the old timers used to make it soap making Today soap making FromAshes by someone who knows what they are talking about by Paul A. Norman. http://waltonfeed.com/old/soaphome.html | |
3. Colonial Soap Making. Its History And Techniques No more shower itch. Get rid of dry skin. We have the pure castile soaps you will love. Colonial soap making. Its History and Techniques. Introduction American life some information about soap and soap making. soap making is a homestead skill often forgotten discussions of colonial days. Soap was of great value in keeping the http://www.alcasoft.com/soapfact/history.html |
4. Soapmaking: Free Soap Recipes & Directions. soap, soapmaking, making, recipes, Soapmaking free soap recipes directions formula soap, Soap book author, Elaine White, shares soap making recipes directions formulas, recipe http://members.aol.com/oelaineo/soapmaking.html | |
5. Your Source For Candle And Soap Making Information Features information about learning to make soap. http://www.candleandsoap.about.com/hobbies/candleandsoap/ | |
6. May 1997 Soap Making Traditional Methods Lye Rain Water Wood Ash Traditional soap making. Soap T.o.C.Clickable Flow ChartSoap IndexBack to Home Page. INTRODUCTION. Today caustic soda is normally used in soap making. However, in some countries, caustic soda is difficult or too expensive to obtain. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/paul_norman_3/soapmake.htm | |
7. Soap Making Glossary For The Modern Soap Maker Glossary of soap making and related terms for today's soap maker and consumer. Used in soap making, it contributes hardness and lather A method of soap making without utilizing any external http://www.ccnphawaii.com/glossary.htm | |
8. Kids Domain Crafts - Easy Soap Making Quick, easy, and not messy! Easy soap making. This is a soap making process I learned from a kids soap making kit I bought http://www.kidsdomain.com/craft/easysoap.html | |
9. Soaps And Soap Making Theme Page Soaps and soap making Theme Page. This "Theme Page" has links to two types of resources related to the study of Soap and/or soap making. Students and teachers http://www.cln.org/themes/soapmaking.html | |
10. Blue Aspen Originals Instructions for cold process soap making, rebatching, swirling, and recipes. http://www.blueaspenoriginals.com | |
11. Soap Making - General Instructions soap making General Instructions. Soap storage. Final soap making TipsMy experience The recipes I used left a lot to be desired. http://waltonfeed.com/old/soap/soap.html | |
12. Soapmaking: Free Soap Recipes & Directions. Soap book author, Elaine White, shares soap making recipes directions how tomake soap. So, you want to make soap? Good! I ll try my best to tell you how. http://members.aol.com/oelaineo/directions.html | |
13. PattiCakes Soap And Candle Supply - Quality Fragrance Oils, Soap Base, Lotion Ba Offering fragrance oils, paraffin and soy wax, wicks, color, and soap making supplies. http://www.patticakesoap.com/ | |
14. Your Source For Candle And Soap Making Information The ultimate resource for all your candle and soap making needs. Subscribe to the About Candle and soap making newsletter. Your Guide to Candle and soap making. Rose Candle Holder Project http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://candleandsoap.about.com/&y=026FC92F1 |
15. The Soap Factory - Colonial Soap Making. Its History And Techniques Colonial soap making. Its History and Techniques. Introduction. As we saidat the start, this is soap. soap making Takes Three Basic Steps. http://www.alcasoft.com/soapfact/historycontent.html | |
16. The Buying Group: Wholesale Soap Making Supplies Coop buying on essential oils, lotion chemicals, base oils, and other soap making supplies. Includes lotion tutorial, recipes, and MSDS. Florida, USA. http://www.the-buying-group.com | |
17. Soap ~ Spa~Massage Supplies Hawaii Soaps, soap making products, herbal salve, and dream pillows. http://www.soapsofhawaii.com/ | |
18. Craft Library: Soap Making way to have good, clean fun soap making. The following recipes will create hand soap, granulated laundry soap makes a good antiseptic soap..have fun making soap. This goes great http://homeschoolzone.com/pp/crafts/soap.htm | |
19. How To Make Soap From Scratch With Soap Crafters Company Also, you aren t making a batch of soap this BIG! It needs to be touching the soap.That way the air won t react with the soap making what we call soda ash . http://www.soapcrafters.com/makebase.htm | |
20. SOAP MAKING SUPPLIES, SOAPMAKING SUPPLIES, ESSENTIAL OILS Offering soap making and toiletry making supplies. http://www.herbalaccents.com/ | |
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