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81. Snowmobiling Legislation In Massachusetts having authority to regulate the use of lands, waters or ways within their respectivecontrol, or jurisdiction from adopting rules, regulations, ordinances or http://www.spencersnowbirds.com/laws.htm | |
82. Adirondack New York Snowmobiling Trails And Maps Within Adirondacks 6 Million Ac Please refer to snowmobiling in New York State , published by DEC, for specificlaws and regulations governing the use of snowmobiles on state land. http://www.adirondacks.com/herkimer_snowmobile.html | |
83. Snowmobile Regulations In Yellowstone National Park home snowmobiling Snowmobile regulations. Snowmobile regulations. http://www.yellowstonewinterguide.com/snowmobiling/snowmobiling_regulations.htm | |
84. CNRAC - State Park Rules And Regulations Comment II - October 24, 2001 why we feel change should be considered to the regulations as drafted and boating,Section 11.210(4). Hunting and trapping, and Section 11.210(5). snowmobiling. http://www.dcnr.state.pa.us/cnrac/oct2401ParkRulesAndRegsComII.htm | |
85. Montana DEQ - Clean Snowmobile Facts - Concerns - National Parks for failing to comply with federal laws and regulations governing Yellowstone and apetition requesting that the National Park Service ban snowmobiling in all http://www.deq.state.mt.us/CleanSnowmobile/concerns/nationalparks.htm | |
86. STAMPS About SAILS..... The Sailing Ships, Yachts And All That Is Connected With maps michigan michigan newspapers newspapers newspapers michigan michigan snowmobilingmichigan boating regulations snowmobiling snowmobiling michigan michigan http://stamps.km.ru/en/indexbbf.html | |
87. 04/29/00 -- U.S. Park Service To Curtail Snowmobile Use system are exempt from regulations because recreational snowmobiling. regulations, said Gaumer. snowmobiling is an activity inconsistent. http://forests.org/archived_site/today/recent/2000/usparkse.htm | |
88. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR SAINT PAUL PARKS Section 10 Fishing Section 11 Cross Country Skiing Section 12 snowmobiling Section13 Wildlife and Environmental Protection. CHAPTER 5 regulations FOR COMO http://www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/depts/parks/administration/parks rules and regulation | |
89. Winter Use Plan Supplemental EIS qGuided trips improve compliance with park rules and regulations. qGuides will be trained to avoid conflict with http://www.yellowstoneparknet.com/geninfo/RODFactSheet.pdf |
90. St. Croix National Scenic Riverway - River Activities - Snowmobiling WHAT TO KNOW. snowmobiling is allowed on the frozen surface of the St. Croix River, with some exceptions, on designated snowmobile trails sponsored by the state, county, or clubs and designated river http://www.nps.gov/sacn/activities/snowmobiling.html | |
91. Snowmobiling Biking/Mountain Biking Boating Cabins, Teepees and Mini Cabins General Camping Information ORV/ATV snowmobiling Trails and Pathways Visitor Centers, Museums Historic Sites . Snowmobilers urged to stay safe, sober snowmobiling in Michigan. Michigan offers some of the best snowmobiling in the country. Some State Parks allow snowmobiling within the parks when http://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,1607,7-153-10365_14824---,00.html | |
92. Snowmobile Information The SALAMONIE TRAIL is maintained by the Salamonie Trailmasters Snowmobile Club forsnowmobiling and consists of about 40 miles of SNOWMOBILE TRAIL regulations. http://www.in.gov/dnr/outdoor/snowmobile/general.htm | |
93. Senior Project #23 Project March 6, 2000 Purpose of Project To investigate the statewide and communityregulations on the recreational hobby of snowmobiling and the causes http://www.medsch.wisc.edu/pa/courses/commcurr/studproj/srsamp23.html | |
94. Snowmobile Review Maine Snowmobile Association Working locally and at the state level to promotesnowmobiling in Maine. Offers rules and regulations, trail conditions, events http://www.tatu.us/directory/snowmobile review | |
95. The Casper Star-Tribune: Printable Version The response begins These regulations propose to supersede the NPS s general snowmobilingregulations at 36 CFR 2.18 in order to avoid confusion as to how http://www.casperstartribune.net/articles/2003/09/27/news/wyoming/b1aff600b792c6 | |
96. Teton County Library | Information Center | Recreation http//www.nps.gov/grte/ppmaps/wintermap.pdf. snowmobiling Rules and RegulationsNecessary information for snowmobile use in Grand Teton National Park. http://tclib.org/information/recreation.html | |
97. City Of Minnetonka -- The City of Minnetonka website is your 24/7 connection to Minnetonka City Services. http://www.eminnetonka.com/index.asp?Type=B_EV&SEC={C3322D57-861B-4E15-83DB- |
98. Snowmobile Guide Skip Navigation http://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,1607,7-153-10365_14824-32293--,00.html | |
99. Bureau Of Information Services Internet Website Please click here if your browser does not automatically forward you toour new location. print ifw/rv/snowlaws.htm, ,ifw, ; Thanks! http://janus.state.me.us/ifw/rv/snowlaws.htm | |
100. Winter Activities In South Dakota State Parks Winter Fun in South Dakota State Parks CrossCountry Skiing. http://www.state.sd.us/gfp/sdparks/winter/ | |
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