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61. How Smoking Affects Your Baby's Health When you smoke, you breathe in many poisons that get in your blood and keep your baby from getting the food and oxygen it needs to grow. http://www.texaslung.org/educationalresources/factsheets/smokingaffectonbabies.h | |
62. Tobacco And Smoking nursing, under 18 years of age, smoking fewer than 10 cigarettes per day, or have a medical condition, talk to your doctor or other health care provider. http://www.metrokc.gov/health/glbt/tobacco.htm | |
63. DeltaDental.com - Subscribers - Oral Health Wellness Oral health Wellness, smoking and your Mouth. The use of the word smoking and the phrase good oral health in the same sentence just doesn t go together. http://www.deltadental.com/servlets/OralHealth/smoking.jsp |
64. Quit Smoking Cessation Support Nicotine Addiction Submit your story here, and have it added to our growing permanent collection. Wednesday May 05, 2004 . The health Risks of smoking Cigarettes Tobacco use http://quitsmoking.about.com/ | |
65. C-Health your online centre for health information thousands of indepth, physician-reviewed articles on drugs and conditions, as well as the latest health news, http://www.canoe.ca/Health/smoking.html | |
66. Cigarette Smoking -- WomanHealth -- Obstetrics And Gynecology smoking. When you stop smoking, your body begins to repair itself. With time your health risks will equal those of a Nonsmoker. http://www.womanhealth.net/html/womanshealth/smoking.html | |
67. Your Health - Tips To Help You Stop Smoking coffee, and other beverages that you associate with cigarette smoking. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to http://www.aurorahealthcare.org/yourhealth/healthgate/getcontent.asp?URLhealthga |
68. Smoking Can Damage Your Health And You Should STOP Before You Have Cosmetic Surg smoking can damage your health and you should STOP before you have cosmetic surgery. smoking can damage your health and you should http://www.phudson.com/BACKGROUND/smoking.html | |
69. The Canadian Dental Hygienists Association > Oral Care Centre > Facts And Tips You Are Here, Oral Care Centre Facts and Tips smoking and your Oral health. smoking and your Oral health http://www.cdha.ca/content/oralcare_centre/facts_smoking.asp | |
70. UMHS Press Release: Quit Smoking, And Your Whole Body Will Thank You: Very clearly, quitting smoking will improve your health, the health of the individuals that you love, and the health of the people around you, Gay says. http://www.med.umich.edu/opm/newspage/2003/quitsmoking.htm | |
71. Anti-smoking Teen Websites And Teen Anti-tobacco Resources! video recieved great reviews from health teachers, school Learn how your short phone call to a local will initiate a successful antismoking community event. http://www.notobacco.org/ | |
72. St.Francis Hospitals And Health Centers From the Fall 2003 issue of Good health Today. try to smoke only when you re away from home and away from your kids. It s also important to talk about smoking. http://www.stfrancishospitals.org/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabid=667 |
73. AAOS Online Service Fact Sheet Smoking And Musculoskeletal Health incurring many conditions. Quitting smoking can also help your body regain some of its normal healthy functioning. If you are a http://orthoinfo.aaos.org/fact/thr_report.cfm?Thread_ID=240&topcategory=Wellness |
74. Contraception Online: Contraception And Reproductive Health Info For OB/GYN Prof VOLUME 9, JULY 1998, ISSUE 3. Patient Update. smoking and your Reproductive health. Most people are aware that smoking cigarettes is bad for your health. http://www.contraceptiononline.org/contrareport/article01.cfm?art=128 |
75. NeLH Medicine In The News Project; Could Passive Smoking Damage Your Health? Analysis of recent research finds that a single study with a number of problems which failed to find an effect of secondhand smoke is best understood in the context of many studies that have found an effect, but notes that most news reporting failed to note that context. http://www.nelh.nhs.uk/hth/passive_smoking.asp | |
76. Action On Smoking And Health ASH smoking, tobacco, health, nonsmokers rights, lung cancer, cigarette, tobacco, nicotine, asthma, allergic, cancer, heart attack, stroke Concerned About smoking and Nonsmokers' Rights, smoking Statistics, Quitting smoking, smoking Risks, and Other smoking http://ash.org/ | |
77. Tobacco Information And Prevention Source Tobacco Information and Prevention Source This very extensive Web site on tobacco information is administered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Office on smoking health. There http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/&y=020D41ACDF5DA |
78. ASH - Action On Smoking And Health UK Action on smoking and health (ASHUK) ASH supports the UK campaign for clear, effective legislation to reduce and eventually eliminate the carnage caused by tobacco. Facts, stats pics. smoking http://www.ash.org.uk/ | |
79. Quit Smoking - Health Support Canada Quit smoking with help from these Canadian resources, including the health benefits of quitting smoking, the health risks of tobacco use, and where to find support groups and programs in Canada. http://canadaonline.about.com/cs/quitsmoking | |
80. AAOS Online Service Fact Sheet Smoking And Musculoskeletal Health smoking and Musculoskeletal health. smoking remains the number one cause of preventable death. Each year more than 400 000 people in the United States alone die from tobaccorelated diseases. the http://www.orthoinfo.org/fact/thr_report.cfm?Thread_ID=240&topcategory=Welln |
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