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41. To Your Health, Healthy Families, Smoking And Your Kids The more you learn the easier it will be to parent your children to better health. For more information on smoking risks and cessation you can access any of http://www.fepblue.org/toyourhealth/tyhhfhysmokingandkids.html | |
42. Smoking And The Effects Of Smoking On Your Health have a better understanding of the reasons teens may choose to smoke, what addiction is, and why smoking can lead to major health risks. Show this to your kids http://www.thebreastsite.com/womens-health/smoking.aspx | |
43. BHF Heart Health - Lifestyle: The Risks Of Continuing To Smoke. But now you have an extra reason to stop smoking, because it is something positive you can do to improve your health and your quality of life. http://www.bhf.org.uk/hearthealth/index.asp?secondlevel=78&thirdlevel=168 |
44. Health Care: Consumers And Patients Index Page File, 17 KB) your Guide to Choosing Quality health Care Summary Ways You Can Help your Family Prevent Medical Errors! (PDF File, 203 KB). Quit smoking 5Day http://www.ahrq.gov/consumer/ | |
45. Help For Smokers: Ideas To Help You Quit You. your baby. Even if someone you know smoked during pregnancy and had a problemfree delivery, smoking puts your baby s health at risk. http://www.ahrq.gov/consumer/helpsmok.htm | |
46. TIPS - CDC's Tobacco Information And Prevention Source FCTC), Interagency Committee on smoking health (ICSH). Taking Action Against Secondhand Smoke  An Online Toolkit An Give it to your kid A social marketing http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/ | |
47. Smoking never start. There are, though, many good reasons to quit smoking. When you quit, your health and quality of life will improve. You http://www.4woman.gov/faq/smoking.htm | |
48. A Breath Of Fresh Air! Independence From Smoking. our information and resources. Learn about the specific effects of smoking on your health and how to overcome barriers to quit. http://www.4woman.gov/quitsmoking/ | |
49. Health Canada - Just For You - Youth More health and safety information can be found in our It s your health section being unable to disclose it to people around you increases your risk of smoking. http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/english/for_you/youth.html | |
50. QuitSmoking.com - The Quit Smoking Company Home Page Quitting smoking is one step toward better health. Improved nutrition is also vitally important to your health and wellbeing. Supreme Greens with MSM. http://www.quitsmoking.com/ | |
51. QuitSmokingSupport.com - Excellent Free Stop Smoking Support Stop smoking quit smoking and quitting help online. 25 Questions Answered About smoking your health. View this page as an Abobe Acrobat PDF file (36KB). http://www.quitsmokingsupport.com/questions.htm | |
52. CHRYOUR HEALTH Youth (Calgary health Region Tobacco Reduction); Tips to Keep your Children Tobacco Free (Alberta health); Youth smoking and health Risks http://www.calgaryhealthregion.ca/hlthconn/topics/smoking.htm | |
53. How Does Your Smoking Affect Your Pregnancy? - Health Before Pregnancy - Health You can also call your local health Department, Canadian Cancer Society, Heart and Stroke Foundation, Lung Association or local Council on smoking and health. http://www.region.halton.on.ca/health/programs/baby_parent/pregnancy/health_duri | |
54. What Smoking Does To Your Body > Health Effects Of Cigarette Smoking Even though the effects of smoking on your health aren t exactly news, you might be surprised at the number of ways smoking impacts your health, and at the http://www.click2quit.co.uk/why_quit/WQ01i.asp | |
55. Action On Smoking And Health ASH ACTION ON smoking and health ASH = ASH 2013 H Street, NW Washington, DC, USA , 20006 A National LegalAction Antismoking Organization Supported by your Tax http://www.ash.org/ | |
56. Quit Smoking All Together With QuitNet.com - Stop Smoking Help And Cessation Sup 303 people online right now 2651 anniversaries today! You should stop smoking. It s the most important thing you can do to improve your health. http://www.quitnet.com/ | |
57. To Your Health L; and Greenwood, G. smoking among lesbians, gays, and bisexuals a review of you with information that will help you make your own health care decisions. http://www.lesbianhealthinfo.org/your_health/smoking.htm | |
58. Capital Health - Smoking And Your Heart heart, placing an unnecessary burden on your heart and they have smoked, an exsmoker s risk of September 20, 2002 Legal Disclaimer © Capital health 2002. http://www.capitalhealth.ca/Health Services/Health Topics/Disorders and Body Sys | |
59. The Dental Health Foundation - Dental Health & Prevention smoking your Dental health. your local health Centre may be running a support group for people stopping smoking. Ring them and ask. http://www.dentalhealth.ie/dentalhealth/index.tmpl?secid=20020821120218 |
60. NCADI: Tips For Teens: Tobacco Tobacco damages your health. smoking is the most common cause of lung cancer. Think of others. smoking puts the health of your friends and family at risk. http://ncadi.samhsa.gov/govpubs/phd633/ | |
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