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61. BookFinder.com: Advanced Smalltalk Programming Advanced smalltalk programming. by Juanita Ewing. ISBN 0201-49828-6 / 0201498286. Title Advanced smalltalk programming. Author Juanita Ewing. http://www.bookfinder.com/dir/i/Advanced_Smalltalk_Programming/0201498286/ | |
62. Advanced VisualAge Smalltalk Course, Class, Education, Workshop From Knowledge S This course provides advanced knowledge and experience in IBMs VisualAge smalltalk programming language. Knowledge Systems Corporation. http://www.ksc.com/advancedvisualagesmalltalk.htm | |
63. Programming: Languages: Smalltalk Programming Languages Smalltalk. Visit Site (Rating 0.00 Votes 0) Rate It Review It. smalltalk programming Details and Reviews. http://www.devlib.org/Programming/Languages/Smalltalk/index.php | |
64. Advanced Smalltalk Advanced Smalltalk. Jonathan Pletzke. From exception handling to the Internet, the first guide to advanced smalltalk programming techniques http://www.wiley.com/compbooks/catalog/16350-3.htm | |
65. Wiley::Advanced Smalltalk From exception handling to the Internet, the first guide to advanced smalltalk programming techniques This powerful book/CD package is for experienced http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0471163503.html | |
66. WebRing: Hub About this Ring. Smalltalk webring bringing together the users and providers of the smalltalk programming language community. Ring Stats. http://f.webring.com/hub?ring=smalltalk |
67. Encyclopedia4U - Smalltalk Programming Language - Encyclopedia Article smalltalk programming language. Smalltalk License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article smalltalk programming language . http://www.encyclopedia4u.com/s/smalltalk-programming-language.html | |
68. Object Arts Products all of the features available in DVE but also includes additional tools and prepackaged facilities that will make many of your smalltalk programming tasks more http://www.object-arts.com/Products.htm | |
69. Hyperliterate Programming In Smalltalk Programming in Smalltalk. This document describes my ideas on combining Smalltalk,; Hypertext, and; Literate Programming. into a powerful http://www.heeg.de/~hmm/projects/objman/HyperLiterate.html | |
70. Cincom Smalltalk  VisualWorks  ObjectStudio Smalltalk Publications Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns (by Kent Beck) The realworld style guide for better smalltalk programming. http://smalltalk.cincom.com/gettingstarted/index.ssp?content=publication |
71. Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns - Kent Beck (First Class Software) I have been writing what I intend to grow into a comprehensive system of patterns for smalltalk programming, called the Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns (SBPP http://www.bell-labs.com/user/cope/Patterns/ICSE96/node6.html | |
72. Smalltalk Languages & Tools Smalltalk Programming Computers & Internet Books Boo Smalltalk Languages Tools smalltalk programming Computers Internet Books Book Online Books Shopp Your one stop shopping place for all Books and Magazines http://www.booksmags.com/books/shop2752/Books/Smalltalk/ | |
73. SYS-ED: Computer Education Techniques - Course Description smalltalk programming. Catalog Course CSPRG18. http://www.sysed.com/CourseSearch/MakeGrid.asp?CourseID=CSPRG18 |
74. Geocrawler.com - Bug-gnu-smalltalk - Programming Question Questions about smalltalk programming, even if they *happen* to be about *GNU* Smalltalk, should go to comp.lang.smalltalk, so that those of us using GNU http://www.geocrawler.com/archives/3/375/1992/3/0/2060950/ |
75. On To Smalltalk---Preview The purpose of this book is to help you learn the essentials of smalltalk programming. Highlights. Smalltalk is an objectoriented programming language. http://www.ai.mit.edu/people/phw/Books/STPREVIEW.HTML | |
76. IEEE Transactions On Software Engineering (TSE), Volume 21 126137 Electronic Edition (IEEE Computer Society DL); Kasper Ãsterbye Literate smalltalk programming Using Hypertext. 138-145 http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/journals/tse/tse21.html | |
77. Refactoring Browser (Smalltalk) Fortunately the smalltalk programming environment provides ideal conditions for implementing such an tool, as is later cited in this section. http://emw.inf.tu-dresden.de/de/pdai/Forschung/refactoring/refactoring_html/node | |
78. 2002 Dr. Dobb's Excellence In Programming Awards To Adele Goldberg, Dan Ingalls, pioneers of objectoriented programming, and smalltalk language and development environment. As researchers at Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), each saw in their own way the promise of objects, and was in a unique position to put theory into practice in an architecture based on objects at all levels. Dr. Dobb's Journal http://www.ddj.com/documents/s=7119/ddj0205a/0205a.htm |
79. Leda Project, Timothy Budd, Oregon State University Multiparadigm language, by Timothy Budd, creator of Little smalltalk, Oregon State University. Combines procedural (imperative), objectoriented, logic, and functional programming, in one coherent, unified system. http://cs.oregonstate.edu/~budd/leda.html | |
80. The TOM Programming Language Object oriented language much in the spirit of the smalltalk, ObjectiveC, Eiffel set of languages. The differences to Objective-C are mainly related to code reuse/use issues. Example in TOM it makes NO difference in code reuse if one has the source or not. http://gerbil.org/tom/ | |
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