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61. Maine Small Business Development Centers Maine SBDC s provide comprehensive business management assistance, training program of the US small business Administration (SBA) in association with the SBA http://www.mainesbdc.org/ | |
62. Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers Association for employees of small businesses searching for Copyright © Reed business Information 2004 About SOCMA Association management Center Membership Information http://www.socma.com/ | |
63. Mark Hatlee Consulting...Real Solutions Web site design, customized PC training, management, marketing, and accounting services for small and family run business. Located in Troy, New York, United States. http://markhatleeconsulting.com/ | |
64. Small Business Management Coursesby Allied Schools small business Course teaching the method for writing a small business plan. The course is taught through home study. http://management-courses.com | |
65. Delaware Small Business Resources 38 small business Development Center (SBDC) Sussex County Office Georgetown. 39 Transportation management Association - Wilmington. http://www.buzgate.org/de/bfh_program.html | |
66. LookSmart - Directory - Business Management Conferences And Seminars Padgett Thompson, American management Association, and Lorman its selfimprovement and management events small business Expo, The Showcases small businesses from http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317829/us317866/us585535/us10212208/u | |
67. 7Office Sales Cycle Management Software For Small Business Customer relationship solution for small business. Features include contact management, appointments, call reports, meetings, tasks, letter writing, mail merge campaigns, mailing labels, and prospecting. http://www.7office.com | |
68. Small Business Information The Chicago Purchaser National Association of Purchasing management Chicago Membership Journal of small business management; small business Economic Trends. http://www.chipublib.org/001hwlc/bst_smbiz.html | |
69. Small Business Assistance Program - Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is a resource partner of the US small business Association providing free one confidential counseling on all aspects of small business management from financing http://www.pca.state.mn.us/programs/sbap_p.html | |
70. Sources Of Help For Small Businesses the Federation of small businesses (FSB) and among us, the Home business Alliance contains the Communications management Association (CMA), Telecommunications http://www.telecomsadvice.org.uk/infosheets/smehelp.htm | |
71. Department Of Management And Marketing The business management major concentrates on management courses such as small business and entrepreneurship, new venture, personnel, and industrial management http://www.cab.latech.edu/public/DEPTS/man_mkt/undergraduate.htm | |
72. James Sprunt Community College Small Business Center - AMA American management Association (AMA) offers its curriculum to the Certification in management Sponsored jointly Commerce, the JSCC small business Center and http://www.sprunt.com/test_sbc/ama.htm | |
73. Environment International Ltd. Interdisciplinary environmental consulting firm in Seattle, WA. Specialties are environmental management, ISO 14000, natural resource damage assessments, and facilitation/mediation. small, womanowned business with over 20 years experience in the environmental field. Works all over the Pacific Northwest, and internationally, including Costa Rica, Mexico, and the Philippines. http://www.envintl.com/ | |
74. REAP's Small Business Assistance Model Has Five Elements Rural Affairs, is a small business development program. includes four components business management training; a communities) forms an association which meets http://www.cfra.org/reap/statistics.htm | |
75. Website Suspended Provides hardware, software, database, networking, and web design solutions to small and mid-size business throughout the Midwest. http://www.mooremgt.com/ | |
76. Federal Small Business Grants 59.007, SBA, management and Technical Assistance for Socially and 59.012, SBA, small business Loans. 59.026, SBA, Service Corps of Retired Executives Association. http://usgovinfo.about.com/blsbgrants.htm?terms=Government Small Business Grants |
77. NASBIC -- Publications Directory National Venture Capital Association 1655 North Ft. The Center for Entrepreneurial management (CEM) 180 The small business Resource Guide The small http://www.nasbic.org/pubs/find_it.cfm | |
78. Index Of /~lmdrucker small, womanowned business devoted to South Carolina archaeology and cultural resource management. http://home.earthlink.net/~lmdrucker/ | |
79. Business: Accounting, Affiliate, Asset Management, Bonds, Business Brokers, Stoc a small businessStarting a small businessStarting and issues pertinent to your business.* Account for your pricing strategy.Financial management* Explain the http://business.agtail.com/ | |
80. Small Business Management -- Links small business management has done some of the work for you. Agriculture Education Minnesota Vocational Agriculture Instructors Association National Farm and http://www.mgt.org/csbm/links/ | |
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