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101. CIA - The World Factbook -- Slovenia Broad overview of Slovenian people, geography, government, economy, communications, transport, military, and international issues. http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/si.html | |
102. Map Of Slovenia Political, 1992. (226K) http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/europe/slovenia.jpg |
103. Republika Slovenija The official site providing information on ministries and government services, current events, projects, and the country. http://www.sigov.si/ | |
104. ConsolatoCapodistria Capodistria Propone notizie utili ed informazioni sulle procedure amministrative e pratiche consolari. http://www.consolatocapodistria.si |
105. "The Mission Of Scouting" Symposium - Dr¾ave Udele¾enke / Countries Syposium of the European Region of WOSM held in slovenia, January 2000. http://mission.rutka.net/udelezenke.html | |
106. Slovenia Travel Information. Photos, Stories And Diaries About Slovenia Tourism for independent travelers and backpackers in slovenia. http://www.worldsurface.com/browse/location-country.asp?locationid=207 |
107. AA - Home Page Lahki druzinski kolesarski izleti Slovenija in zamejstvo. Podatki o avtorju na domaci strani. Free Abstracts in English. http://groups.msn.com/AAHomePage/izletislv.msnw?pgmarket=en-us |
108. Chamber Of Commerce And Industry Of Slovenia Information on Slovenian business environment and business opportunities. http://www.gzs.si/eng/index.htm |
109. Nuclear Society Of Slovenija Conference and organization information. http://www2.ijs.si/~icjt/djs/nss.html | |
110. 6. EVROPSKO ROKOMETNO PRVENSTVO ZA MOÂKE - SLOVENIJA 2004 Slovenian Handball Federation (RZS) was chosen by the EHF Congress for the organization of EURO 2004, which will be taking place from January 22nd to February 2nd, 2004 in four Slovenian cities Ljubljana, Celje, Koper, and Velenje. http://www.euro2004.si/ | |
111. HR & B-H Maps These maps have been scanned from the New Roadmap of Croatia, slovenia, and B H published by publishing house Naprijed in Zagreb. http://www.kakarigi.net/maps/ | |
112. Amatersko Radiogoniometriranje Rules and results of national ARDF competitions. http://lea.hamradio.si/arg/ | |
113. Slovenia Narodna in univerzitetna knjiÃÂnica. http://www.nuk.uni-lj.si/vstop.cgi?jezik=eng |
114. Ministrstvo Za Obrambo Ministry of Defense. http://www.mors.si/ | |
115. Ice Climbing Conditions, pictures, local waterfall guide and information regarding competitions. http://www.ad-pecjak.si/ice/english.html | |
116. Avant Car D.o.o. - NATIONAL CAR RENTAL SLOVENIJA, Rent A Car Z Najkvalitetnej¹o KratkoroÃÂni in dolgoroÃÂni najemi vozil, najem nadomestnega vozila, najem vozila s à ¡oferjem, transferji po sloveniji. http://www.nationalcar-slovenia.com/ | |
117. Ministry Of Information Society Slovenian regulator for telecoms. Part of the government, and the site is available in both Slovene and English http://www2.gov.si/mid/mideng.nsf |
118. Bank Of Slovenia -- Banknotes And Coins Official page about Slivenian banknotes and coins, with technical details and information about the designs. http://www.bsi.si/html/eng/banknotes_coins/index.html | |
119. Ministrstvo Za Zunanje Zadeve Ministry of Foreign Affairs. http://www.sigov.si/mzz/ |
120. Dr¾avni Zbor Republike Slovenije The National Assembly, with more detail in Slovenian. http://www.dz-rs.si/ |
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