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21. The Slovenia Page slovenia history updated 08/19/01. Slovenia (Slovenija), country on the Balkan Peninsula, south of Austria and east of Italy. The http://home.swbell.net/damez/slovhist.html | |
22. History Of Slovenia History of Slovenia. The first state of Slovenians was established as Karantania circa 595 mainly on the territory of today Austrian http://www.fact-index.com/h/hi/history_of_slovenia.html | |
23. NCBuy: Slovenia History - Country Reference History background report for Slovenia. part of the Countries of the World Reference Center profile for Slovenia. Country List ». Backgrounds slovenia history. http://www.ncbuy.com/reference/country/backgrounds.html?code=si&sec=backhistory |
24. Slovenia History & Slovenia Culture | IExplore Why iExplore? Our Exclusives, Great Deals, Club Benefits, Merchandise. Home Explore Europe Slovenia History, Email this page. Slovenia Travel. http://www.iexplore.com/dmap/Slovenia/History | |
25. European Vacation Guide Romantic European Vacations Slovenia Overview slovenia history Slovenia Culture Slovenia Geography Slovenia Practical Info Slovenia Vacation Planner Slovenia Luxury Cruise Planner. http://www.travelwizard.com/europe/Slovenia_History.html | |
26. Short History Of Mountaineering In Slovenia History of mountaineering in Slovenia. The first visitors of our mountains were the local guys hunters, shepherds, oreseekers, herb http://home.hetnet.nl/~rjs25/hoofdmap/mountaineering.htm | |
27. SLOVENIA History of Scouting and current status of national Scouting organizations. http://n2zgu.50megs.com/SLO.htm | |
28. Slovenia Europe Slovenia History Books Online Shopping Store Slovenia Europe slovenia history Books Online Shopping Store An Online Shopping Mall and directory arranged in a variety of categories. http://www.plaza101.com/plaza/store/shop65196/Online/Slovenia/ | |
29. History Of Go In Slovenia History of Go in Slovenia The history of go in Slovenia is connected with the history of go on the territory of the former Yugoslavia. http://www.european-go.org/slovenia/News/History.htm | |
30. Slovenia History Results From Gezia.org Gezia.org The Internet Information Repository. slovenia history. Updated 2004-May-01 150243. slovenia history results listed below http://slovenia.gezia.org/slovenia-history.html | |
31. Slovenia History 4. A brief history of Slovenia historical background of the Republic of Slovenia, A brief history of Slovenia historical background of the Republic of http://www.dropbears.com/amazon/template_history/type_search/mode_books/keyword_ | |
32. History Neanderthal flute One of the most important archaeological discoveries in slovenia More historic dates Important dates in Slovene history from the end of the http://www.matkurja.com/eng/country-info/history/ | |
33. Jewish History Of Yugoslavia Jewish history of Yugoslavia. Until 1918. Serbia. slovenia. Croatia, Slavonia, and Dalmatia. BosniaHerzogovina. Macedonia. Vojvodina. After 1918. The Organization of the Jews. Education and Culture . http://www.heritagefilms.com/YUGOSLAVIA.html | |
34. World History Compass, European History Links to European history sites. Main Index. General and. International history. Ancient Egypt. Ancient, General In English and Slovakian. slovenia. history Resources. Library Services in slovenia http://www.worldhistorycompass.com/europe.htm | |
35. Mat'Kurja - Education And Science / History Ivan Mesko Mathematics and Economic Analysis; history of Haloze, slovenia; Johann Iskric - Hero of the Isonzo Front - Austro-Hungarian merits, documents, foto http://www.matkurja.com/eng/resources/science/history/ | |
36. WWW-VL History Index WWWVL history Index site providing links for WWW-VL history slovenia. Click here for Massacres, from The Irish Times. The history of Metrology in slovenia. Musej Novejse Zgodovine (Museum http://www.ukans.edu/history/VL/europe/slovenia.html | |
37. Country Info A comprehensive introduction to the slovenia's history, geography, government, economy, culture, language, food and drink, with a searchable directory of slovenian web sites. http://www.matkurja.com/eng/country-info/ | |
38. Government Of The Republic Of Slovenia The Country and its People Geographic Regions history State and Political System slovenia and the World The Economy Economic sectors Social Security and Health http://www.sigov.si/vrs/ang/ang-text/slovenia/history.html | |
39. RKC Index Brief biographies of all of the Slovene bishops, political and ecclesiastical history, information on dioceses and religious orders in slovenia. http://www.rkc.si/eng/main_eng.html | |
40. Nogometna Zveza Slovenije Official site with league and national team news and history. http://www.nzs.si/2000/eng/ | |
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