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81. Slovenia - Atlapedia Online OFFICIAL NAME Republic of slovenia CAPITAL Ljubljana SYSTEM OF government MultipartyRepublic AREA 20,251 Sq Km (7,819 Sq Mi) ESTIMATED 2000 POPULATION http://www.atlapedia.com/online/countries/slovenia.htm | |
82. The Prime Minister Of The Republic Of Slovenia We have decided in the government and in the central bank that we are joining the ratewill be fixed, we can count on interest rates in slovenia continuing to http://www.upv-rs.si/index_eng.php | |
83. Slovenia Information: Facts, Geography, People, Government, Economy, Flag And Sl We also have a slovenia Tourism Guide. Facts, Geography, People,government, Flag, Economy and slovenia Map. government, slovenia. http://www.mytravelguide.com/guides-and-advice/fact-book/cia/Slovenia.php | |
84. List Of World Wide Web And Other Internet Resources In And About Slovenia Mission to the UN Nongovernment links include Chambers of Commerce, slovenianBusiness Weeks, Y2K information and a turist guide to Virtual slovenia. http://balkansnet.org/slovenia.html | |
85. Index Of Economic Freedom 2004 - Countries 0.3 percentage point increase in 2001. As a result, sloveniaÂs fiscalburden of government score is 0.1 point better this year. http://cf.heritage.org/index2004test/country2.cfm?id=Slovenia |
86. AdmiNet - Slovenia top The government of slovenia. the Permanent Mission of slovenia to the UN (Stalnamisija Slovenije pri OZN); National Assembly of Republic of slovenia; http://www.adminet.com/world/si/ | |
87. Slovenia There are no other decentralized organs of central government in slovenia. 3.The Law on Local Selfgovernment (slovenia, 1993). http://lgi.osi.hu/resources/ceecis94/slovenia.html | |
88. GlobalEDGE (TM) | Country Insights - Government Of Slovenia slovenia government. Full and timely slovenian integration into European andtransatlantic organizations is a priority for Italy s current government. http://globaledge.msu.edu/ibrd/CountryGovtPrint.asp?CountryID=72&RegionID=2 |
89. Novica - The Government Of The Republic Of Slovenia Has Adopted A Policy On Deve Short abstract Adopted document specifies fundamental policy of the Governmentof slovenia towards development, implementation and usage of open source http://www2.gov.si/mid/mideng.nsf/0/C954BFD0C7942B4BC1256DC9002C88FD?OpenDocumen |
90. Columbus World Travel Guide - Europe - Slovenia - History And Government World Travel Guide slovenia - History and government -includes information on the constitution and politics. http://www.travel-guide.com/data/svn/svn580.asp | |
91. Web Directory: Regional/Europe/Slovenia/Government Internet Resources on government in Regional/Europe/slovenia/government. Yourare here Web Directory Regional/Europe/slovenia/government. http://web.politinfo.com/dir/Regional/Europe/Slovenia/Government/ | |
92. Travel-Directory.org: Destinations/Europe/Slovenia/Government government of the Republic of slovenia, government of the Republic of sloveniaThe official site providing information on ministries and government services http://www.travel-directory.org/Destinations/Europe/Slovenia/Government/ | |
93. Eumap.org What S New Press Information Press-release Minority OSI urges slovenia s government to act more effectively to support integrationfor Roma. For immediate release, Ljubljana and Budapest, 25 November 2002. http://www.eumap.org/whatsnew/pressinfo/1037705991 |
94. Iraq War: Slovenia Regrets The Beginning Of War, PM Says The government has assessed that the security situation in Sloveniahas not worsened and is relatively good. According to the PM http://nato.gov.si/eng/press-centre/press-releases/2049/ | |
95. ReliefWeb: Crops Devastated By Drought In Croatia, Bosnia And Slovenia slovenia s government proposed Tuesday to parliament to set aside 20 milliondollars (22 million euros) to offset the consequences of the drought. http://www.reliefweb.int/w/rwb.nsf/0/c622d9d8e4615559c125694b003aa18e?OpenDocume |
96. Mat'Kurja - Government And Legislation Email, Mat Kurja / government and Legislation. Elections - EuropeanParlament 2004 (1); Elections 2002 (56); government (60 / 186); http://www.matkurja.com/eng/resources/government/ | |
97. Links The National Council has forty members government of the Republic of SloveniaThe government is composed of the president and ministers. http://www.mszs.si/eng/ministry/links.asp | |
98. Vlada Republike Crne Gore The Ministry of Finance May 18, 2004 1205. MontenegroÂs governmentand business delegation to pay a twoday visit to slovenia. http://www.gom.cg.yu/eng/ | |
99. E-uprava - Prijava ekipa euprave. Dear visitors, eGovernment - State Portal of the Republic of Sloveniais being renewed and the new English version is still under construction. http://e-gov.gov.si/e-uprava/ | |
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