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21. Slovenia: Government Site Map. EncyclopediaÂslovenia government. Slovenia is a parliamentarydemocratic republic. The executive consists of an elected http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/world/A0861134.html | |
22. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Slovenia Author Republic of slovenia government Centre for Informatics Subjects sloveniaDeweyClass 351.4973 ResourceType government Location slovenia, europe Last http://bubl.ac.uk/link/s/slovenia.htm | |
23. Any Search Info - Directory Regional Europe Slovenia Government Government of the Republic of Slovenia The official site providing information onministries and government services, current events, projects, and the country http://search-info.com/search/engine/index/Regional/Europe/Slovenia/Government/ | |
24. Government Slovenia Europe Regional English Regional Europe slovenia government. Government of theRepublic of Slovenia www.sigov.si/ Europe slovenia government. http://www.interactiva.org/Dir/I/English/Regional/Europe/Slovenia/Government/ | |
25. IfG.CC The Institute For EGovernment - Slovenia: Government Aims To See 60% Of S Translate this page slovenia government aims to see 60% of Slovenian households onlineby 2006. +SlowenienThe Slovenian government has adopted a new http://www.e-lo-go.de/html/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1793 |
26. Index For Slovenia Consulates for Slovenia Embassies Consulates for Slovenia -, Government Country Information - slovenia government Country Information - Jobs in http://www.escapeartist.com/slovenia/slovenia.html | |
27. NCBuy: Slovenia Government - Country Reference Government background report for Slovenia. part of the Countries of the WorldReference Center profile for Slovenia. Backgrounds slovenia government. http://www.ncbuy.com/reference/country/backgrounds.html?code=si&sec=backgovernme |
28. NCBuy: Slovenia Government - Country Statistics Background Government information and structure of Slovenia. Countries of the WorldReference Center profile for Slovenia. Tabular Data slovenia government. http://www.ncbuy.com/reference/country/government.html?code=si |
29. Slovenia Web And Internet Guide .. The Search Beat Slovenija. Government. Archives of the Republic of Slovenia; Center Vladeza Informatiko Republic of slovenia government Centre; Chamber http://regional.searchbeat.com/slovenia.htm | |
30. Knowledge Net: Slovenia home page, Slovenia home page. annual survey, annual surveys. statistics, statistics.links, links. government, government. slovenia government and Institutions, http://www.tol.cz/look/knowledgeNet/sect2_govandinst.tpl?IdLanguage=1&IdPublicat |
31. ISN - Information Services - Links Library English. http//www.sigov.si/us/eususta.html (ID 1539) slovenia governmentGovernmental Government Center for Informatics. Contains http://www.isn.ethz.ch/linkslib/index.cfm?Parent=555 |
32. ISN - Information Services - Links Library http//www.sigov.si/us/eususta.html (ID 1539) slovenia government GovernmentalFull Text Link Collection Government Center for Informatics. http://www.isn.ethz.ch/linkslib/output_print.cfm?parent=555 |
33. Republika Slovenija The Official Web pages of the government of the Republic of slovenia government Ministries. Constitutional Court. Supreme Court. Court of Audit. The Office of the State Prosecutor General. e-government http://www.sigov.si/ | |
34. CIA - The World Factbook -- Slovenia Broad overview of Slovenian people, geography, government, economy, communications, transport, military, and international issues. http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/si.html | |
35. Government Public Relations And Media Office Information about slovenia and its government. 05/14/2004 The FreisingMonuments arrive in slovenia for the first time. government sessions. http://www.uvi.si/eng/ | |
36. Slovenia - Consular Information Sheet slovenia operates slovenia. Most often they occur in central Ljubljana in areas around Kongresni Trg (Congress Square), in front of the Parliament building, around other government http://travel.state.gov/slovenia.html | |
37. Governments On The WWW: Slovenia National Assembly; Drzavni Svet National Council; Vlada RepublikeSlovenije government of the Republic of slovenia; Urad Predsednika http://www.gksoft.com/govt/en/si.html | |
38. The Republic Of Slovenia - Government Office For Structural Policies And Regiona The Republic of slovenia government Office for Structural Policiesand Regional Development. Slovenska razlièica. http://www.sigov.si/svrp/eng.html | |
39. Ministry Of Information Society Slovenian regulator for telecoms. Part of the government, and the site is available in both Slovene and English http://www2.gov.si/mid/mideng.nsf |
40. About Slovenia slovenia start with the comprehensive presentation of the country slovenia in briefincluding information on the system of government, history, population http://www.uvi.si/eng/slovenia/ | |
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