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81. INFORMATION SERVICE CENTRE KrÂka and Ferdinand Âamaj entitled The history of Meteorology inthe Czech Lands and in slovakia. The publication is the first http://www.chmi.cz/reditel/sis/history.html | |
82. From History Of Slovakian Railway Lines (1/2) From history of slovakian Railway lines (1/2), Lower to Numbering linesregister. Last Update 05-III-2004 Notes , Download, You re since 5. XII. http://rail.sk/arp/slovakia/history/histzsre.htm | |
83. From History Of Slovakian Railway Lines (2/2) From history of slovakian Railway lines (2/2), Lower to Numbering linesregister. Last Update 05-III-2004 Notes , Download, You re since 5. XII. http://rail.sk/arp/slovakia/history/histzsr3.htm | |
84. Questions & Answers - Re: History Of Counties In Slovakia? - Slovensko.com Forum adelphia.net) Date Sun 23May-04 0913 Mark You seem to be the most informed andknowledgeble person on this forum about slovakia s history, geography and http://www.slovensko.com/forum/read.php?f=1&i=7792&t=7791 |
85. :: Ez2Find :: History slovakia.org history - Site Info - Translate - Open New Window Containsinformation on ethnic cleansing of Slovaks by Hungarians, slovakia during WWII http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Regional/Europe/Slovakia/Soc | |
86. Slovak Human Development Report 1995 - History The history of slovakia and the Establishment of the Slovak Republic.Not long ago, slovakia was unknown in most parts of the world. http://www.undp.org/rbec/nhdr/1996/slovak/history.htm | |
87. Family History In Hungary In some cases, the bigger Hungarian town registers in slovakia have recently been Thegreatest period of Hungarian history was the mediaeval period and since http://user.itl.net/~glen/FamilyHistoryinHungary.html | |
88. Travel To Slovakia, Accomodation, Hotels, Pensions, Cottages, Bungalows Hotel search, reservation and payment online, pictures and travel tips. http://www.slovensko.com/travel/ | |
89. Slovaks And Slovakia Home Page Includes information about travelling, language, genealogy, art and traditions, and people abroad. http://www.slovak.com/ | |
90. Palko-Danka.co.uk - Dedicated To Slovakia A site devoted to information on its towns, people, and mountains. http://www.palko-danka.co.uk | |
91. Netrate-hotels.com - Discount Hotel Reservation Netratehotels.com, discount hotel reservation http://www.slovakian.info/history | |
92. Slovakia Tours, Tour Of Slovakia Includes genealogy information, recipes, a dictionary and a travel guide. http://www.our-slovakia.com/ |
93. Expedia Maps Slovakia Detailed map which can be zoomed in and out. http://maps.expedia.com/default.asp?C=48.679893,19.683341&A=650&OX=0& |
94. National Bank Of Slovakia Provides information on monetary policy, Slovak crown exchange rates, selected macroeconomic indicators and the national currency. http://www.nbs.sk/INDEXA.HTM | |
95. Symsite Research Ltd. Provides information about slovakia's business environment, industrial sectors, performance, and company intelligence. http://www.symsite.sk/English/ | |
96. Slovakia Document Store Comprehensive guide to the Slovak Republic http://slovakia.eunet.sk/slovakia/hist.asp | |
97. THE MOVEMENT FOR A DEMOCRATIC SLOVAKIA The party headed by Vladimir Meciar. http://www.english.hzds.sk/ |
98. Eastern Slovakia Research Genealogical research methods and strategies for people with roots in Eastern slovakia. http://www.iabsi.com/gen/public/ | |
99. Rosnicka Stol¡rske a n¡bytkov© polotovary. Kuchynsk© dosky,drezy a dvierka,dr´ten½ program. http://www.rosnicka.sk/ | |
100. SLOVAKIA.ORG - Roma In Slovakia By Klara Orgovanova for slovakia.org. http://www.slovakia.org/society-roma.htm | |
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