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61. SLOVAKIA.ORG - Culture Cerveny Kamen Museum; Eastern slovakia Museum; Liptov Museum; Little Carpathian Museum; Museum of Mining; Museum of History and geography Zvolen; Museum of History http://www.slovakia.org/culture1.htm | |
62. LookSmart - Directory - Slovak Republic About. allRefer Reference slovakia Study the geography, history, land, people, economy, population, language, government, and slovakian capital, Bratislava. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317916/us559898/us560051/us560097/ | |
63. LookSmart - Directory - Slovakia Guides And Country Profiles allRefer Reference slovakia Study the geography, history, land, people, economy, population, language, government, and slovakian capital, Bratislava. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317916/us559898/us560051/us560097/us5 | |
64. World Atlas Slovakia, Europe, Information Page Background slovakia, geography, Location Central Europe, south of Poland. Geographic coordinates 48 40 N, 19 30 E. Map references Europe. http://wonderclub.com/Atlas/skcia.htm | |
65. Czech.cz | Work | Facts | Geography | Regions Showers 7/16 °C. 1 USD 26.5 CZK. Select another language. Do You Need any Help? Search, slovakia wins over Switzerland, will play Canada in semifinal. http://www.czech.cz/index.php?section=6&menu=113&action=new&id=1661 |
66. Slovakia Information Welcome to the new countries! For more information about slovakia, select one of the options below geography. Location Central Europe, south of Poland. http://www.insidecountryinfo.com/html/slovakia_information.html | |
67. Facts About Slovakia slovakia was invited to join NATO and the EU in 2002. geography of slovakia. Location Central Europe, south of Poland. Geographic coordinates 48 40 N, 19 30 E. http://worldfacts.us/Slovakia.htm |
68. Internet Resources For Slovak Studies - Geography & Travel geography Interactive Map of the Slovak Republic; Virtual Bratislava; CIA Political Magellan Geographix Map of Czech Republic and slovakia 83K; Topographic map http://www.slavweb.com/eng/cee/slovakia/slkgeo-e.html | |
69. Slovakia Information : CTI Centre For Geography, Geology And Meteorology slovakia. World Factbook 1999 (US). Home Places Comments via form or email cti@le.ac.uk . Page updated 17/09/99 © CTI geography, Geology Meteorology http://www.geog.le.ac.uk/cti/places/slovak.html | |
70. Slovakia neighbors. geography, slovakia. Location Central Europe, south of Poland. Geographic coordinates 48 40 N, 19 30 E. Map references Europe. http://travel.jdwebpages.com/country-info/Slovakia.html | |
71. American Chamber Of Commerce geography. Land, rivers and countryside. slovakia is a naturally beautiful country with tremendous regional diversity, from the breathtaking High Tatras in the http://www.amcham.sk/Slovakia_Geography.aspx | |
72. Annual Report 1997 - Faculty Of Natural Sciences, Bratislava - Slovakia (11h). Âvecová. geography of slovakia 2. (2-2h). Lauko. University Textbooks. Lauko V. Physical geography of slovakia I. Comenius University, 1997, 142. Journals. http://www.fns.uniba.sk/fns/annual/1997/geog/reggeogr.htm | |
73. Annual Report 1998 - Faculty Of Natural Sciences, Bratislava - Slovakia geography of slovakia 2 (22h) Lauko, Rajcáková. Theoretical geography (2-0h) Paulov. geography of slovakia 1 (2-2h) Lauko,Rajcáková. http://www.fns.uniba.sk/fns/annual/1998/geog/regional.htm | |
74. Jiskha Homework Help - Social Studies: Geography: Slovakia The head of the state in 1995 was President Michal Kovac. slovakia s head of government in 1995 was Prime Minister Vaidimir. Back to Index of geography http://www.jiskha.com/social_studies/geography/europe/slovakia_report.html | |
75. Slovakia Map - Map Of Slovakia slovakia Heart of Europe A map of slovakia and information about the slovakia map and it s geography. Geographic Facts. - Buy map of slovakia. http://www.heartofeurope.co.uk/slovakiamap.htm | |
76. Website Temporarily Unavailable HISTORY AND geography. Empire (9th century), the Holy Roman Empire, the AustroHungarian Habsburg Empire and the Republic of Czechoslovakia, slovakiaÂs only http://www.europeanceramics.net/geography.htm | |
77. Czech Republic Factbook 2000 Geography geography. 1, 1993, when the union with slovakia, dating from 1918, was dissolved; the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia controlled the federal government from http://www.factbook.net/czech_republic/geography.php | |
78. Slovakia Information 1993 Slovak Republic, also known as slovakia, became independent. geography. slovakia is the geographic center of Europe. Less than half the size of Pennsylvania. http://www.slovakfolkcrafts.com/SKinfo.htm | |
79. SLOVAK REPUBLIC Address Department of Physical geography and Geoecology Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University Mlynska dolina B2, 842 15 Bratislava, slovakia. http://www.met.fu-berlin.de/dmg/dmg_home/slovakia.html | |
80. 1st Stop For Travellers - TravelGIS.com slovakia Introduction geography People Government Economy Communication Transportation Military Top News World Lotteries Business Wall http://www.travelgis.com/lo/ | |
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