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61. Slovak Republic Country Brief and Human Resources Development (PHRD) grant, the Open Society Institute and slovakthinktanks, the slovak republic is strengthening the government office for http://lnweb18.worldbank.org/ECA/eca.nsf/Countries/Slovak Republic/CFB396C314214 |
62. Notice From The European Patent Office The Slovak Republic, Bulgaria, The Czech 1. Accession to the EPC. (a) On 17 April 2002, the government of the SlovakRepublic (SK) deposited its instrument of accession to the European Patent http://www.european-patent-office.org/news/info/2002_05_08_e.htm | |
63. INOGATE - The Slovak Republic State s institutions The government Office of the slovak republic www.government.gov.skThe Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the slovak republic - www.foreign http://www.inogate.org/html/countries/slovakia.htm | |
64. Slovakia slovakia republic government Office Gateway to information on the governmentof the slovak republic; US Embassy, Bratislava. Business Industry. http://www.infoctr.edu/lir/consul/sl.htm | |
65. Agenda 21 - The Slovak Republic the pollution level impacting the environment of the slovak republic in 1989 andunsatisfactory health care provision are considered by the government to be http://www.un.org/esa/agenda21/natlinfo/countr/slovakia/social.htm | |
66. Europe & CIS Regional Resource Facility the slovak republic s change from a recipient to a donor country, and to strengthenthe capacity of the government of the slovak republic to participate http://www.ecissurf.org/index.cfm?module=database&page=Search&RecordType=Project |
67. Privacy And Human Rights 2003: Slovakia collection, disclosure and use of personal information by government agencies and requiredto be registered with the Statistical Office of the slovak republic. http://www.privacyinternational.org/survey/phr2003/countries/slovakia.htm | |
68. Slovak Mission To NATO Mission to NATO also represents the slovak republic at WEU 2707.27.42 E-mail slovak.mission@hq government/ Prime Minister; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Ministry http://www.nato.int/pfp/sk/slovakia1.htm | |
69. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Slovakia slovakia DeweyClass 323.4373 ResourceType document Location usa Last checked20000728 slovakia government of the slovak republic Official information http://bubl.ac.uk/link/s/slovakia.htm | |
70. Columbus World Travel Guide - Europe - Slovakia [Slovak Republic] - General Info World Travel Guide slovakia slovak republic - General Information - includesinformation on geography, government, population statistics, international http://www.worldtravelguide.net/data/svk/svk010.asp | |
71. EC - Seventh Business Roundtable With The Government Of The Slovak Republic A Ri Seventh Business Roundtable with the government of the slovak republic Arising star in Central EuropeÂbut what are the risks for business? http://www.economistconferences.com/Roundtable/Public/con_common.asp?rtid=680&rt |
72. Slovak Republic -- Concluding Statement Of An IMF Staff Visit IMF Staff Visit to the slovak republic, October 715, 2003. in light of the devolutionof responsibilities to lower levels of government spending slippages http://www.imf.org/external/np/ms/2003/101503.htm | |
73. Slovak Republic -- Preliminary Conclusions Of The IMF Mission To Review The Staf slovak republic Preliminary Conclusions of the IMF Mission to In March 2001 theslovak authorities concluded elements of the government s economic strategy. http://www.imf.org/external/np/ms/2002/031302a.htm | |
74. Polity IV Country Report 2001: Slovakia Political parties in the slovak republic have been Tensions between reformers andslovak nationalists, led by The Dzurinda government has threatened to outlaw http://www.cidcm.umd.edu/inscr/polity/Slo1.htm | |
75. EAPM - European Association For Personnel Management government Employment Office National employment Office, Spitalska 6812,67 Bratislava, slovak republic. Total Number Of Members 101 companies. http://www.eapm.org/associations/slovakrepublic.php | |
76. Tagish S Directory Of UK Central Government Web Sites External Affairs Information for slovak republic. Foreign/External Affairs Informationfor Romania. Below are links to additional government websites for these http://www2.tagish.co.uk/Links/embassy1b.nsf/Embassies: Host Countries - R/F8DE7 | |
77. Tagish S Directory Of UK Central Government Web Sites External Affairs Information for slovak republic. Foreign/External Affairs Informationfor Latvia. Below are links to additional government websites for these http://www2.tagish.co.uk/Links/embassy1b.nsf/Embassies: Host Countries - L/EDD8C | |
78. World Economic Forum Knowledge Navigator - Slovak Republic slovak republic, Individual Readiness Subindex, 30. Business ReadinessSubindex, 39. government Readiness Subindex, 51. Usage Component Index,45. http://www.weforum.org/site/knowledgenavigator.nsf/Content/Slovak Republic KN se | |
79. Slovak Republic Profile - Useful Websites - For Australian Exporters - Export As government government of the slovak republic www.government.sk/english Ministryof Health - www.health.gov.sk/english.html Ministry of Foreign Affairs - www http://www.austrade.gov.au/australia/layout/0,,0_S2-1_CLNTXID0019-2_-3_PWB155706 | |
80. Slovak Republic Profile - Service Providers - For Australian Exporters - Export Office of the government of the slovak republic www.government.sk slovak Investmentand Trade development Agency (SARIO) - www.sario.sk The slovak republic s http://www.austrade.gov.au/australia/layout/0,,0_S2-1_CLNTXID0019-2_-3_PWB155706 | |
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