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41. FindLaw: International Resources: Countries: Slovak Republic geography, people, government, economy, communications, transportation, militaryand transnational issues. Constitution of the slovak republic Provides text of http://www.findlaw.com/12international/countries/sk.html | |
42. Slovakaid - MoU Between The Government Of The Slovak Republic And The Government On Thursday 10 July 2003 the Memorandum of Understanding between the government ofthe slovak republic and the government of Canada was signed at the Ministry http://www.slovakaid.mfa.sk/en/index.php/article/articleview/38/1/2 | |
43. Slovakaid - Medium Term Strategy For Slovak Republic's ODA: 2003-2008 (01.10.2003). MoU between the government of the slovak republic and the governmentof Canada (10.07.2003). All rights reserved, web site created by brainsum sro. http://www.slovakaid.mfa.sk/en/index.php/article/articleview/30/1/2 | |
44. Index Of Economic Freedom 2004 - Countries The slovak republicÂs fiscal burden of government score is 0.3 point worse thisyear; however, its monetary policy, banking and finance, and wages and prices http://cf.heritage.org/index2004test/country2.cfm?id=SlovakRepublic |
45. REGULATION OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC Validity of the Regulation of the government of the slovak republic No. 389 REGULATIONOF THE government OF THE slovak republic as of 8 November 2000. http://www.uvo.gov.sk/english/regulation.htm | |
46. STRUCTURE OF EDUCATION SYSTEM IN THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC Accreditation Commission, Advisory Body of the government of the SlovakRepublic (Akreditacna komisia, poradný orgán vlády SR). http://www.euroeducation.net/prof1/slovakco.htm | |
47. Worldwide Gazeteer - Slovak Republic Research. Research slovak republic yourself using our guided search grid. See ourfull list of US government slovak republic information highly recommended. http://www.c-allen.dircon.co.uk/Countries/Slovak Republic.htm | |
48. NEI Source Book: Fourth Edition (NEISB_4.3) The Russian government also indicated that it might pay off some of its inheriteddebt to the slovak republic by supplying nuclear plant components. http://www.insc.anl.gov/neisb/neisb4/NEISB_4.3.html | |
50. Slovakia Travel | Lonely Planet World Guide Full country name slovak republic Area 48,845 sq Czech (1%) Language slovak, Hungarian,Czech 10% Protestant, 4% Orthodox government parliamentary democracy http://www.lonelyplanet.com/destinations/europe/slovakia/ | |
51. Slovak Republic (country) and, after failure to agree a federal style of government, creation of a separateslovak state was agreed. In January 1993 the slovak republic came into being http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0043800.html | |
52. International Finance Corporation - Slovak Republic Fact Sheet IFC in the slovak republic. slovakia became a Concentration on this sector can bepartially attributed to the government s commitment to privatizing http://ifcln1.ifc.org/ifcext/ceu.nsf/Content/Slovak Republic | |
53. THE COUNCIL OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC THE COUNCIL OF THE government OF THE slovak republic. prepared by. JanaHavlÃková, Environmental Conceptions and Planning Department. http://www.eeac-network.org/workgroups/bled/presentations/pres_slov.htm | |
54. 2. Draft FREE TRADE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE government OF THE STATE OF SRAEL ANDTHE government OF THE slovak republic. PREAMBLE. The government http://www.moit.gov.il/root/sachar_hutz/heskemim_ben/slovactrdeng.htm | |
55. UNDP In Europe And The Commonwealth Of Independent States for Sustainable Development, which was approved by the government and parliamentin Initial Assistance to the slovak republic to Meet its Obligations under the http://www.undp.sk/index.cfm?module=RSC&page=CP&Area=Static&s=CP_SK |
56. Government Ministries In Slovakia (Slovak Republic) Ministry of Agriculture. Dobrovièova 12 821 66 Bratislava www.mprs.sk, tel +421(0)2 59266111. fax NA. NA, Minister Zsolt Simon. tel +421 (0)2 5926-6241. http://www.greenpages.sk/catg_minist.html | |
57. Government Ministries In Slovakia (Slovak Republic) Ministry of Agriculture. Dobrovicova 12 821 66 Bratislava www.mprs.sk, tel +421(0)2 59266111. fax NA. NA, Minister Zsolt Simon. tel +421 (0)2 5926-6241. http://www.greenpages.sk/catg_minist_ascii.html | |
58. The Danish EU Presidency - Eu2002.dk - The Slovak Republic Slovakia concluded negotiations on membership of the EU at cooperation with the CzechRepublic, Hungary and Poland, the Dzurinda government has restored http://www.eu2002.dk/EU2002/eu/default.asp?iStaticContentID=703 |
59. Columbus World Travel Guide - Europe - Slovakia [Slovak Republic] - History And World Travel Guide slovakia slovak republic - History and government- includes information on the constitution and politics. http://www.travel-guide.com/data/svk/svk580.asp | |
60. Sario - Slovak Investment And Trade Development Agency Parliamentary elections held in June 1992 brought a leftist government to powerin Slovakia, while a centerright group won control of the Czech republic. http://www.sario.sk/index.php?idd=144&typ=2&now=GENERAL_INFORMATION_ABOUT_SLOV |
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