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21. Slovak Republic - Consular Information Sheet U.S. Department of State. Bureau of Consular Affairs. Washington, DC 20520. Consular Information Sheet. This information is current as of today, slovak republic. March 10, 2004 COUNTRY DESCRIPTION The slovak republic is a rapidly developing European nation military installations (for example, military bases, government buildings, nuclear power plants, etc http://travel.state.gov/slovak_republic.html | |
22. QuickCamPro WebCam A view from a window of the government Office of the slovak republic of Liberty Square (namestie Slobody). http://www.vlada.gov.sk/webcam/ |
23. The Slovak Republic Government Office Contains a variety of information on government activities, initiatives, resolutions. http://www.vlada.gov.sk/english/ | |
24. CIA - The World Factbook -- Slovakia appointed prime minister by the president note government coalition SDKU Legislativebranch unicameral National Council of the slovak republic or Narodna http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/print/lo.html | |
25. SLOVAKIA.ORG - History republic. Monsignor Tiso was elected president of this new republic.A Karmasin. Radicals dominated the slovak government. Vojtech http://www.slovakia.org/history-ww2.htm | |
26. Slovak Republic, The -- The 2002 Index Of Economic Freedom, The Heritage Foundat As a result, the slovak republic's government intervention score is 1 point better this year to the Embassy of the slovak republic, the government controls the prices of medicine http://cf.heritage.org/index/country.cfm?ID=129.0 |
27. Slovakia Government government of slovakia. Country name conventional long form slovak republic conventionalshort form slovakia local long form Slovenska Republika local short http://www.abacci.com/atlas/politics.asp?countryID=320 |
28. SLOVAKIA.ORG- Constitution Of The Slovak Republic THE CONSTITUTION OF THE slovak republic. Preamble the territory of the slovak republic, in the interest of lasting to the government of the slovak republic, a member of the government of the http://www.slovakia.org/sk-constitution.htm | |
29. News Agency Of The Slovak Republic Slovakia should help out postwar Iraq through forgiving its debt to Slovakia, FinanceMinister Ivan Miklos told Parliament on Thursday. The government has yet http://www.tasr.sk/indeng.php | |
30. American Chamber Of Commerce Board of Directors of the American Chamber of Commerce in the slovak republic. Theslovak government, as well as local and foreign institutions prognosticate http://www.amcham.sk/ | |
31. Constitution Of The Slovak Republic the territory of the slovak republic, in the interest of lasting to the government of the slovak republic, a member of the government of the slovak republic, or the head http://www.friends-partners.org/oldfriends/constitution/const-slovak.html | |
32. Slovak Republic - Judicial Assistance by two separate and independent states, the Czech republic and the slovak republic. s)inherit the treaty obligations of the former government, consistent with http://travel.state.gov/slovak_legal.html | |
33. Slovakia.com Furthermore, Bratislava is the seat of the government of the slovak republic, theNational Council of the slovak republic, ministries and the other central http://www.slovakia.com/ | |
34. AdmiNet - Slovakia top The government of slovakia. government of the slovak republic;Ministerstvo vnútra Slovenskej republiky, sekcia verejnej správy; http://www.adminet.com/world/sk/ | |
35. E&E Local Government Center - Slovak Republic Local government Center. Europe Eurasia. slovak republic Institutional SupportSystems Private Contractors Association Influence in slovak Housing Sector http://www.usaid.gov/locations/europe_eurasia/dem_gov/local_gov/country/slovak.h | |
36. News From Slovakia - Slovensko.com they are involved have gained government contracts for met in the Kromeriz Chateau,in eastern Czech republic. Discussion. (Wed 12 May 04) slovak Prime Minister http://www.slovensko.com/modules.php?name=News&new_topic=5 |
37. MINISTRY OF DEFENCE OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC The government dismissed Mr R. Káèer from the post of the State Secretary ofthe Ministry of Defence of the slovak republic and subsequently 29 years old http://www.mod.gov.sk/english/index.asp | |
38. MINISTRY OF DEFENCE OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC The government of the slovak republic will take appropriate measures to allow theMinistry of Defence to coordinate a priority position in the defence industry http://www.mod.gov.sk/english/dokumenty/vyhlasenie.asp | |
39. Human Rights Watch: Europe And Central Asia : Slovak Republic Freedom in the slovak republic Heightened political tension has been characterizedby physical attacks on journalists critical of the former Meciar government. http://www.hrw.org/europe/slovakia.php | |
40. Slovakia - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Most executive power lies with the head of government, the prime minister is the150seat unicameral National Council of the slovak republic (Národná Rada http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slovakia | |
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