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1. The Slovak Republic Government Office Policy Statement of the Government of the Slovak Republic. 9.12.2002. 2003 PHAREPlanning document. 20.11.2002. The slovak republic government Office 19982004. http://www.government.gov.sk/english/ | |
2. CEESource - Slovak Republic 1992 from ICL. slovak republic government Server almost entirely in Slovak; small amount of Statement by the Government of the Slovak Republic on the Treaty with the Republic of http://law.gonzaga.edu/library/slovak.htm | |
3. The Slovak Republic Government world. Government of The Slovak Republic. Please note, the primary listingfor The Slovak Republic at Abacci Atlas is Slovakia. Country http://www.abacci.com/atlas/politics2.asp?misspellID=449 |
4. The Slovak Republic Government Office ÃÂPR, the Slovak Democratic Coalition, the Slovak Democratic and ChristianUnion. © The slovak republic government Office 19982004. http://www.euractiv.com/cgi-bin/cgint.exe?714&1015=8&1014=WWWGOVERNMENTGOVSKENGL |
5. The Slovak Republic Government Office private sector. He is married, has three children, and lives in BanskáÂtiavnica. © The slovak republic government Office 19982004. http://www.euractiv.com/cgi-bin/cgint.exe?714&1015=8&1014=WWWGOVERNMENTGOVSKENGL |
6. Internet Resources On Slovakia The slovak republic government Office. Elections Election Reports Slovakia(from the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights); http://www.ssees.ac.uk/slovak.htm | |
7. CompanyService - THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC - GOVERNMENT HOME THE slovak republic government, THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC. GOVERNMENT Governmenttype The Slovak Republic has a multiparty, parliamentary type of government. http://www.companyservice.sk/sr_gov.php | |
8. The Slovak Republic Government Office State Administration. The Government Office of the Slovak Republic, www.government.gov.sk. The slovak republic government Office 19982004. http://www.vlada.gov.sk/english/others_sites.html | |
9. Indiana University Bloomington Libraries Green Box Reference Sources: Slovak Rep 2003 (LC stacks) Government information/Official publications European Governmentsonline from the EU slovak republic government Office Permanent Mission to http://www.indiana.edu/~libgpd/guides/green/slovak_republic.html | |
10. IP Menu - Slovak Republic - Intellectual Property Resources GOVERNMENT, slovak republic government Entry Point. PATENT OFFICE, IndustrialProperty Office of the Slovak Republic (in English). IP FIRMS / ORGANISATIONS, http://www.ipmenu.com/country/slovakrepublic.htm | |
11. LookSmart - Directory - Slovak Republic nation, lying in Europe. slovak republic government Office Informsvisitor about latest events in Government. Includes photo, audio http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317916/us559898/us560051/us560097/ | |
12. Government Of The Slovak Republic - Eduseek Government of the Slovak Republic, Links. The slovak republic governmentOffice Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic -. http://www.eduseek.com/static/navigate11802.html | |
13. Resolution Of Government Of The Slovak Republic GOVERNMENT OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC. RESOLUTION OF GOVERNMENT OF THESLOVAK REPUBLIC. Proposal for Joint Action Plan on Transport and http://www.unece.org/poja/sl/eres1.htm | |
14. Resolution Of Government Of The Slovak Republic GOVERNMENT OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC. Government. A Endorses. A.1. Proposalfor the Joint Action Plan on Transport and the Environment http://www.unece.org/poja/sl/eres2.htm | |
15. Slovak Republic - Encyclopedia Article About Slovak Republic. Free Access, No Re External Links. Slovensko.com Guide to Slovakia with daily news;The slovak republic government Office - Official governmental site; http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Slovak Republic | |
16. Slovak Republic - Slovak Links Rock FM Radio. http//www.rockfmradio.sk/. Government. The slovak republic governmentOffice. http//www.government.gov.sk/. National Council (Parliament). http://www.czechslovak.com/slovak/indexSK.php?pageID=1&sp=Slovak Links |
17. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Society - Countries - Europe - Slovak 7. slovak republic government Office http//www.government.gov.sk/english/Informs visitor about latest events in Government. http://zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=560097 |
18. CIA - The World Factbook -- Slovakia head of government Prime Minister Mikulas DZURINDA (since 30 October 1998); Deputy Prime unicameral National Council of the slovak republic or Narodna Rada Slovenskej Republiky http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/lo.html | |
19. SLOVAKIA.ORG - External Links: Official government Related Sites Institutes, Boards Bureaus Air Traffic ControlAdministration; Army of the slovak republic; Bureau for Workers Safety and http://www.slovakia.org/links.htm | |
20. Governments On The WWW: Slovakia Prezident Slovenskej Republiky President of the slovak republic; Národná RadaNational Council; Ãrad Vlády government; Ministerstvo pre Správu a http://www.gksoft.com/govt/en/sk.html | |
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