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Skunks Wild: more detail | |||||
21. Skunk Spray Living with skunks. Examples of coexisting with wild skunks and how to makethem move to a new home. Link to James Firmiss Skunk and Opossum Page. http://www.humboldt.edu/~wfw2/skunkspray.shtml | |
22. Living With Skunks The Wellmeaning Skunk in his book wild Animals at Home (Grosset Dunlap, NewYork, 1913, 226p.) During a summer at Yellowstone Park, two skunks took up http://www.humboldt.edu/~wfw2/livingwskunks.html | |
23. Wild Turkey wild Turkey nests are made in the ground. Some predators that raid turkey nests includeRaccoons, Red Foxes, Striped skunks, crows, snakes, Virginia Opossums http://www.fcps.k12.va.us/StratfordLandingES/Ecology/mpages/wild_turkey.htm | |
24. All About Skunks Striped and hooded skunks in the wild generally have black fur with a single whitestripe starting at the top of the the head then forking into two stripes http://chrisinorl.home.att.net/about.html | |
26. Dave's Garden: Wild Life: Skunks skunks. Forum wild Life, Total Replies 5. Print . Author, Content.forgetmenot Apple Valley, CA Zone 8a Apr 27, 2004 906 PM. Does any http://davesgarden.com/t/427714/ | |
27. The SMALL AMIMALS Neither of these is effective, however, and skunks and porcupines are regularly killedby fast It is always good to remember that a wild animal does not make as http://www.americazoo.com/kids/small.htm | |
28. SkunkHaven: Intro To Skunks wild skunks warn predators and competitors by stomping their front feetand raising their tails in full bloom. skunks will run directly http://www.skunkhaven.net/SkunkIntro.htm | |
29. Welcome To Skunk Haven We are not a wild skunk rescue. Intro to skunks. An introduction to skunks,both wild and domestic. Basic Skunk Care. Caring for a pet skunk. http://www.skunkhaven.net/ | |
30. Critter Catalog Up to 90% of skunks die in their first winter. In the wild skunks may live to be2 to 3 years old. In captivity they have been known to survive for 5 years. http://www.biokids.umich.edu/critters/information/Mephitis_mephitis.html | |
31. Striped Skunk Striped skunks are highly susceptible to being struck by vehicles, and roadkilledanimals are Individuals seldom live more than two years in the wild. http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/nature/wild/mammals/skunk.htm | |
32. Wild Animals Ahead skunks need saving too. I apos;ve always been partial to skunks. We had seven wildskunks move into our home at one time. They came and went as they pleased. http://www.shareyourstate.com/adventure/animals.htm | |
33. Introduction confounded the food provisioning study, the radioequipped animals afforded us aunique opportunity to observe a population of wild striped skunks during an http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/othrdata/skunks/intro.htm |
34. Solving Problems With Skunks Liberal flushing with cold water will ease the discomfort of skunk spray in theeyes. Some information in this page was adapted from wild Neighbors The http://www.hsus.org/ace/13519 | |
35. Controlling Nuisance Skunks and Conditions. URL http//mdc.mo.gov/landown/wild/nuisance/skunks/index.htmLast modified Thursday, 01Jan-2004 182656 CST. http://www.conservation.state.mo.us/landown/wild/nuisance/skunks/ | |
36. CDC's Rabies Web Page That's Just For Kids skunks, 1. Foxes, 6. Bats, 31. Raccoons, 22. Rodents/rabbits, 0. Other wild animals,0. skunks. 59. Foxes. 6. Bats. 55. Raccoons. 0. Rodents/ rabbits. 0. Other wildanimals. 9. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvrd/kidsrabies/Statistics/statesa-g.htm | |
37. CDC's Rabies Web Page That's Just For Kids skunks. 25. Foxes. 25. Bats. 4. Raccoons. 80. Rodents/ rabbits. 0. Other wild animals.0. skunks. 34. Foxes. 0. Bats. 11. Raccoons. 0. Rodents/ rabbits. 0. Other wildanimals. 0. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvrd/kidsrabies/Statistics/statess-w.htm | |
38. PetPlace.com - Article: Skunks And Rabies owner must be licensed. In the wild, skunks, like other species, cancontract rabies. When they do, they die. But skunks have been http://www.petplace.com/Articles/artShow.asp?artID=1297 |
39. Skunks - Pictures, Breeders, Skunk Babies The removal of skunks from the wild isn t sanctioned, because there is noway to ensure that the Striped Skunk has not been exposed to rabies. http://www.striped-skunk.com/striped-skunk-management.htm | |
40. Skunks - Pictures, Breeders, Skunk Babies by ammonia or tomato juice. Striped Skunk Threats. Striped Skunkshave few enemies in the wild. Owls, hawks, coyotes, foxes, and http://www.striped-skunk.com/striped-skunk-pictures.htm | |
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