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Skunks Wild: more detail | |||
1. Resident Animals various reasons could not be returned to the wild and are permanent residents of the Animal Rescue League Facts on Wild skunks wild skunks can be found in open country http://www.pawildlifecenter.org/residents.htm | |
2. Owners Of Pet Skunks: Wild Encounters http://www.skunk-info.org/wildones/wild.htm |
3. Dark Truth Within; Skunk Links Skunks This website has Information about skunks but its stongest pointis tons upon tons of photos of all sorts of skunks wild and domestic. http://megaverse.net/anthro/darktruthwithin/links.html | |
4. Species-Specific Management (SSM) t work. References. Godin, AF 1982 Striped and hooded skunks wild Mammalsof N. America p. 674687. Rosatte, RC 1987. Striped, spotted http://fwie.fw.vt.edu/rhgiles/speciesssm/skunk.htm | |
5. Project Wildlife: Living With Skunks In the wild, skunks tend to den in shallow burrows or hollow logs. Theyare hardly ever found more than two miles from a water source. http://www.projectwildlife.org/living-skunks.htm | |
6. Skunks In The Wild Great pictures of pet skunks with several informative links. skunks In The wild. Click on each picture below to see a full size photo. http://chrisinorl.home.att.net/wild.html | |
7. Skunks One of the most misunderstood animals in North America, skunks are actually docile, benign animals that are quite beneficial to humans. Turtles and Tortoises. wild Ducks of North America skunks are members of the Mustelid family, a group that includes weasels, martens, and badgers http://www.hsus.org/ace/13518 | |
8. Nearctica - Family - Pets - Racoons And Skunks Pets Racoons and skunks. Special Segments. General Topics. Return to Pets Main Page rehabilitators" about taking racoons or skunks as pets is "don't". Dogs keeping of wild animals as pets . http://www.nearctica.com/family/pets/pmammal.htm | |
9. Owners Of Pet Skunks: Catch Me If You Can! Game Over! Sorry Bernie! Game Over! * Special Note * No skunks, wild or domestic,were harmed in the making of this game! Webmaster Tacy A. Kessler. http://www.skunk-info.org/games/bernie.htm | |
10. SK: Re: Adding People To Think Tank it was determined, after some discussion, that ALL skunks , wild or domestic MUST be included in the rabies is that Share deals with wild skunks, I have worked for 30 http://www.rdwarf.com/pipermail/skunks/1999-January/014908.html | |
11. Skunk Printout- EnchantedLearning.com Anatomy wild skunks are black and white, but the patterns vary. Theyall have a bushy tail, short legs, clawed feet, and a long snout. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/mammals/skunk/Skunkcoloring.shtml | |
12. Amarillo Globe-News: US & World News: Enid Police Won't Shoot Wild Skunks 05/26/ Enid police won't shoot wild skunks. ENID (AP) State health officials have persuaded Enid police to revise their policy of killing wild skunks to eradicate the threat of http://www.amarillonet.com/stories/052602/usn_enidpolice.shtml | |
13. Project Wildlife In the United States wild skunks are considered a rabies vector species; Anyone whogets bitten while handling a skunk should notify their physician and public http://www.projectwildlife.org/find-skunks.htm | |
14. Skunks | Skunk Spray | Wild Animals | Spotted, Striped, Hooded And Hognosed Striped Skunk. wild Things skunks and Skunk Spray skunks are wellknown for their nasty smelling spray. They re small furry animals http://www.kidzworld.com/site/p2112.htm | |
15. Kids Site | Teen Chat | Free Online Games | Dating Advice | Quizzes | PS2 Cheats wild Things Reindeer/Caribou, wild Things - Shark Attack! wild Things- skunks and Skunk Spray, wild Things - Sting of the Hornet. http://www.kidzworld.com/site/the_lab_archive.htm | |
16. Skunksaspets Don't take skunks from the wild !If you wanted a puppy you wouldn't steel one from from awolf Same thing with skunks. wildskunks are not good pets http://www.k9du.homestead.com/skunksaspets.html | |
17. No Click - No Right While skunks As Pets deals with Domestic/Penraised skunks, we arefrequently contacted by people with wild skunk problems. Here http://www.skunksaspets.com/new_page_2.htm | |
18. Dragoo's Wild Skunk Information skunks. and Skunk Reputations. The primary goal of this site is toprovide basic biological information pertaining to wild skunks. We http://www.dragoo.org/ | |
19. Dragoo's Skunk Page skunks. Development of a vaccine will allow us to better understandhow the rabies virus functions in skunks, wild and domestic. The http://www.dragoo.org/PetSkunks.html | |
20. Skunk Habitat/Attracting Skunks Also, I imagine putting a little pond in the backyard might encourage Ma Skunk tobring her little ones into the Rabies is always a concern with wild animals. http://forums.gardenweb.com/forums/load/wildlife/msg0508371225272.html | |
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