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41. Melissa Kaplan's Herps: Lizards Agamas Alligator lizards Anoles Basilisk Bearded Dragons Bluetongue skink ButterflyAgamas/Butterfly lizards Casque-Headed Iguana Chameleons Club-tailed http://www.anapsid.org/mainlizards.html | |
42. Blue-tongued Skink Printout- EnchantedLearning.com Classification Class Reptilia (reptiles), Order Squamata (lizards and snakes),Family Scincidae (skinks), Genus Tiliqua , Species scincoides. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/reptiles/lizard/Bluetonguedskink.shtml | |
43. Petfo.com - Reptiles And Amphibians: Lizards: Skink The Blue Tongue Pages. Dedicated to the captive care of the Blue TonguedSkink. Tiliqua sp. http//members.aol.com/~scincoides/ Hits http://www.petfo.com/dir/Reptiles_and_Amphibians/Lizards/Skink/ | |
44. AcclaimImages.com - Pictures, Stock Photographs And Stock Photos Of Lizards 5045 Reptiles; Banded Iguana 00170403-2806-2733 Sunbaking skink 0001-0209-1309-3901Lizard 0017-0309-1216-4253 skink Lizard Posing For Camera 0001-0404 http://www.acclaimstockphotography.com/search_terms/lizards.html | |
45. Lizards Imperfect. *** Copy what you want to order and click here to order.lizards. 50 OCELLATED SAND skink Chalcides ocellatus, WC, 10.00. 1 http://www.gherp.com/gherp/pages/lizardstock.htm | |
46. Fauna Imports UK ... Lizard Stock List ... Gecko ... Skink ... Anoles ... Monito species, 6cm. GARDEN FENCE lizards limited, WC, Calotes versicolor, 9cm.ASIAN SUN SKINKS hardy livebearers, WC, Mabuya macularia, 810cm. DWARF http://www.faunaimportuk.com/lizards.htm | |
47. Texas Lizards lined skink Scincella Mittleman 1950 Ground skinks S. lateralis (Say, in James1823) Ground skink Anguidae Lateral Fold lizards Gerrhonotus Wiegmann http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/nature/wild/reptiles/txlacert.htm | |
48. AMAZONIA LIZARDS backspotted skink, lizards, just out of the bag, Mabuya nigropalmata, (one at leftis just upside down), Still to be identified algs15.jpg (83712 bytes). G sp, http://mywebpages.comcast.net/smallan/Amazon/alizard.htm | |
49. Pet Lover's Directory: Reptiles And Amphibians/Lizards/Skinks Categories There are currently no subcategories! Links The Blue Tongue PagesDedicated to the care and understanding of the blue-tongued skink. http://www.petloverstalk.com/dir/Reptiles_and_Amphibians/Lizards/Skinks/ | |
50. Broadheaded Skink Broadheaded skinks are semi-arboreal lizards, that is, ones that spend a gooddeal of time in trees, where they search for food, sleep, seek shelter from http://www.parcplace.org/education/sparc/trip23.htm | |
51. California Zoological Supply | Lizards Night Bark Madagascar False Chuckwalla Madagascar Rainbow Rock Lizard LizardMountainHorned Yellow Head Gecko Zulu Gecko skinkS African Rock skink Blue Tongue http://www.calzoo.com/lizards.html | |
52. Skinks The skinks make up the largest family of lizards,with the number of species varying between 8001,200. Most......skink. http://www.coolcreaturez.coolfreepages.com/skink.html | |
53. Blue Tongued Skink IX. BIBLIOGRAPHY Internet Bluetongued lizards. Australian Museum Online. http//www.austmus.gov.au/is/sand/blueton.htm;Blue-Tongued skink. Fact sheet. http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azblue_tongued_skink.html | |
54. Blue Tongue Skink Care life of your lizard. 3. Do not house skinks of different sizes togetherthisis a sure problem for the smaller lizards health. http://www.sundialreptile.com/care sheet-skink.htm | |
55. Chevron Skink Chevron skink. What are chevron skink? The chevron skink is one of New Zealand srarest lizards. It is listed internationally as a vulnerable species. http://www.doc.govt.nz/Conservation/001~Plants-and-Animals/001~Native-Animals/Ch | |
56. DOC: Otago Skink And Grand Skink Otago skink and Grand skink. Otago s great lizards. The Otago skink and grand skinkare two of New Zealand s most impressive lizards, and grow as long as 300mm. http://www.doc.govt.nz/Conservation/001~Plants-and-Animals/001~Native-Animals/Ot | |
57. California Lizards Es interparietalis Coronado skink, Es skiltonianus - Skilton s skink,Es interparietalis - Coronado Island skink. Xantusiidae - Night lizards, http://www.californiaherps.com/lizards/lizards.html | |
58. Skinks CLASS REPTILIA. Order Squamata Snakes and lizards Suborder Lacertilializards. SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME Family Scincidae, skink Family. http://www.uga.edu/srelherp/lizards/skinks.htm | |
59. Leaping Lizards !  Lizards Of Southeast Asia Sabah Slender skink Sphenomorphus sabanus, Butterfly lizards. Family Uromasticidae, Common Butterfly Lizard Leiolepis belliana, Monitors. http://www.ecologyasia.com/FOW_Pages/singapore-lizards.htm | |
60. May 2002 - Ohio Reptiles - Lizards scales on their undersides. Northern Fence Lizard. Ground skink.FiveLined skink. Broad-Headed skink. There should be no confusion http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/publications/reptiles/lizards.htm | |
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