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81. »»Reviews For Skaters«« and I must say I have a clearer picture with regards to the skaters/artists I Betterthan most skater biographies. This is a very interesting, detailed biography http://www.booksunderreview.com/Sports/Skating/Ice_Skating/Skaters/Skaters_2.htm | |
82. Sport Databases/Directories Each biography includes a bibliogaphy for further reading. National women s Law CenterClick on the section Those Concerned about Advocacy for Figure skaters. http://www.ucalgary.ca/library/ssportsite/database.html | |
83. Figure Skating - Encyclopedia: Article And Reference Information ice. Notable figure skaters. Men. Yagudin. women. Tenley Albright; OksanaBaiul; Chen Lu; Tiffany Chin; Josee Chouinard; Sasha Cohen; Peggy Fleming; http://encyclopedia.ekist.de/f/fi/figure_skating.html | |
84. Books & Publications Cart, Superstars of women s Figure Skating breathtaking photographs, fascinatingbiographies, and an today s and tomorrow s - most extraordinary skaters. http://store.worldskatingmuseum.org/books.html | |
85. David Hockney Online Hockney Ponders Fame and Eclecticism, article by Mary Blume Tate Gallery, London,UK Biography only The skaters/Venice Buy this print List all women Artists. http://www.artcyclopedia.com/artists/hockney_david.html | |
86. Forthcoming Books, September 1999 ISBN 07715-7668-4 $29.95 1. Manley, Elizabeth, 1965- 2. SkatersCanada Biography3. women skatersCanadaBiography 4. SkatingCanada I. Prouse, Lynda http://collection.collectionscanada.ca/100/202/301/forthcoming/HTML/1999/99-09/e | |
87. Bomis: The Arts/Celebrities/Galleries/Female Ring Top celebities photos, biography and filmography free nonnude pictures of sexy womencelebrities and female gymnasts, tennis players, skaters, wrestling ladies http://www.bomis.com/rings/Mgalleries-female-arts/ | |
88. Women In Sports Fleming s marketing development set the standard for today s generations of figureskaters. share her experience with the public so that other women would be http://t3.preservice.org/T0110467/Sports.html | |
89. HickokSports.com - Biography - Connie Carpenter Like most speed skaters, Carpenter trained on a bicycle during the offseason. InternationalWomen s Sports Hall of Fame. Top of Page. http://www.hickoksports.com/biograph/carpentc.shtml | |
90. Joan Ryan, Little Girls In Pretty Boxes: The Making And Breaking Of Elite Gymnas JOAN RYAN, LITTLE GIRLS IN PRETTY BOXES THE MAKINGAND BREAKING OF ELITE GYMNASTS AND FIGURE skaters. http://www.reviewcentre.com/reviews24242.html | |
91. Non-Fiction Books Reviews By Rainbo Electronic Reviews - Biographies, Science, A if you are not a huge fan of Elizabeth Taylor, this biography is a pleasing pageturner.cover. Ice Cream Thirty of the Most Interesting skaters in History By http://www.rainboreviews.com/archive/0203reviews/nonfict.htm | |
92. Encyclopedia4U - Speed Skating - Encyclopedia Article Usual distance include the 500 m, 1000 m, 1500 m, 3000 m (women only), 5000 m Skatersskate four distances and a ranking is made up based on the times skated http://www.encyclopedia4u.com/s/speed-skating.html | |
93. The Second Mark Courage, Corruption, And The Battle For Olympic Gold By Joy Good skaters . The 32%). Champions on Ice TwentyFive Years of the World sFinest Figure skaters by CHRISTINE BRENNAN Our Price $29.95. http://www.bookhills.com/The_Second_Mark_Courage_Corruption_and_the_Battle_for_O | |
94. Search Results she becomes one of only three women to play This lively series of sports biographiesemphasizes the combination look at these two highlypopular skaterson a http://shopping.msn.com/fts/ftsresults.aspx?pcid=13374 |
95. Forthcoming Books, November 2001 hall of fame series. pour la jeunesse 3. PatineursCanadaBiographiesOuvragespour 0-439-98941-8 1. SkatersBiographyJuvenile literature http://collection.collectionscanada.ca/100/202/301/forthcoming/HTML/2001/01-11/e | |
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