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61. Welcome To Webrary! Discusses the past and future of women s figure skating and presents biographiesof eight of the sport s most famous skaters Oksana Baiul, Surya Bonaly, Nancy http://www.millbrookpress.com/(millbrookpress)AuthorSearch?p=Rutledge, Rachel. |
62. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Sports > ... > Ice Skating > Skaters > Fleming, Pe Ice Skating skaters Fleming, Peggy. 5.0 of 5 stars www.britannica.com/women/articles/Fleming_Peggy Biographyon A E Peggy Fleming Brief description of career http://www.alexa.com/browse/general?catid=1107455&mode=general |
63. Women Gymnast Gymnasts and figure skaters do not lead the perfe of Krista Quiner s other gymnasticsbiographies, this one The Story of Americas 1996 women s Gymnastics Team http://sport-books-online.net/Women_Gymnast.html | |
64. Peggy Fleming Gathering 22 superb women athletes from a wide spectrum of history of the sport; shortbiographies of the most influential and important skaters; lists of http://sport-books-online.net/search_Peggy_Fleming/searchBy_Author.html | |
65. Olympics 2002: Speed Skating for each heat, while in the 1,500meter event there are six skaters on the ice chancefor a medal thanks to men s star Apolo Anton Ohno and women s top entrant http://www.infoplease.com/spot/02olspeedskating1.html | |
66. The Infoplease Crossword Puzzle: Women In Sports Staples 24. * Figure skaters and Rhythmic Gymnasts must devise them 27. Name fromthe 1992 movie about women s baseball called A League of Their Own 57. http://www.infoplease.com/xwords/womensports.html | |
67. Miscellaneous Sports An Elvis Stojko Fan Page Biography, pictures and everything to know about your favoritefigure skaters! Baiul, an Olympic champion in women s figure skating. http://www.eagle.ca/~matink/themes/Sports/sprtmisc.html | |
68. New York State In Early Women's Sports History popularizing synchronized swimming nationwide. 1948 Roller Derby isbroadcast live on television from New York City with women skaters. http://www.northnet.org/stlawrenceaauw/nystime.htm | |
69. History Of Women In Sports Timeline - Part 2 - 1900 - 1929 1902 Britian s Madge Syers opens the door for women figure skaters whenshe enters the all-male 1902 world championships and places second. http://www.northnet.org/stlawrenceaauw/timelne2.htm | |
70. Biographies--By Category Articles Media Gallery Documents Britannica Classics women s History on the web tennisplayers, golfers, runners, baseball players, gymnasts, skaters, etc. http://www.britannica.com/women/ind_articles02-a.html | |
71. Amazon.ca: Books: On The Ice With...Tara Lapinski literature Lipinski, Tara, skaters skaters; United States; Biography; Juvenile literature.Sports Recreation Winter Sports United States women; Biography. http://www.growingsport.com/ac/amazonca/0316142573.html | |
72. HickokSports.com - Biography - Beth Heiden Like many speed skaters, Heiden competed in cycling as a means of Two years later,she won the first NCAA women s championship in the Cycling Biography Index. http://www.hickoksports.com/biograph/heidenbeth.shtml | |
73. Compare Womens Studies Books Reviews At Review Centre in Pretty Boxes The Making and Breaking of Elite Gymnasts and Figure skaters, 3,£7.19, 9.3, John Stuart Mill,Susan M Okin, The Subjection of women, 1, £3.95,6, http://www.reviewcentre.com/products1502.html | |
74. WSF Biographies WSF biographies. She has received her lowtest judge s appointment and parented twoskaters. 1984 and 1988 Olympic Gold Medalist, dominated women s skating in http://www.worldskating.org/news/bios.shtml | |
75. Oztrack Ice Skating Online Bookstore competition between the two toprated women, Michelle Kwan history of the sport; shortbiographies of the most influential and important skaters; lists of http://www.oztrack.com/ozice.htm | |
76. Roller Jam Links A Rollerjam site dedicated to my favorite skaters in the Blitsch Fan page with picturesand brief biography. The women of RollerJam - A site dedicated to the http://www.sportsfansofamerica.com/Links/Other/Roller_Jam1.htm | |
77. Inline Skates And Aggressive Blades The site contains pictures, team biographies and skate video or read articles by otherskaters Team Urban and a message board WASN (women s Aggressive Skating http://www.w1ld.com/blades.html | |
78. Encyclopedia4U - Figure Skating - Encyclopedia Article on ice. Notable figure skaters. Men. Wylie. women. Tenley Albright; ChenLu; Josee Chouinard; Peggy Fleming; Dorothy Hamill; Tonya Harding; Carol http://www.encyclopedia4u.com/f/figure-skating.html | |
79. Shannon Miller My Child, My Hero By Gayle White, Shannon Miller, Claudia Ann Mil Founding Mothers The women Who Raised Our Nation by Breaking of Elite Gymnasts andFigure skaters by Joan Zmeskal Determination to Win A Biography by Krista http://www.bookhills.com/Shannon_Miller_My_Child_My_Hero_0806131101.htm | |
80. »»Reviews For Skaters«« This is certainly one of the better juvenile biographies of Bonnie Blair.Choreography and Style for Ice skaters. Published in Paperback by St. http://www.booksunderreview.com/Sports/Skateboarding/Skaters/Skaters_2.html | |
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